_Mental Masterbation
_The Voice of Cabs
_Quiz of General Knowlege
_Yea and Nay
_Love At Bayside Highschool
_Oompi Says
_Makin' A Sandwich
_Robert Bratheon Blog

_Carnastick 3
_Carnastick 2
_Carnastick 1
_Bob the Thinker
_Zack and Skull Bunny 2
_Zach and Skull Bunny 3
_Zack and Skull Bunny 4
_Pull Skull Bunny's Finger! (ZSB5)
_Zack's Last Day As A Mortal (ZSB6)
_Dangerous When Wet (ZSB8)
_Girls SUCK! (ZSB9)
_No Hair Day
_Girl Trouble In Candyland
_New Pokémon That Didn't Make The Cut

_Iron Man Winamp Skin
_Zach and Skull Bunny Wallpaper
_Charlie MvC2 FAQ
_Captain Commando Winamp Skin
_IF Wallpaper 2
_Stupid Borg

Links (another time)

{2004_10_07+13:57:04} What did they do before?

I just saw a Denny's commercial. After showing you close ups of fake food (we all know they use models right?) they finish the ad with a simple Denny's logo with text under it "Now we are cooking." I suddenly felt a coating of filth within my stomach because I've eaten at Denny's prior to this. I suppose they were 'baking' then, at least I hope so. (Apparently there is a difference between 'baking' and cooking'.) JoC expects the next commercial to include the text "We now have an oven."


{2004_10_06+12:01:27} Doin' the college thang

I'm going to do another blog also, a computer software based one, for all the shit I keep telling people over and over again. (Don't use IE. Don't use Outlook. Do you know whats starting up with your computer? Adaware, Spybot... ETC.) I call them stupid windows tricks but to some people it really makes their life that much easier. I wish eveyone could have the computing experiance that I have and enjoy what I often take for granted; a computer that works and works exceptionally well also. I'm sure the lack of content has really turned away all three of our readers (that doesn't include JoC and myself). We get to it when we get to it. And when we do update, we do our best to make sure your not dissapointed.


{2004_04_17+15:32:18} We are still here... we just haven't said anything for a very long time

We know there are some very die hard fans of IF and I'd like to apologize if you feel you guys have been stepped on.  We are still here, and we still do what we normally do, we just haven't posted it on the page.  Well, I had an idea for a little side project and I needed some web space to post it and I figured I'd breathe some new life into the site.  I don't mean to get any hopes up, but if it's like the past updates, you know they come in waves.


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