crazieamie v3 Bookworm

9/6/04 Hey guys!! Like the new layout? I got the pic from my friend Em, but I have the feeling she got it from some other site. Now I'm one that is firmly behind not stealing, but this pic was soo cute and I can't say no to Em when she asked me if I could use it. It totally fits because i'm going to a real college now and I am notorious for being a bookworm. Plus, everyone knows I'm crazy about Gilmore Girls. But please, if anyone knows where this pic can be found, please tell me so I can email them or give them proper credit or whatever they want. The coding credit goes to Pink Designs and I am begging y'all to go visit there if you need a cool layout.

I'm sorry about the ads. Most are blocked but ad-blockers, but it's not always the case. Ads are not only a pain in the ass for you, but for me as well. I'm hoping on somebody hosting me or something cause there is no way I can actually pay for a domain. (after all, I'm a college student ^.^ ) Also, I want to add that bravenet was being stupid and deleted my guestbook account, so i had to add a new one. It looks so empty now... like my stomach....

10/11/04 Yay! people are going to my oc quote page. Woo! The bad news is that they are only going there for the quotes and not coming here. Boo. But hey, if you're looking for the quotes, you'll most likely stay there.

I'm sorry I haven't updated much. School stuff for the most part. I have so much homework to do and like most procrastinators, I don't feel like working on it. College life is fun, but it's fustrating when you have to do the work. Oy with the poodles already!!

oh. and I don't know why angelfire is being gay and having such a delay on accessing my page. My oc page and the quotequeen page has been working properly... so i don't know why the /index page is different. ::shrugs::

Happy Birthday Hugs to Jillybean, who turns 20 today!! wooo!!

still on the agenda:
+I plan on updating the that 70s show pages so it looks neater and more easier to well as adding the other seasons of buffy.
+I'm also adding more quotes (if possible) I'm thinking "Dark Angel" It took me a while, but I finally bought the DVD seasons. I loved the show when it was on. I nearly cried when it was canceled. If only they didn't put it on a freakn' friday it would have done good... but noooo. Honestly, the execs don't know anything about their product placement...

.... meh.

**** Since i'm at school now, I use my laptop so the size revolutions are gonna be a bit weird if you don't have one. I'm really sorry for all u regular PC-er's. :( ******

now as soon as ur done looking around my site you better start on your homework... ::stern look:: i mean it...

Special thanx (again)goes to:
Pink Design thank you, Beth.

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