The Voice of Cabs

Well, if you're reading this, it can only mean one of
two things: 1)This isn't really me, but rather a
brazen attempt of Insanity Fair to curry favor with
old school DSS fan. (If this really isn't me, that is
one DAMN good attempt at being me) 2) I finally
submitted to Storm's, Jack of Clubs's and XLS's
beatings to do some work on their mag.

As it turns out, I am Mastercabs. For those of you who
know me-there's a support group. For those of you who
don't know me, I used to write a subversive newsletter
(anarchist-punk-rock-satanist-anti-teacher magazine)
called "The Dead Student Society." DSS ran its course,
sparkled and faded. (sort of like that
attitude') Now I've been experiencing long periods of
inactivity and eating mayonaisse sandwiches on white
bread with the crust cut off.

I couldn't resist one last chance to voice myself in a
magazine, especially after that one stab XLS took at
me in ish 2. (You fuckin' bastard) Well, hmmmmmm. . .
I havent done this crap in a while. I guess the best
way to start this off, would be with a Top Ten List.
After all, if I learned anything from DSS, its this:
If it's more than a paragraph most kids don't have the
attention span for it. . .  So, without further adieu,
I bring you:

Top Ten Reasons Why I Stopped Writing DSS

10) I ran out of good ideas
9) I ran out of ways to try to make people feel sorry
for me.
8) I actually got a girlfriend so I couldn't bitch
about not having one anymore, subsequently relieving
me of all the material I had . . . HA HA HA HA!!!
7) I found masturbation to be an equally enjoyable
alternative (and productive) post scholastic activity.
6) They moved reruns of "Small Wonder" to the time
slot that I used to write DSS in.
5) I became to busy sitting on my ass.
4) The only mail we ever got was stuff that I sent to
3) I ran out of shitty punk rock to quote. (You can
only quote a band called, "The Vandals" so many times
before you begin to feel strange about yourself)
2) I found out that Mastercabs is actually the name of
a Gay Stripper.
1) I decided to actually read it.

