Lady Kayura

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Unfortunately, some Kayura pages don't exist anymore and others are closed down. So if you're wondering where some links went, I took them down. Oh well, even though the old ones are gone, I've got new ones to put up... ^_^

Lady Kayura's Midnight Garden
Want more info on Lady Kayura? This is the place to go!

The Weirdo Zone
One whole page devoted to Kayura... take a look...

If you don't like Lady Kayura and prefer more general stuff on the Ronin Warriors... I recommend the following pages:

Dais and Kento's Room
This is a one crazy site, should really take a look at it.

Lady Kayura's Fanfic Temple
Another great site, must visit!!

The Dynasty: A YST Shrine
Cool site packed with info... should take a look ^_^

Ok... this ain't a ronin site but just take a look anyways ^_^
The Gateway to Hell
The webmaster here likes to doodle... so maybe you can make a few requests on certain anime pictures ^_^