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Compiled by James E. McGhee

A-B | C-D | E-F | G-H | I-J | K-L | M-N | O-P | Q-R | S-T | U-V | W-X | Y-Z


SADDLER, FRANKLIN A.: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co B 19 Aug 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $15. Transferred to dismounted cavalry 10 Aug 1862.  Returned to command and paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

SADDLER, JOSEPH A.: Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co K 2 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Detailed as carpenter at Batesville, AR 1 Mar 1863 and again in Aug 1863.  (No Further Record).

SADDLER, WILLIAM A.: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co G 21 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $80 and horse equipment at $5. Transferred to dismounted cavalry and deserted 24 Jul 1863.

SANDERS, ALBERT HIRAM: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co A 24 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  He was captured in Bollinger County, MO 4 Nov 1862 and held as prisoner of war until paroled.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865. Died 9 Jul 1904 and is buried at Old Union Methodist Cemetery, near Bessville, Bollinger County, MO.

SANDERS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Age: 16.  Enlistment data is not of record.  Paroled as Private, Co E, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: New Madrid County. Died in Monroe Co, AR, 1894 of yellow fever.

SANDERS, CHRISTIAN: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co A 17 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Deserted 25 Dec 1862.

SANDERS, JAMES: Age: 27. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Appointed 3rd Corporal 4 Oct 1862.  Promoted to 2nd Corporal 6 Dec 1862.  Present Apr 1863.  (No Further Record)
SAWYERS, JOHN: Age: 18. Enlisted as Private in Co D 22 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $80 and horse equipment at $8.  Died of cause not of record at Camp Porter, AR 16 Feb 1863.

SAYERS, WILLIAM HOUGH: Age: 20. (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division). Enlisted as Private in Co E 20 Sep 1862 in Mississippi County.  Horse appraised at $75 and horse equipment at $5.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

SCHAEFFER, HENRY W.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co A 19 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Appointed 3rd Corporal 31 Aug 1862.  Promoted to 2nd Corporal at date not of record.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry but returned to command 4 Sep 1863. Taken prisoner at Mine Creek, KS 25 Oct 1864.  Exchanged Mar 1865.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Bollinger County.

SCOTT, JACKSON H.: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co A 17 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Deserted 25 Sep 1862.

SEABAUGH, CHARLES C.: Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co B 13 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 18 Oct 1862.  Apparently returned to command as he subsequently served in 4th MO Field Artillery (Harris' Battery) and was paroled with that unit at Grand Ecore, LA 6 Jun 1865.  Residence: Bollinger County.

SEABAUGH, JOHN ALLEN: Age: ?  His enlistment data is not of record.  Paroled as Private, Co B, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Bollinger County. His pension application is on file at the MO State Archives, Jefferson City, MO. Buried at Sedgewickville Cemetery, Bollinger County, MO.

SELF, REECE B.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 20.  Enlisted as Private in Co B 19 Aug 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry and deserted 20 Jul 1863.

SEXTON, JOHN E.: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Transferred to Co G 10 Oct 1862.  Present Apr 1863.  (No Further Record).

SHARP, LEVI: Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co I 24 Jan 1863 in New Madrid County.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

SHAVER, L. F.: Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co K at date not of record.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry 4 Nov 1863.  (No Further Record).

SHELL, SAMUEL ALBERT HILE: Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co B 25 Aug 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $150 and horse equipment at $10.  Transferred to Co G 4 Oct 1862.  Appointed 4th Corporal 8 Oct 1862.  Promoted to 2nd Corporal prior to 31 Dec 1863.  Paroled as 1st Corporal at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Described as 5’ 10” in height, black eyes and hair.  Died 22 Oct 1910 and buried at Liberty Methodist Church Cemetery, near Patton, MO.

SHERLEY, JOHN A.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co K 31 May 1863 in Cape Girardeau County. Present Aug 1863.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Bollinger County. His pension application is on file at the MO State Archives, Jefferson City, MO.  It indicates that he was wounded in action on two occasions.  Died 3 Apr 1917 and is buried at the City Cemetery at Patton, MO.

SHERLOCK, HENRY CLAY: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co E 16 Aug 1862 in Mississippi County. Horse appraised at $125 and horse equipment at $5.  Wounded in action in 1864, exact date and place not of record.  Paroled 14 Jun 1865 with unattached troops at Monroe, LA. Residence: Ste. Genevieve Co.  Died January 28, 1933 and is buried in the Old Baptist Cemetery, Old Mines, MO.

SHINKLE, HENRY: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co G 12 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $75 and horse equipment at $3.  Reported as “Absent sick 26 Jul 1863.”  (No Further Record).

SHORT, ELIAS J.: Age: ?  Formerly served as Corporal in Co G, 1 Missouri Infantry Regiment. Enlisted as Private in Co I 1 Jan 1863 in New Madrid County.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

SHRUM, JACOB: Age: 34. Enlisted as Private in Co C 15 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $125 and horse equipment at $8. Died of cause not of record in hospital at Batesville, AR 1 Apr 1863.

SHY, SAMUEL: Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co I 1 Jan 1863 in New Madrid County.  Paroled as Private, Co C, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: New Madrid County.

SIMPSON, ZEPHANIAN M.: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co G 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $125 and horse equipment at $3.  Appointed 3rd Sergeant 8 Oct 1862.  Severely wounded in action (chest) at Hartville, MO 11 Jan 1863.  Died of wound 15 Jan 1863.

SIMS, WILLIAM: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co C 15 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Deserted 1 Oct 1862.

SKELTON, GILES: Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co I 23 Oct 1862 in New Madrid County.  Horse appraised at $125 and horse equipment at $5.  Deserted 30 Jul 1863.

SLOAN, WILLIAM C.: Age: 27. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County. Horse appraised at $145 and horse equipment at $20.  Captured at Jackson, MO 27 Apr 1863.  Exchanged 2 Jun 1863. Captured at Little Rock, AR 10 Sep 1863.  Died of chronic diarrhea at Gratiot Street Military Prison hospital, St. Louis, MO 28 Oct 1863 and is buried in Grave 9730, Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, St. Louis.

SMITH, ABSALOM M.: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co E 25 Aug 1862 in Mississippi County.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: New Madrid County.

SMITH, FRANCIS MARION: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co H 17 Oct 1862 in Scott County.  Deserted 20 Dec 1862. Died in 1883 and buried in Old Morley Cemetery, Morley, MO.

SMITH, GEORGE W.: Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co B 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $125 and horse equipment at $15.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry 10 Aug 1863.  He remounted and returned to command.  Paroled as Private, Co A, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County. This may be the same person who served in the 4th Missouri Field Artillery (Harris’ Battery) and was captured at Mine Creek, KN, on 25 Oct 1864.  He was released from Rock Island, IL, for the purpose of exchange.  He was exchanged in either MD or VA. After exchange, he was one of over sixty men placed under the charge of Lt. Robert H. Stockton, 2nd MO Infantry Regt, who was to escort them from Richmond, VA to the 1st MO Brigade at Mobile, AL.  The contingent of former prisoners left Richmond by rail on or about 24 March 1865, but after the first fifty miles the trains ceased running and the group was forced to proceed on foot.  They reached Eufaula, AL on 12 Apr.  Lt. Stockton learned of the surrender of Gen. Robert E. Lee at that point and released the men to go where they wished. See Confederate Veteran, 12 (1904), pp. 380-381. His pension application is on file at the MO State Archives, Jefferson City, MO.

SMITH, HENRY C.: Age: ? Enlisted as Private in Co B 28 Apr 1862 (?) in Cape Girardeau County. Transferred to dismounted cavalry and deserted 20 Jul 1863.

SMITH, ISAAC N.: Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co E 18 Aug 1862 in Mississippi County.  Appointed 1st Sergeant 1 Oct 1862.  Promoted to Junior 2nd Lieutenant 24 Dec 1862.  Promoted to 1st Lieutenant at date not of record.  Wounded in action (leg) at Jackson, MO 22 Sep 1864. Taken prisoner at date not of record near Fredericktown, MO at a house where he was left to recover from wound.  For his biography see Goodspeed’s History of Southeast Missouri, p. 1002.  See also “Captain Smith’s Birthday,” in the “Muddy Roots” column, Enterprise-Courier, Charleston, MO, 3 December 1981.  Died 1 Nov 1909 and is buried in the Smith-Griggs Cemetery, Mississippi Co, MO.

SMITH, JAMES C.: Age: 18. Enlisted as Private in Co K 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $80 and horse equipment at $10.  Present Aug 1863.  (No Further Record).  His pension application is on file at the MO State Archives, Jefferson City, MO.  Died 23 Oct 1922 and buried at Sedgewickville Cemetery, Bollinger Co, MO. An obituary for this soldier is in the Missouri Cash-Book, Jackson, MO, 7 Apr 1910.

SMITH, JAMES WASHINGTON: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co E 1 Aug 1863 at a location not of record.  Detailed to the forage master according to the Dalton Record Book.   Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865. Residence: Mississippi County.  Died 8 Mar 1910 and is buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery, Mississippi County, MO.

SMITH, MATTHEW: Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $120 and horse equipment at $5.  Mortally wounded in action 6 Jun 1864 at Ditch Bayou, AR.

SMITH, PAUL K.: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co B 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 15 Jun 1863. (No Further Record). Captured in Bollinger Co, MO 28 Jun 1863.  Forwarded to St. Louis, MO as a prisoner and then sent to Camp Morton, IN.  See Eakin, Missouri Prisoners of War, n.p.

SMITH, ROBERT A.: Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co D 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $110 and horse equipment at $15.  Transferred to Co K 6 Dec 1862. Paroled as Private, Co B, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

SMITH, W. M.: Age: ?  His enlistment data is not of record.  Paroled as Private, Co E, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Marion County. Probably recruited, or conscripted, during the Price Raid of 1864 and assigned to the regiment.

SMITH, WILLIAM: Age: 32. Enlisted as Private in Co C 21 Sep 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $5.  Appointed 2nd Sergeant 24 Sep 1862.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Madison County.

SNIDER, JACKSON MILBURN: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Sergeant, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co A 17 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry Jul 1863.  Returned to command.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.

SNIDER, JOHN F.: Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co G 25 Jun 1863 at Wittsburg, AR.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

SNIDER, JOHN W.: Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co A 15 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Horse appraised at $125 and horse equipment at $5.  He was detailed to report to the commissary for duty as herdsman 10 Aug 1863. Paroled with detailed men at Shreveport, LA 15 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County. His biography is in Goodspeed’s History of Southeast Missouri, pp. 847-848.

SNIDER, JONAS MARION: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Captain, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 27. Enlisted as Private in Co A 17 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Horse appraised at $125 and horse equipment at $12.  Elected Junior 2nd Lieutenant 31 Aug 1862.  Deserted __ Mar 1863.  (No Further Record). According to Eakin, Missouri Prisoners of War, n.p., he was taken prisoner in Bollinger Co, MO 13 Apr 1863 and sent to St. Louis, MO and thence to Alton, IL as a prisoner. See Goodspeed’s History of Southeast Missouri, p. 848, for a biography.  Residence: Bollinger County.

SNIDER, ROBERT B.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co G 3 Oct 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $130 and horse equipment at $10.  Elected 1st Lieutenant 8 Oct 1862. Wounded in action (finger shot off) at Bayou Fourche, AR 10 Sep 1863.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

SNIDER, WILLIAM H.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co A 8 Sep 1862 in Bollinger County.  "Sick near Batesville, AR" noted on Jul\Aug 1863 report.  Deserted 1 Aug 1863.  Taken prisoner in Bollinger County, MO 18 Sep 1863.  Prisoner statement: “The cause of my surrender was that having been a Rebel Soldier and being tired of fighting as well as convinced that the cause was bad, I concluded to leave.”  Listed in prison records as 6’ 0”, with hazel eyes and dark hair.  Residence: Bollinger County.  Died 21 July 1868 and buried in Old Ebenezer Cemetery, Bollinger County, MO.

SNOW, JAMES A.: Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co I 15 Sep 1862 in New Madrid County.  Horse appraised at $80 and horse equipment at $5.  Paroled as Private, Co C, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Described as 5’ 8” in height, light complexion, gray eyes and light hair. Residence: New Madrid County.

SNYDER, JAMES W.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co H 17 Oct 1862 in Scott County.  Horse appraised at $80 and horse equipment at $5.  Deserted 10 Feb 1863 from Batesville, AR.

SNYDER, JONATHAN: Age: 27. Enlisted as Private in Co I 14 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County.  Deserted 1 Nov 1862.

SPAIN, ROBERT:  Only record for this man is a payroll record showing that he was paid $48.00 for the period of 1 Jan through 30 Apr 1863 for service as a Private in Co B.  The amount was paid at Camp Lee, VA, indicating that he was an exchanged prisoner of war.  This record is mistakenly filed in the compiled service records of the 6th MO Cavalry Regt.  Eakin, Missouri Prisoners of War, indicates that a Robert Spain, a civilian, was captured in Bollinger County, MO on 5 Feb 1863 and sent to City Point, VA for exchange on 2 Jun 1863.

SPAIN, W. H.: Age: ? Enlisted as Private in Co K at date and location not of record.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry 4 Nov 1863.  (No Further Record).

SPEARS, HENRY G.: Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co D at date and location not of record.  Paroled with detached men at Monroe, LA 6 Jun 1865.

SPEARS, JAMES: Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co I 15 Aug 1863 at location not of record.  Detailed to duty in the subsistence department at Arkadelphia, AR 7 Sep 1863.  Ordered back to command 21 Sep 1863.  Reported "absent without leave".  (No Further Record).

SPENCER, DAVID G.: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co I 16 Oct 1862 in New Madrid County.  Horse appraised at $75 and horse equipment at $5.  Appointed 3rd Corporal 2 Dec 1862.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry 26 Jul 1863.  Subsequently served in 4th MO Field Artillery (Harris' Battery). Captured at Mine Creek, KS 25 Oct 1864 while serving with Harris' Battery. Residence: Stoddard County.

SPENCER, WARREN A.: Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co I 10 Oct 1862 in New Madrid County.  Horse appraised at $30 and horse equipment at $8. Transferred to dismounted cavalry 1 Aug 1863.  (No Further Record).  Subsequently served in the 7th Missouri Cavalry Regiment, C.S.A.

STANLEY, HUMPHREY: Age: 21. Enlisted as Private in Co E 16 Aug 1862 in Mississippi County.  Appointed 1st Corporal 1 Oct 1862.  Deserted while on detached service 12 Mar 1863.

STANLEY, RADFORD E.: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co E 16 Aug 1862 in Mississippi County.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

STARNES, CHARLES B.: Age: 21. Enlisted as Private in Co A 2 Nov 1862 in Bollinger County.  Horse appraised at $150.  Deserted 25 Dec 1862.

STARNES, FRANKLIN: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co G 3 Oct 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $12.  Transferred to Engineer Corps 8 Dec 1863.

STARNES, JACOB: (Served in Missouri State Guard as 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 21. Enlisted as Private in Co G 3 Oct 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Died of causes not of record at Smithville, AR 20 Jan 1863.

STATHEM, WILLIAM WOODSON: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Corporal, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.Residence: Cape Girardeau County. Goodspeed’s History of Southeast Missouri has his biography at p. 805.  Died at Cape Girardeau, MO, 2 Mar 1899 and buried in the Bennett Family Cemetery, approximately 1.5 south of Jackson, MO.

STATLER, DANIEL F.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division). Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co G 24 Apr 1863 in Cape Girardeau County.  Detailed to subsistence department 7-18 Sep 1863.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865 as Private, Co B.  Residence: Bollinger County.

STATLER, ELISHA: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co G 24 Apr 1863 at location not of record.  He was left with the dismounted cavalry 5 Aug 1863.  Surrendered at Lewisburg, AR 1 Dec 1864.  Sent to Point Lookout, MD, prison 23 Feb 1865. (No Further Record).  Residence: Bollinger County.

STATLER, HENRY M.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co B 13 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Transferred to Co G 4 Oct 1862.  Discharged for reason not of record 27 Dec 1862.  Apparently re-enlisted for he was taken prisoner at Mine Creek, KS 25 Oct 1864.  Exchanged at Point Lookout, MD prior to 1 Mar 1865.  (No Further Record).  See his biography in Goodspeed’s History of Southeast Missouri, p. 849. Died 10 Jun 1928 and is buried in the Sedgewickville Cemetery, Bollinger Co, MO.

STATLER, JACOB: Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co G 12 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $75 and horse equipment at $10.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry 26 Jul 1863.  Returned to command.  Transferred to 4th MO Field Artillery (Harris' Battery) at date not of record and surrendered with that command at Grand Ecore, LA 6 Jun 1865. Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

STATLER, JOHN B.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Corporal, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co B 15 Aug 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Promoted to regimental Sergeant Major 8 Oct 1862.  Elected Junior 2nd Lieutenant of Co A 5 Apr 1863.  Paroled at Monroe, LA 17 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

STATLER, ROBERT F.: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co K 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 27 Apr 1863 in Cape Girardeau Co, MO.

STEINBECK, TERRY: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co C 20 Oct 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $110 and horse equipment at $12.  Transferred to 4th MO Field Artillery (Harris' Battery) in 1864 and paroled with that unit at Grand Ecore, LA 6 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

STEINBECK, WILLIAM: Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co C 20 Oct 1862 in Wayne County. Horse appraised at $120 and horse equipment at $10.  Reported as “Absent sick with Colonel Robert R. Lawther's Infantry (dismounted cavalry) since 2 Nov 1863.” Returned to command at date not of record.  Transferred to 4th MO Field Artillery (Harris' Battery) in 1864 and paroled with that unit at Grand Ecore, LA 6 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

STEPHENS, GARRET: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co I 17 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County.  Transferred to Co C, 4th MO Cavalry Regiment 1 Dec 1862.  Residence: Stoddard County.

STEPHENS, JOHN K.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co A at date and location not of record. Captured at Mine Creek, KS 25 Oct 1864.  Exchanged at Point Lookout, MD 3 Mar 1865.  Paroled at Wittsburg, AR 25 May 1865.  Attended a United Confederate Veterans convention in 1913 and gave his address as Afton, OK.

STEPHENS, RANSOM: Age: 28. Enlisted as Private in Co A 17 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County. Horse appraised at $120 and horse equipment at $10.  Detailed to the Commissary Department 10 Aug 1863. Transferred to dismounted cavalry 4 Nov 1863 at Camden, AR.  Returned to command and paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865. Residence: Bollinger County.

STEPP, JAMES D.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co A 19 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Deserted 20 Dec 1862. According to Eakin, Missouri Prisoners of War, n.p., he was captured in Bollinger Co, MO 26 Dec 1862. Released unconditionally from prison in St. Louis 9 Jan 1863.  See Goodspeed’s History of Southeast Missouri, pp. 849-850, for his biography. Subsequently served in a Union militia unit.  Residence: Bollinger County.

STEVENS, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN: Age: 28. Enlisted as Private in Co A 17 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Horse appraised at $75 and horse equipment at $5.  Detailed to commissary department 18 Dec 1862.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865. Residence: Cape Girardeau County. His biography is in Goodspeed’s History of Southeast Missouri, pp. 850-851. Died 27 Feb 1900 and buried at Ebenezer Cemetery, Bollinger Co, MO.

STEWARD, GEORGE:  No enlistment data.  Appears in the records as a Private, Co E, that surrendered himself at New Madrid, MO on 6 Dec 1864 and was released the same date after taking the an oath of allegiance and posting a $2000 bond.

ST. JAMES, JOSEPH: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co C 15 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $8.  Deserted early 1863.

STOKES, WELLINGTON: Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co I 14 Oct 1863 in Clark County, AR.  (No Further Record).

STONE, SAMUEL P.: Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co C 15 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $150 and horse equipment at $10.  Elected 1st Lieutenant 24 Sep 1862.  He was left sick at Wittsburg, AR and did not return to the command.  It is likely that he died as a result of his sickness.

STONE, WILLIAM S.: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co H 5 Oct 1862 in Scott County.  Horse appraised at $115 and horse equipment at $10.  Deserted 27 Jul 1863.  Surrendered himself at Cape Girardeau and was released after taking the oath of allegiance and posting a $1000 bond.

STOVALL, JESSE: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co A 15 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Paroled at Memphis, TN 5 Jun 1865.  Residence: Bollinger County.  Died 18 Feb 1875 and is buried in Frazer Cemetery, Bollinger Co, MO.

STOVALL, WILLIAM P.: Age: 30. Enlisted as Private in Co A 16 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Deserted 27 Jul 1863.

STRATTON, CHARLES H.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co A 28 Oct 1862 in Bollinger County.  Wounded in action at Bayou Fourche, AR 10 Sep 1863.  He was left in the hospital at Little Rock and taken prisoner by the enemy. Exchanged at Red River Landing, LA 5 Mar 1865. 

STRODER, ALEXANDER: Age: 18. Enlisted as Private in Co B 15 Aug 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Transferred to Co A 5 Oct 1862.  Deserted __ Mar 1863.  Taken prisoner at home in Cape Girardeau Co, MO 24 May 1863.  Exchanged at City Point, VA 23 Jul 1863 and forwarded to 1st Missouri Confederate Brigade.  Killed in action at Franklin, TN 30 Nov 1864, while serving in the 1st  & 4th Missouri Infantry Regiment (Consolidated).  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

STRODER, WILLIAM: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co B 19 Aug 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Transferred to Co A 5 Oct 1862.  Deserted __ Mar 1863. Captured at home in Cape Girardeau Co, MO 24 May 1863.  Exchanged at City Point, VA 23 Jul 1863 and forwarded to 1st Missouri Confederate Brigade.  Wounded in action at Allatoona, GA., 5 Oct 64, while serving with the 1st & 4th Missouri Infantry Regiment (Consolidated).  His pension application is on file at the MO State Archives, Jefferson City, MO, and his biography is at pp. 806-807 in Goodspeed’s History of Southeast Missouri.  Died 30 Jun 1917 in Cape Girardeau Co, MO.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

STROTHER, WALTER C.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Infantry Battalion, 1st Division) Age: ?  His enlistment data is not of record.  Taken prisoner in Mississippi County, MO, 20 Jan 1865.  Listed as Private, Co E.  Forwarded to Alton, IL military prison and released 8 May 1865. Residence: Mississippi County.

SUGGS, CHARLES L.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co A 17 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Appointed 4th Sergeant 31 Aug 1862. Wounded in action at Bayou Metoe, AR 27 Aug 1863. Captured in hospital at Little Rock, AR 10 Sep 1863.  Left at Cape Girardeau, MO by Union troops transporting prisoners to St. Louis, MO.  (No Further Record).

SUGGS, JOHN HARVEY: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Sergeant, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co A 17 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $10. Elected Captain 31 Aug 1862. Severely wounded (jaw) at Lake Village, AR 6 Jun 1864.  Taken prisoner and transported to Memphis, TN where he died of his wound at Union Military Hospital 21 Jul 1864.  Record notes: "Buried by his friends."  Brother of Milton C. Suggs.

SUGGS, MILTON C.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as 3RD Lieutenant, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co A 17 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $10. Appointed 1st Sergeant 31 Aug 1862.  Captured at Lake Village, AR 6 Jun 1864.  Exchanged 23 Sep 1864.  (No Further Record).  See final entry under John Harvey Suggs.

SUMMERS, ALEXANDER: Age: 28. Enlisted as Private in Co B 12 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Elected Junior 2nd Lieutenant, Co F, 4 Oct 1862.  Granted leave of absence of ten days effective 7 Feb 1864. Paroled at Shreveport, LA 14 Jun 1865. Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

SUMMERS, COLUMBUS W.: Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co K 20 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $75 and horse equipment at $10.  Deserted 30 Jul 1863 on the march to Little Rock, AR.

SUMMERS, JOHN: Age: ?  His enlistment data is not of record.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865 as Private, Co E.  Residence: New Madrid County.

SUMMERS, PERRIAN L.: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co K 2 Nov 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $120 and horse equipment at $12.  Deserted 30 Jul 1863.

SUMMERS, WILLIAM: No enlistment data.  Records indicate that he was a Private, Co H, who surrendered at New Madrid, MO on 5 Jan 1865.  He submitted to taking the oath of allegiance and enlisted to serve on the U. S. gunboat #56.

SWAN, HENRY C.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co K 20 Feb 1863 at location not of record.  Deserted 30 Jul 1863.

SWANK, JAMES F.: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co E 16 Aug 1862 in Mississippi County.  Horse appraised at $130 and horse equipment at $15.  He was left sick near Hartville, MO 11 Jan 1863.  Taken prisoner and forwarded to Allen's Point, VA for exchange.  Returned to command.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Mississippi County.

TANT, ANDREW JACKSON: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Infantry Battalion, 1st Division) Age: 16.  Enlisted as Private in Co D 1 Jun 1863 in Cape Girardeau County.  Detailed to herd cattle on 27 Jul 1863 at Jacksonport, AR.  Paroled with detailed men at Shreveport, LA 15 Jun 1865. See Goodspeed’s History of Southeast Missouri, p. 808, for a biography. He died 8 May 1920, and is buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Fruitland, MO.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

TAYLOR, MATTHEW N.: Age: 32. Enlisted as Private in Co B 15 Aug 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $25 (?) and horse equipment at $5.  Detailed to extra duty and ordered to report to Major N. S. Hill, Commissary Agent, at Little Rock, AR, 20 Jul 1863.  Paroled as Private, Co A, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865. Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

TAYLOR, RICHARD: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co C 20 Oct 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $80 and horse equipment at $6.  Jan\Feb report, 1863, shows "Died" without additional information or detail.

TEBE, WILLIAM H.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co B 16 Aug 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $150.  Appointed 1st Sergeant 13 Sep 1862.  Left sick at hospital in Searcy, AR 19 Aug 1863.  (No Further Record).

THOMPSON, ENOCH: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co E 10 Oct 1862 in Mississippi County.  Horse appraised at $115 and horse equipment at $5.  Promoted to 2nd Sergeant at date not of record.  Paroled as 2nd Sergeant, Co F, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865. Residence: Scott County.

THOMPSON, FRANKLIN: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co A 30 Nov 1862 in Bollinger County.  Deserted 20 Dec 1862.

THOMPSON, HENRY LEE: Age: 42. Enlisted as Private in Co F 20 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $8.  Appointed 3rd Corporal 4 Oct 1862.  Paroled as 1st Corporal at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County. Father of William Greer Thompson.

THOMPSON, T. T.:  No enlistment data.  Appears as a Private, Co K, who was sent to the dismounted regiment commanded by Colonel Robert R. Lawther on 4 Nov 1863.  (NFR)

THOMPSON, WILLIAM GREER: Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co F 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Transferred to Co D 6 Dec 1862.  Reported as “Absent sick on Crowley's Ridge, AR since 10 Jun 1863.”  (No Further Record). Son of Henry Lee Thompson.

THOMPSON, WILLIAM HENRY: Age: 28. Enlisted as Private in Co D 22 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County. Transferred to Co F 1 Jun 1863.  (No Further Record).

THOMPSON, WILLIAM TALIFERRO: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Lieutenant Colonel, Division Staff, 1st Division) Age: ?  He was the nephew of Brigadier General M. Jeff Thompson who commanded the 1st Division of the Missouri State Guard. Enlisted as Private in Co D 22 Sep 1862 at location not of record.  Elected Junior 2nd Lieutenant 5 Apr 1863 at Camp Emmett MacDonald, AR.  Promoted to Captain 1 Jun 1863. Wounded in action (chest) at Pine Bluff, AR, 25 Oct 1863.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 9 Jun 1865. Residence: St. Joseph, MO. Died at Hancock, MD 30 Mar 1920.  Interred at the National Cemetery at Arlington, VA.

THOMPSON, ZACHARIAH: Age: 27. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $5.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

TIDWELL, JAMES W.: Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co A 19 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Horse appraised at $115 and horse equipment at $6.  Record notes: "In Searcy Hospital, August 20, 1863."  (No Further Record).

TISDALE, JOHN: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co B 21 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County. Deserted 15 Oct 1862. Captured in Cape Girardeau Co, MO 12 Nov 1862. He was imprisoned at St. Louis, MO and Alton, IL, before being exchanged at City Point, VA 12 Jun 1863.  See Eakin, Missouri Prisoners of War, n.p.

TISDALE, WILLIAM: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Infantry Battalion, 1st Division) Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co B 4 Oct 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry 1 Aug 1863.  Returned to command.  Transferred to 4th MO Field Artillery (Harris' Battery) in 1864 and paroled with that unit at Grand Ecore, LA 6 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

TOMLINSON, WILLIAM: Age: 35. Enlisted as Private in Co I 17 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County.  Deserted 15 Nov 1862.

TONEY, CHARLES: Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co B 19 Aug 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $60 and horse equipment at $8.  Transferred to Co G 4 Oct 1862.  Left sick at Jacksonport, AR 15 Aug 1863.  (No Further Record).

TONEY, JOSEPH N.: Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co I 1 Sep 1862 in New Madrid County. Captured at Little Rock, AR 10 Sep 1863.  (No Further Record).

TONEY, MARK M.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 22. His enlistment data is not of record.  Paroled as Private, Co C, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: New Madrid County.

TONEY, WILLIAM H.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 39. Enlisted as Private in Co I 27 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County.  Horse appraised at $160 and horse equipment at $5.  Paroled as Private, Co C, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Died 28 Sep 1885 and is buried in the Broughton Cemetery, New Madrid County, MO.

TORRENCE, LEVI N.: Age: 27. Enlisted as Private in Co D 22 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $150 and horse equipment at $20.  Appointed 1st Sergeant 26 Sep 1863.  Deserted 20 Apr 1863 below Gainesville, AR. He was a charter member of the Captain S. S. Harris Camp, United Confederate Veterans, at Jackson, MO, in 1896. His biography is in Goodspeed’s History of Southeast Missouri, pp. 810-811, and an obituary may be found in the Missouri Cash-Book, Jackson, MO 12 May 1921. Buried in City Cemetery, Jackson, MO.

TRAMMELL, KENNEDY: Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co C 20 Oct 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $60 and horse equipment at $2.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry 1 Aug 1863.  (No Further Record).

TRILLER, ALEXANDER T.: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co A 2 Nov 1862 in Bollinger County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $5.  Discharged for reason not of record 1 Apr 1863.

TRIPLETT, JOHN: Age: 30. Enlisted as Private in Co I 17 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County.  (No Further Record). Residence: Stoddard County.

TUCKER, FRANCIS M.: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 15 Dec 1862.

TUCKER, KING: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co B 18 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

TURLA, JAMES: No record.  Appears in prisoner of war records as a Private, Co D, who was taken prisoner of war in St. Francois County, MO on 23 Dec 1862.  Forwarded to Gratiot Prison, St. Louis and received at that location on 4 Jan 1863.  Discharged from prison to St. Francois County on sick parole and a $500 bond on 24 Jan 1863.  Residence: St. Francois County.

TURNER, CHARLES M.: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co G 3 Oct 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $130 and horse equipment at $5.  Reported as “Absent sick since 8 Aug 1863.” Paroled as Private, Co E, at Monroe, LA, on ____, 1865. Residence: Ste. Genevieve County.


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