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This page is for Umbrella Cockatoo lovers and those that are contemplating owning one as a pet.
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Princess the Umbrella Cockatoo Ducorps

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Princess came to live with us almost a year ago, after her family found they could no longer give her the attention she craved so badly. She is such a sweetie and we love her so much. She loves to be held close and cuddled, in fact she would prefer us to do this 24 hours a day 7days a week.
Some of Princess's favorite words:
I love you, well hello, come here, Hi and mumbles a lot about something.
Undesirable behavior:
Princess cries a lot when she thinks she hasn’t received enough attention. It is a very mournful cry, and is hard to listen too. We are trying to teach her how to play by her self, as well as get her cuddle time in. Which is very important for Cockatoos.
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Princess's Information

Species: Umbrella Cockatoo
Sex: Female confirmed
Age: 3 years old
Had as a pet for: 1 year
Name: Princess
Likes to be touched:Completely
Likes to be held: Yes
Vocabulary size: 10 plus
Favorite fresh food: Spaghetti, peas, corn, carrots, Mangos, Collard Greens
Pellets: yes
Seed: only as a treat
Size of cage: 3 feet by 2 feet and 6 feet tall
Time sent out of cage daily: At least 5 hours
Purchased from:Previous Owner
Previous Owners:One
Hand fed: Yes
By whom:Professional Hand Feeder
Things disliked:Men
Noisy:Can be very loud, but mostly just cries
Messy:Yes, She flings her food, if it is something to her disliking
Monthly cost to keep: $50.00 to $100.00 for food and toys
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Make Your Bird A Star

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All Text And Images © 2002-05 Tracy Muth
All Rights Reserved Unless Otherwise Noted.
Updated: April 1, 2005