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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs

Walk in the Woods!

July 22nd 2010

Herb has been with us for coming up to three months now and he and Pixie make a great team together, she loves to show him new paths to explore when we go up into our woods.

Where are you taking me today, Pixie?

Good sniffs when you get to the conifer patch!

This is a really good one, Herb!

What happens if we go on this way?

Takes us up onto the bridle path. This way, Herb!

Pixie, where are you? Wait for me!

That's better, a bit more room. We can run side-by-side!

Wow! We've come out up by the cottage in the woods.

I think Jean needs to bring the strimmer up here, it's a jungle!

I know the way back from here!

Come on, Pixie, let's go home!

See, there's the house down there!

Come on Herb, it's this way!

Pixie's roly-polying down the hill!
*Zoom in here*

How does she do that and land on four feet?

{short description of image}
Last stop, the veggie garden to see if any strawberries have ripened while we've been out!

We've had a great walk!

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