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Site by Degu of Stone Island. Stone Island Animated Logo provided by Amethyst of Stone Island. Stone Island originally created by Pumpkin and Topcat of Stone Island. Forums by Degu of Stone Island.

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For some of my better writing check out my new site (coming soon), I'll put it in the links when it's ready. Ta - Degu.

A soft breeze gently passed over the four Hunters. The place was hauntingly beautiful, the wondrous blue sky broken solely by wispy clouds that could only have come from heaven. The grass beneath their feet was lush and green, and two bustling flower beds could be seen encompassing large tablets of marble to their left and right outside the cave. A huge column was visible ahead; it stood up from the ground, piercing the sky in all its menacing stone splendour. The group cautiously shuffled out of the cave, frantically glancing around to pick up a threat before it was too late. They found nothing.

“Guy’s, I’m getting really crazy energy readings from that column there. I’ve never seen anything like it before.” Zev whispered down the comms. He and RJ were responsible for creature data and such so that the Hunter’s could be more efficient on Ragol. “Be careful down there, this is lookin’ like the big one.” RJ added.

“You got it.” Pumpkin stepped over to the left flower bed. “Hey, there’s some writing here.” His blue robe swung violently as the breeze picked up, its golden highlights shimmering in the sunlight. The small FOmar’s team mates came to investigate.

“Can you make it out PK?” RJ jumped in on the comms again.

“Not sure man,” he leaned in and studied the characters engraved in the stone hard. “I can’t make anything out; I hardly studied this stuff on Pioneer 2. Delen, what about you?”

A young woman stepped forward from the group, her long brown hair covering half of her face. She knelt; silently taking in the engravings, the purple markings on her black dress glowed eerily as she read.

“I’m not sure, something concerning darkness. Souls maybe.” She frowned as she stood; it wasn’t often that Delen was this confused.

Silence filled the place. There was something there, something was watching them, TC shuddered. “I’m gonna check that column out. We can’t just stand here crappin’ ourselves all day!”

“Agreed, I’ll go with you.” Dirx began walking with his old friend. “I hope this ain’t a bad idea pal.” The long haired Ranger glanced at his companion as they approached the magnificent spire.

“Oh, that’s strange; I was hoping this was the worst decision of our lives (!)” TC was always ready with a quip. He smiled, and ruffled Dirx’s hair with his green gloved hand. “You done well kid, whatever happens… People’ll tell their grandkids about us.”

“You were a good teacher. Let’s hope we can tell our own grandkids about it eh?” He returned the smile.

“Look dude, this ain’t a joke. Gimme the damn meseta or you die, simple as that. Any questions? Heroes? No? Good.” The infamous bank robber Anarchy was once again up to his old tricks. Having failed the Hunter’s exam as a youngster, he decided to train himself in the fine art of theft, and he trained himself well, he was a wanted man at only seventeen, and the Pioneer 2’s security had not been able to capture him since his crime spree started several weeks ago. He knew every single crevice in the entire ship.

The nimble young man dashed out of the East City Bank the second he received his pay, the orange and yellow of his tattered Hunter’s uniform a blur as he sped past the police, slamming the butt of his DB’s Saber into the faces of many of them.

“Fools.” He laughed under his breath as he heard the yelps of pain and the echoes of curses behind him. Now, to find a suitable escape route…

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