Christians United Press, December 2001, Page 1
Volume II, Issue XII                     ON THE WEB:                     December 2001
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4

Israel - Liquid Knowledge
Titus - Wisdom Filla'
Manesseh - Tha'spilla
Samuel - Crossbeara'

What's a rap group doing in a prayer ministry newsletter???? When the Lord laid it on my heart to interview “Burning Bush”, I thought the same thing. After meeting them I knew…..WOW….these young men will truly make you examine your prayer life and ask yourself….what am I doing to receive more of Jesus….As they say… “to receive ‘The Power’”!!
      I wish you could ‘hear’ the interview with these anointed young men. Since you can’t, I’ll do my best to write this in a way you’ll feel the glory of Jesus on their lives. Rap music has never been my music of choice. I must admit at times have stated that it wasn’t or couldn’t be of God. After meeting Burning Bush I find I am wrong, very wrong. Rap music is still not my music of choice but I can see where Jesus is using this group to bring many to the cross that could never be reached any other way.
      I saw Burning Bush at the Benny Hinn Crusade in Mobile, Alabama,. Three years prior to this crusade, Burning Bush had prayed ‘in agreement’ they would ‘rap’ for Jesus at a Benny Hinn Crusade one

day. The Lord worked this out on Friday morning when they were on stage sharing what Jesus had done in healing them physically. Benny Hinn asked them to come back that night to rap at the crusade!!!!! Jesus has a plan for these young men!!! After rapping that evening, Benn Hinn sent them to the Youth Conference being held there the following week in Anaheim, California. God is also opening other doors for them.
      “Burning Bush”, Israel 22, Manasseh 18, Samuel 16, and Titus 15, are 4 of 6 children raised in a Christian home by their loving parents, Rev. and Mrs. Underwood, who pastor Fresh Manna Tabernacle in Pensacola, Florida. All four have said that sometimes in their walk with the Lord, especially during the school years, they have acted up. Nothing to go to jail for, but all said, “Sin is sin. You can’t be a secret sinner.”
      Burning Bush began in 1998 when the Lord started dealing with Israel about listening to secular music. He felt like there was no “Christian” music he could relate to or listen to so secular was all he had.

Israel didn't think that ‘rap’ could be anointed. Through prayer and fasting the Lord revealed that it could be anointed. It is during the times of fasting when they all say the Lord gives them the words to the songs they sing.
      The beginning of each year these young men go on an annual fast from food for a week. “That’s when we get our relationship tight,” remarks Samuel. All of them fast a day, some two, EACH week the rest of the year. Their daily time with the Lord is special to each of them. They always pray and spend time with Jesus. Knowing without that time the flesh would be in control and not the spirit. “You can tell the difference when you fast and pray”, says Israel.
      Samuel says, “Rap is just modern day bible put in street language. Jesus just comes because we give HIM HIS praise and glory through all our lyrics. Our prayer life shows what we do at home, behind the walls, behind the curtains. It shows because the anointing comes out when we rap. Jesus just shows up.
                         continued on page 2

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