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This page is for Yellow Naped Amazon lovers and those that are contemplating owning one as a pet.
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We are looking for more Yellow Napes
Senda the Yellow Naped Amazon

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Double Yellow Headed
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My bird Senda has been such a blessing to my life. Last year I had a committed relationship of 5 years come to an end. Senda knew the words "I love you" previously but would rarely use them, but as I was walking through this time of sorrow, Senda would often throughout the day call my name and say "I love you"! Senda’s words helped me through a very tough time. I will always be grateful to this beautiful green bird, and he will always live as a king in my home.
Some of Sendas favorite words:
Woe, Hello, come here, bye bye, what are you talking about, Step up, I want out, meow and calls every one in the family by name including my other pets.
Songs Senda sings:
Umpa Lumpa dupady doo, Old Mc Donald had a farm, I’m singing in the rain, I always fell like somebodies watching me and I get no privacy, and two home made songs about our pets.
Undesirable behavior:
Senda likes to be held but not touched, I respect this, and love him all the same.
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Senda's Information

Species: Yellow Naped Amazon
Sex: Male not confirmed
Age: 3 years old
Had as a pet for: 3 years
Name: Senda
Likes to be touched: Not at all!
Likes to be held: Yes
Vocabulary size: 150 plus
Favorite fresh food: Mac n cheese, carrots, apricots, sprouts
Pellets: yes
Seed: only as a treat
Size of cage: 3 feet by 2 feet and 6 feet tall
Time sent out of cage daily: At least 1 hour
Allowed on top of cage:No
Purchased from: Breeder
Hand fed: Yes
By whom: Owner
Things disliked: to be touched
Noisy: No, but on occasion can be
Messy: No
Monthly cost to keep: $25.00 to $50.00 for food and toys

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All Text And Images © 2002-05 Tracy Muth
All Rights Reserved Unless Otherwise Noted.
Updated: April 1, 2005