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Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Oooohhh.. i'm soooo sore from running!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

I thought it was time for a change in my life. Maybe I'm hitting a mid-twenties crisis (i hope not!) or maybe I'm finally settling into my new place. Regardless of the reason, I decided to sign up for a half-marathon. I guess this symbolizes a change towards living a healthier, hopefully happier life.. why happier? I've been feeling like I sacrifice a lot of things that I enjoy. I love running, I love art, climbing, photography.. but for the longest time I was willing to put those aside for other things (work, people, etc).. so now I'm hoping that having a big goal like this will help push things in the right direction :)

Other happenings:
- darkroom classes every tuesday night.. if I can get my hands on a scanner I'll put some pics up..
- volleyball on tuesday nights (starting next week)
- running in the mornings in Marymore park