Christians United Press, July 2001, Page 1
Volume II, Issue VII                     ON THE WEB:                     July 2001
"But we give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:4
Meet "Daughters of Rachel’s"
Bea Ogle

     The Lord blessed a few of us recently to be able to go the Perry Stone Camp Meeting in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. We had the privilege of meeting the sweetest group of women who have partnered with us in prayer.....The Daughters of Rachel. The founder of Daughters of Rachel, D.O.R., is a beautiful lady that everyone affectionately calls Aunt Bea including Evangelist Perry Stone, Jr.
     Living in Pulaski, Va., Bea has been married to husband, Elroy Ogle for over 50 years after a friend introduced them when she was just 19. Never having children of her own, Bea has acquired many daughters through this ministry of prayer.
     Bea, raised in a Christian home as a Methodist, has served the Lord all her life. At the age of 14 or 15 a Baptist Minister was preaching a revival at their church when he came up to her and said, “God is going to use you young lady.”

Just a few of Daughters of Rachel praying before camp meeting service.

     Bea is very humble when it comes to talking about herself. When I asked her about her calling to cover Perry Stone, Jr. in prayer, her face lit up. Without a doubt she has great respect for Perry and his ministry. In 1981 Perry had held three revivals at their church. During the 2nd week of the third revival as she was walking by the piano she heard the music playing, although no one was there, it was bursting in her ears. Through this

Aunt Bea Ogle

music the Lord spoke to her and told her to be an intercessor to Perry Stones Ministry.
     Bea thought that calling was just for her, little did she know the ‘big picture’ of what the Lord had planned. Signet Bank, where Bea was employed for thirty-eight years, gave her the opportunity for early retirement. She was then free to devote all her time to prayer and as the Lord directed, in 1992, the Daughters of Rachel became a reality. Sixty-two ladies committed themselves to praying for V.O.E. (Voice of Evangelism), the ministry of Perry Stone, Jr. There are now hundreds of ladies all over the world that are committed to this cause. They pray DAILY for V.O.E., Perry Stone, wife Pam, son Jonathan and their little girl due the end of August. They pray for the churches, pastors, D.O.R. and families, the leaders of our government, nation, state and local, and of course for the peace of Jerusalem.
     In a memo from Perry Stone, Jr. he says, “I realized V.O.E. needed a strong prayer covering, I was impressed to contact Bea. After reading Luke 18:1-8, it was clear that women made the best intercessors because they know how to conceive, carry, travail and give birth. I was reading Genesis 29 and 30 about Jacob, Leah and Rachel. Rachel was barren, she became so desperate for a child that she would rather die than live barren. In my spirit, I realized, “This is it! This is the name of our

prayer group. We must learn to bring seed and life to barren places and empty lives. Thus the name ‘Daughters of Rachel’ was born.”
     Bea emphatically states, with a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her beautiful face....”I love Jesus and I love to pray. Perry’s ministry is my heart. Perry has such a burden, such a heart for God’s perfect will to be done in this ministry. He is a man of integrity! He has such love and compassion for souls for God.” A few short minutes after meeting Aunt Bea, I knew that she had the same heart and vision for V.O.E.
     I asked Bea how she got labeled as “Aunt Bea”. She said it started when she was teaching the young married couples years ago. Someone started calling her that and pretty soon everyone was. It is such an affectionate name for such a loving person that her own husband has been known to refer to her as ‘Aunt Bea’ too.
     If you ever get a chance to attend a Perry Stone Camp Meeting, ask to meet Aunt Bea. You’ll be encouraged by this precious, anointed woman of God. We are blessed to be partnered with such a committed group of intercessors.

(If you would like to know more about D.O.R. or V.O.E., you may get in touch with Bea at: or Perry Stone at: or write:

Bea Ogle or V.O.E.
PO BOX 3595
CLEVELAND, TN 37320-3595
Phone: (423) 478-3456

Evangelist Perry Stone Jr. and Aunt Bea
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