Christians United Press, February 2001, Page 1
Volume II, Issue II                     ON THE WEB:                     February 2001
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4
Andy and Andrew Bryan

by: Jan Hicks

Sunday’s meeting but I made the rest of the week at both churches while they were in Magnolia Springs and Foley, Al.
   Andy is a very bold, tell it all like it is kinda evangelist. Andy says you either love him or you hate him. We love him. Andy doesn’t beat around the bush, he feels that time is just too short for that. Andy will meet you where you live, he gets right on your level, no matter what level you’re on. Andy has a unique way of just asking you point blank if you know for sure that you die tonight you’ll go to heaven, if you don’t, he asks if you want to, then makes sure he leads you in the sinners prayer. Souls are saved under Andy’s ministry, over 800,000 in the past few years alone. From Sunday to Friday ... 86 souls came to the Kingdom, two ordained preachers.....Andy says they make better preachers when their saved!!! His humor is part of the joy of seeing Andy in concert. Andy has preached to thousands as well as to a few. Every soul is important

to him just as they are to Jesus Christ. Sunday after leaving this area he was in a very small church in northern Alabama, (only 18 attended his last visit there) 11 got saved that night. Over 100 souls added at the next weekends meeting, which was suppose to last one day, but continued on for four instead. I’m telling you, if you want souls saved, have Andy in your church. The greatest miracle of all, the one that really counts, is salvation! All else if really to no avail. Without salvation, we have nothing!!
   Andy is not for the weak-hearted though...he doesn’t care what it takes, he wants to reach as many as possible for the Kingdom. Jesus has called him to be a soul winner and that’s exactly what he is. We support Andy and pray that you will too, especially through your prayers for him and his family each day. Andy thanks you all for your many continued prayers, not only for these meetings, but for all the others God allows him to be a part of. Andrew, his son, is one of the joys of

The Bryan Family

At their home in Headland, Alabama meet:
Andrew, Rosey, Andy
Jessi and Rachel Bryan

daddy’s heart. When Andrew prays, heaven moves, demons flee. God has truly placed a calling on this young mans life and he loves the Lord. Andrew travels with Andy and is his right hand man.
   At home, unless they are able to join them, is wife Rosey and two beautiful girls, Rachel and Jessi. They are as much a part of this ministry as Andy and Andrew in their support and encouragement. If you need to see souls saved and/or wake up your church, give Andy Bryan a call and he’ll come.

Andy Bryan
P O Box 188
Headland, Al 36345


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