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Yes, you're here already...

    This has been an area that has been neglected lately, so I'm working to: a) redesign it [done!], and b) add new features to it, or at the very least update the pages.

    Here's what's in this section now:
  • Cool Graphs is a two-part demonstration of how to make neat graphs on your TI-83+ (assuming you have one). Newly redone, it even has the images to preview! (Such as the one to the left.)
  • Pythagoras Revisited (Reloaded?) is a reference on a bunch of various proofs of the theorem, things that come out of it, and random facts.
  • Mathematical Induction is a nagging subject for many taking precalculus. This page is ancient (by this site's standards), but those in need of help on the subject are treated to a nice explanation and cool examples.
  • And of course! Don't forget about my prize-winning* Math Puns section!

  *Prizes pending.