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Longlease Bernese Mountain Dogs

In Loving Memory of

Bernese Boy, Bramble

"He would have been 10 in May 2007

If not hampered by bilateral hindleg paralysis which progressively spread up his spine....he was still a healthy dog. Until his life became more of a chore to be endured than a pleasure.... at which stage, last week, his mum made the decision to let him run free at the rainbow bridge. He wasn't MY dog. By propriety law. He was, like his mum, simply my friend. But you know what it's like, your close friends ARE your family. They are yours by heart.

There is an empty food bowl in my house, an empty space under the table...a acre of space in my heart ..all which belonged to my friend. His mum is devastated. The right decision, no doubt about it, and yet, and yet.... the pain is mind blowing.

It was an honour to have you in my life, beloved boy. It was equally an honour to share your last moment here. 8 years ago, you stormed into my life so vibrantly... and then slipped out so softly, so quietly. Even after you passed, I looked at you and thought you were the most gorgeous Bernese I have ever known.

Run free again. No more wheelchairs, walking aids, restrictions. Run...and know we miss you...and love you. Look after your mum from up there, you hear, she needs you. We'll do our best down here. Although we are a pitiful substitute...for you.

Michaela, Harvey & Rupert"

From Allison who is missing her Boy so very much

"My darling little boy

There are so many things that have broken my heart
But none as hard as when we had to part
The day you laid you little head down to rest for good
And I caressed your big soft ears for as long as I could

You'd closed your eyes as if your were sleeping
If only you were I wouldn't be weeping
You lived your life to run and play
What I wouldn't have given to have you stay

Your legs gave up but your mind stayed strong
So we gave you wheels to help you along
Your tail stopped wagging and you couldn't sit alone
Everything became difficult with more time spent at home

Lying on the floor and snuggling in so tight
Whispering sweet nothings and all by candlelight
I'd listen to your heartbeat and hear you snore so loud
A smile would come across me as I would feel so proud

You put your head in my hands and looked me in the eye
Saying my dear mummy it is time to say goodbye
I didn't want to do it but knew it was for you
I didn't want to let you go but knew I must be true

I can't believe that we are apart
And all this pain that breaks my heart
I want you to know that I loved you so much
You will always be with me in everything I touch

Good bye my darling Bramble"

Bernese Boy, Bramble

For happier days and Bramble's 9th Birthday
<click here>

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