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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs

Bo comes to Visit

August 16th 2005

BMD's Sunny, Barney and Bo
L-R Sunny, Barney Me & Bo

Today, Kelvin and Royce came to visit with 11 yr old Bo.

It was a sad visit as they just a few days ago lost their 8 yr old Bernese girl, Amber, to Malignant Histiocytosis, the same cancer took out my Simmy so very fast last October!

But we stay upbeat with our three veterans. "Grrr!" Says Barney. "I am only Seven+"

Berners say "Hello"£
L-R Barney, Bo amd Sunny

"Hi Barney, really good to see you, has been a while!" says Bo!

"Hey, Bo!" Thought you were my Boyfriend!" says Sunny

3 BMD#s and liver pate

Bo sadly was also diagnosed with B-Cell Lymphoma a few months ago and is on chemo. Kelvin and Royce have been having problems recently getting him to take his medication, so here today also to check out Jean's recipe for her gently cooked liver, olive oil and raw garlic pate she makes to feed those many pills that the dogs just adore.

Yes! Bo and Sunny have noses up and sniffing, even with the foil still on the dish!

Bernese Mountain dog Howl

"Hey, Bo," Says Barney, "Why are you howling! Royce promises she will make you some of this stuff tomorrow! It's very tasty, I get mine after Sunny gets her tablets!"

Berner Hiugs

L-R Royce, Barney, Bo, Sunny and Kelvin

Bernese Farewell

Has been a great visit but now time to go!

Bernese Galore

Final Hugs!!

Kelvin & Berner Bo

"So pleased you brought me out here today" says Bo "I am missing Amber so much, was so good to see Sunny and Barney again!

Can we come back soon and do walk in the woods soon?"

We stay upbeat for our veterans!:-)))

And for earlier happy days

Amber & Bo come to visit:

Barney's 2nd visit with Amber and Bo

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