Christians United Press, January 2002, Page 1
Volume III, Issue I                     ON THE WEB:                     January 2002
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4
Click this picture to read about The Bryan Family
The Bryan Family
February 20001
The priceless gift of Jesus’ love cannot be measured and is beyond compare.

     I want to thank Jesus for all HE has done this year for C.U.M.I. For all He has done for Don and I and the ministry HE founded, Christians United Ministries, Inc. I thank Him for allowing us to be a small part of what HE is doing through C.U.M.I. We have grown beyond imagination. Prayer groups and individuals are partnering with us. We have from 1 to 10,000 joining us daily to pray. We are hundreds of thousands strong, standing in the gap for those in need all over the world. Jesus has used us to touched lives we may never meet. The telephone prayer line and e-mail has been used to bring many to the Lord. Suicides have been stopped, lives have been spared, and Jesus received all the glory.
     Through my personal testimony Jesus has reached many hurting hearts, many bound by addictions, many wanting to be set free. Jesus has allowed me to minister to

them and encourage them with the hope of HIS love. God is opening more doors for my testimony to be heard. I have shared in many churches, many different denominations and several states. He is setting up appointments allowing me to teach and share...HIM...through prayer.
     So many of you uplift us daily in prayer and we need that most of all. Many of you are faithful to give; monthly or as you can, so the financial needs of C.U.M.I. can be met. I want to personally thank all of you who have blessed C.U.M.I. and me, mostly in prayer, but also financially with your giving heart. We depend on Jesus to meet our needs, pay our bills...which HE always does.
     You see the many faces that Jesus has allowed us to meet and interview throughout 2001. Jesus is already setting up 2002. I am excited about what HE is going to do. I am looking forward to serving HIM this coming year. I pray you have made a commitment to serve HIM too…

In Him,

         Jan  Hicks
Click this picture to read about the Christian Rap Group, 'Burning Bush'
"Burning Bush"
December 2001
Click this picture to read about Bubba and Jamie Blackwell
Bubba and Jamie Blackwell
March 2001
Click this picture to read the article about Mrs. Fendley
Mrs. Ellen Fendley
November 2001
Click this picture to read Diana's article from the April 2001 newsletter
Diana Shutt
April 2001
Has GOD Forsaken Us?  Click this picture and find out!
"Bless God, America!"
October 2001
Click this picture and 'meet' Mama Hugs!
Barbara Stephens
aka: "Mama Hug"
May 2001
Click this picture and read about our webmaster!
Todd Hernandez
June 2001
Click this picture and read about Aunt Bea Ogle
Aunt Bea Ogle
July 2000
Click this picture and read about The Elmore Family!
The Elmore Family
September 2001
Click this picture and read the inspiring story of The Channell Family!
The Channell Family
September 2001
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