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5-15-02~finally AP tests are over! which means i won't be studying for the next few months, and be extremely bored. this = more updates! Yay. Well i finally got off my ass and worked on the Artwork section. Its still really small, but much better than before. I noticed i haven't been getting any guestbook entries. please please please update my guestbook! i like reading comments!

1-20-02~Huge update. I moved a lot of the directories around which was a pain and very tedious, but at least everything seems more organized now. Huge update in the About Me section (profile, hatelist, obsession), i scanned new photographs, added new links, and wrote new dedications in the Friends section. Artwork section is currently down. The miscellaneous section is just there just in case i feel like adding anything, so its also not running. Enjoy!

8-22-01~Update friends section, added one new fanart, and also fixed some broken/missing links. I will also be working on the Balambfish cult page soon when I get all my summer homework done x.x turns out I might be taking more AP classes than I should. ;.; I wanted year book damnit!

7-15-01~New section under fanart.

6-28-01~BIG UPDATE!!!!! As you can see, I did this all in one day cuz I couldn't bare with the pink anymore. Yeah it took a while, and it might take a while to load too. But I like it, its different. Not only did I change the entire layout, I also added 3 new original artwork under the fanart section, and added 3 new stuff to the graphics section. I will be attending Anime Expo next week, so I'll get more stuff to update. Til then, enjoy!

6-23-01~It seems like its been a while since I updated, but its not true >< I've been writing in my journal almost daily now thanks to LiveJournal. Anywayz, I added a new section, The Library, its bascially a collection of written works by me. I also updated the Photo Gallery. Lots and Lots of new pictures (around 19 to be exact). Also updated About Me section.

*mentions Kaji-Ryouji guy and Mawia*

4-6-01~Added Entry #4 in mah journal, I'm trying to debate whether I should change the layout, I'm kinda sick of pink, and it clashes with the title page. Anywayz, sign mah guestbook people! And I been soo lagging in traffic lately =/


Made 2 new wallpapers! Yay =o Both Angel Sanctuary. And added a ViVi winamp skin.


Added 2 entries in online Journal since last month. Didn't really have time to do anything else, Sign my guestbook people!


Added online Journal, first entry, look under About me.


Changed opening picture. The old openning pics are in the Graphics section, added 1 artwork in Fanart/Original artwork gallery.


Updated Photo section. New wallet pics, and a pic of ME! you have to find it though, it ish hidden!


Added Obession section. Couldn't really think of a better title, but its basically a page of things I like. Update Ayumi Shrine.


Added members application for Cult, its just something silly I wanted to test out, to learn forms and all. It not like you can really apply x.x, its just a joke, but feel free to fill it out, I wanna see some interesting entries. I added the Picture section in my Australia journal, 55 new photos, and yes I'm in some of them, actually a lot of them.


I finally updated, I know!! x.x; Not much though, except I decided to add a Merchandise section under Miscellaneous in my Tales of Phantasia section! It took forever, all in one night =o!!! But its pretty informative. Also added a small shrine for Balambfish Cult, hehe ^^.


Big update! Changed the whole layout of my site. I'm not done yet, I still have to change the contents, add fanarts, etc. About me sect, Friends list been updated. Also added 3 new fanarts. I also added the link to the Australia journal thingy, but its still under major construction.


I uploaded a couple wallpapers I made and placed it under Other/Miscellaneous section. Also added a directory thingy cuz the page is getting pretty messy. I'm too lazy to make new headers and change the image map on my main page >< so I'm pretty much placing everything that doesn't fit into other categories under Miscellaneous instead of giving it its own category.


I been gone for 3 weeks, my excuse for not updating! Whats pretty cool is people actually asked me if I'm going to add more contents to the site. o.o I didn't even know people cared. Well pretty much the site is the same, I added stuff to the link section, easiest thing to update. Right now this is just a rant, maybe I should make like a journal or something instead of typing my complaints here. Oh yeah, I took down the old complaint section, cuz I realized some things were a bit offensive (the fact that I actually named the people I was talking about -.-;). Once Its winter break I'll be doing a lot more updates ^.^;; I promise, maybe even put up a journal for my trip to Australia. Theres still going to be updates, just not as often. Oh one more thing I see that the counter is working, but I only had 1 new guestbook entry since I left >P. Come-on people! Su has 84 entries and she started her site like 2 months ago!


Got a lot of e-mail and etc from people telling me my 2nd site ish down. That's cuz crosswind took it down ;.;. So it won't be back for a while. I'll whip up something when I get the chance to. Anywayz, I did update the Picture/Photo Gallery, and also I added miscellaneous stuff and one image to the Tales of Phantasia Shrine.


So I got really bored this week and decided to change the entire look of my page. I think it looks a lot better, some may disagree, but since this is my page, who cares what they think. No real update except I decided to make a page for my previous updates, just click on the update link above. Also the guestbook is working again, Yay!


Okay lots I made lots of updates this week!! Yay! Anywayz, I wrote up new shouts and added more people to my friends list (that took a really long time x.x). I also updated the Ayumi Shrine (Music section ish now up! sorry no mp3s). I added 5 new pics to the fanart page, and I'm also working on a new layout for the page! Wrote a new complaint, and deciding if I should put my Anime Expo con report on this page or the Ultimate Anime Page (which is kinda empty). I took down the message board, cuz no one uses it, and I'm rewriting my top 10 lists.