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LINDA OWEN - San Antonio, Texas

Freelance Writer


1965 - Bachelor of Science in Education | Majors in Journalism and English | Southwest Texas University.

1970-1985 - Enrichment courses for Northeast Independent School District, San Antonio, TX | Incarnate Word University | Texas University at San Antonio.

1989 - Course in television production | San Antonio College.

1997 - Master of Divinity (Theology) | Perkins School of Theology (SMU).


1965 - Journalism internship at the Austin-American Statesman | wrote critiques of movies and theater productions, features, and profiles on celebrities.

1965-1990 - Part-time freelance writer.

1965-1990 - Teacher of English, Journalism, and Media (communications) at Northeast Independent School District, San Antonio, TX.

1987 - Writer of the Media teacher's guide for a semester-length course at Northeast Independent School District, San Antonio, TX.

1987-1989 - Media students won several national contests | awarded an Excellence in Education pin by the Reagan Administration.

1988 - Wrote, filmed, edited, and marketed video documentary | Winston Churchill High School graduation | San Antonio, TX.

1990-1993 - Grader of assessment tests (grades 3-12) for Psychological Corporation (Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanovich) | writer of writing samples for writing assessment tests.

1992-1997 - wrote, directed, and edited videos of worship services and church activities for television and shut-ins.

1996 - Intern Pastor | St. Paul United Methodist Church, Dallas, TX | revitalized Sunday School education, organized video ministry, wrote and edited biweekly newspaper.

1997-2000 - Pastor, Program Director, Children's Minister | Cotulla and San Antonio, TX | wrote sermons, funeral eulogies, newsletters, press releases, children's sermons, and church bulletins | wrote copy and designed layouts for picture directory.

2000- Present - Full-time freelance writer

2003- Present - editor of , a Christian publication in San Antonio, TX


A longtime teacher, Linda enjoys studying and sharing her knowledge of the Bible. She has taught The Genesis to Revelation Series, Disciple I, and her own curriculum on the Book of Judges. Presently she is teaching the Adult Bible Studies at University United Methodist Church in San Antonio.

Linda has led seminars on spiritual gifts, trained Sunday School teachers, and taught Confirmation Classes in three congregations.

Although she has roots in the United Methodist Church, Linda is interested in a wide range of religious beliefs and lay ministries. She seeks to share the good news taking place in all denominational and nondenominational groups. Her published work attests to her inclusive interests:

Presbyterians Today; Liguorian (Catholic); On Mission (Southern Baptist); LIVE (Church of God); Now What? (Seventh Day Adventist); Christian Social Action and Interpreter (United Methodist); Today's Christian and Your Church (Christianity Today publications); Kaleidoscope Ministries/ Village Life (Internet news magazine); Religion Section of the Dallas Morning News; Life in the Spirit (Dallas Christian newspaper); Connection (Ohio Christian magazine); Living Light News (Canadian evangelical newspaper); Guideposts for Kids (Guidepost publication); Encounter (independent Sunday School magazine for teens/young adults); Pockets (Upper Room magazine for children), Discovery Trails (Sunday School paper for Assemblies of God preteens), among others.

When Linda is not interviewing someone or writing a manuscript, she enjoys birdwatching, photographing wildlife, growing plants, and listening to music. As a member of the Christian Country Music Association, she has met numerous recording artists and songwriters in Nashville. She corresponds with them by email and with penpals in Germany and South Africa. Whenever possible, she tries to mix business and pleasure by traveling to places that will provide interesting destination articles, such as Peru (below).

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