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Site by Degu of Stone Island. Stone Island Animated Logo provided by Amethyst of Stone Island. Stone Island originally created by Pumpkin and Topcat of Stone Island. Forums by Degu of Stone Island.

  Stone Island HQ - We like geese

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Stone Island Mascot

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My friends, I give you... Arthur! After becoming slightly insane, I decided that Stone Island needed a mascot, cadidates included - My rabbit, Pete Sampras, A random giraffe, a small pot of cress, your mother, and several others. Finally, due to TC often having to leave the game to tend to his dog, I became aware of a new option, TC's dog Arthur. I decided on Arthur, the dog of our very own cat (that's TC in case you didn't know, and yes, he is actually a cat I'm assured...) and now because I possibly belong in a mental hospital, I have a page with a marginally crazy rant and a picture of a dog, and I claim that it is content. :) Anyways, I'm happy with it, Arthur is the man/dog.

Arthur is 7 and his hobbies include - sleeping, eating, breaking wind and eating frogs. Kinda like TC really... ;)

Stone Island Notes:

Next Recruitment - Blah