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Make Your Bird A Star


Make your bird a star.

It's easy
but best of all... it's free!


Questions People Ask:

  • How do I start?
    Just click on the envelope at the bottom of this page to e-mail us and let us know you are interested.
  • Why does have this service?
    Because it’s fun! But mostly to give parrot and pet bird owners and those contemplating owning one as a pet, as much information possible about each species. Information that comes directly from people who share their lives with these fun pets. So that everyone can benefit from information that isn’t tainted by those wanting to promote a particular species. We want to know what real parrot and pet bird owners think!
  • Is it difficult?
    Not at all, in fact we will be helping you through every bit of the process. We will e-mail you with questions. All you do is e-mail us back with the answers to the best of your knowledge. You don’t even have to answer all the questions, but it is best if you can. Then you can either e-mail us a photo or send one or more via the post office.
  • Why should I enter my bird?
    Because it’s fun for you and the people who know you. But the big picture is that it helps others.
  • Is it safe?
    Completely, no one else will ever know your name, e-mail address or where you live, unless you tell them.
  • Is it free?
    Absolutely, there are no hidden charges, and we won’t try to sell you anything else.
  • Do you sell or give our e-mail to any one else?
  • What if my bird is feather plucked and or has behavioral problems?
    We want to feature birds without problems as well as those with problems. This is the best way for everyone to truly learn more about pet birds and parrots.
  • What if I don’t know what kind of bird I have?
    We can more than likely help you to identify what kind of bird you have. This can even help you in the future if you ever needed to know.
  • What if I don’t see my bird type listed?
    We are looking for more bird types every day. When we get more bird types we simply add them to our list.

Celebrate your bird now!

It's easy
click on the envelope at the bottom of this page

Last Update: November 11th 2003

Counting Since: September 11th 2003

Make Your Bird A Star

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All Text And Images © 2002-05 Tracy Muth
All Rights Reserved Unless Otherwise Noted.
Updated: April 1, 2005