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Millenium Items
Ancient Egypt was never a place of war. During the 18th Dynasty, during the reign of a Pharaoh called Akunamon , Egypt became subject to foreign invasion. Their target was the 'Book Of Millennium Magic.' To gain greater power and protect the kingdom, In order to preserve the kingdom and keep the power of the Millennium Magic out of the invader's hand, the Pharaoh consented to performing the ritual inscribed in the book, the Alchemy of Darkness. Without understanding the texts in the book, Pharaoh entrusted this task to Akunadin who was able to translate the ancient texts. But if Akunamon knew the truth of the secret ritual, he would surely have no allowed it. Akunadin led 1,000 troops into the village of thieves, Kurelna. Following the Book Of Millennium Magic, 99 lives were to be taken to create 7 powerful treasures. So 99 villagers were slaughtered and their remains cast into the alloy that would be used to make the treasures. Of course, Pharaoh Akunamon had not known about the slaughter. The mould would later become known as the 'Pharaoh's Memory.' The seven treasures, dubbed the 'Millennium Items' by Akunamon, were created to safeguard the Kingdom but at the price of violently slaughtered lives. The 'Pharaoh's Memory' had many inscriptions upon it, that not even Akunadin was able to translate. But lying inside the indents of the sarcophagus, were each of the Millennium Items. The seven holders were selected, Pharaoh at the top, followed by his 6 Priests. Because of the 7 Millennium Items, the kingdom was safe when the intruders attacked. And Egypt was at peace once again... But because of the 'Alchemy Of Darkness', a dark spirit was awoken, and it manifested the souls of those who had created it. The evil aimed to gather all 7 Millennium Items to resurrect the dark power into a physical form. Now, at present time, the Millennium Items have been unearthed, each item calling to another, until there is a unison.

"Each Millennium Item has it's own special power that can be harnessed.. But they all share a power that perhaps, is the most useful of all put together. These abilities are probably the most frequently used and most dangerous of all abilities. ·YAMI NO GAME: The ability to initiate a Yami no Game (Game Of Darkness) is the MOST commonly used. This grants the owners wish of shrouding the playfield with a dark cloud, where the limits of the mortal world no longer apply. This is often used as a tactic for intimidation. ·PUNISHMENT GAME: Punishment Game is the term used for the result at the end of a game. The Millennium Item holder would usually curse the loser with this plague, either seeing visions of fears they have, mental breakdown, or even in some cases, death. ·KA SUMMONING: The ability to summon the spirit of a person's mind. Some people would have such a strong will that they produce an energy. The Millennium Items are able to call forth this energy and present it in a physical form.

Millenium Puzzle
Owners/Holders: -Pharaoh Akunamon (3,119 BC) - Ownership -Pharaoh Atemu (3,104 BC) - Ownership -Pharaoh Seto (3, 103 BC) - Guardianship -Pharaoh Atemu's Tomb (3,103 BC) - Guardianship -Solomon Muto (1960 AD) - Guardianship -Yugi Muto (Current) - Ownership The Millennium Puzzle grants the owner the power of unification. To find oneself, to be whole. To concentrates you thoughts and will so strong that you would be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to. It it thought to be the most powerful of the Millennium Items though. It is the link between all the other six items.

Millenium Ring
Owners/Holders: -Priest Kepura (3,119 BC) - Ownership -Priest Mahado (3,104 BC) - Ownership -Thief Bakura (3,103 BC) - Ownership -Thief Bakura [Zork Necrophedius] (3,103 BC) - Ownership -Priestess Mana (3,103 BC) - Guardianship -Tombkeeper's Shrine [Shadi] (3,103 BC) - Guardianship -Egyptian Market (1994 AD) - Guardianship -Ryou's Father (1997 AD) - Guardianship -Ryou Bakura (1997 AD) - Ownership -Marik Ishtar (2000 AD) - Guardianship -Ryou Bakura (2000 AD) - Ownership -Yugi Muto (Current) - Guardianship The Millennium Ring grants the power to seal souls into shaped objects, to move a soul back and forth from a seal, and to recreate a spirit from an inanimate object. It also has 5 pointers which can be used to find other Millennium Items. They stands on end when an Item is close by.

Millenium Eye
Owners/Holders: -Priest Akunadin (3,119 BC) - Ownership -Dark Priest [Akunadin] (3,103 BC) - Ownership -Priest Shimon (3,103 BC) - Guardianship -Tombkeeper's Shrine [Shadi] (3,103 BC) - Guardianship -Maximillion J. Pegasus (1994 AD) - Ownership -Ryou Bakura (2000 AD) - Ownership -Yugi Muto (Current) - Guardianship The Millennium Eye can only be worn by someone who is worthy of it. If a fool tries to use its powers, they will be punished severely. The Millennium Eye grants the user the ability to see through another's eyes, to read current thoughts, and to trap souls within inanimate objects. But this is all done at the cost of the wearer's left eye. It's ability to read minds is called 'Mind Scan'. The 'Mind Switch' is the only way to counter against the 'Mind Scan'. Since the beginning, there has been a darkness residing in the Millennium Eye.

Millenium Key
Owners/Holders: -Priest Shimon (3,119 BC) - Ownership -Priest Shada (3,103 BC) - Ownership -Tombkeeper's Shrine [Shadi] (3,103 BC) - Guardianship And Use -Bobasa (2000 AD) - Guardianship -Yugi Muto (Current) - Guardianship The Millennium Key does exactly what its name suggests. it is a key to a person's mind. With the Item, the holder may explore a person's mind and thoughts, and change them at their will to their own liking. It has the power to wipe a Soul Room clean and to reconstruct a person's entire life. The Key also has the power of cloaking, the make its holder, and anyone else the holder desires, temporarily shrouded in darkness, or invisible.

Millenium Scale
Owners/Holders: -Priest Atenza (3,119 BC) - Ownership -Priest Karim (3,103 BC) - Ownership -Unknown Elected Priest (3,103 BC) - Guardianship -Tombkeeper's Shrine [Shadi] (3,103 BC) - Guardianship And Use -Bobasa (2000 AD) - Guardianship -Yugi Muto (Current) - Guardianship The Millennium Scale's power is similar to that of the Scale of Truth from Egyptian mythology. It can be used to find out if a person is lying or not. It has the ability to weigh a person's heart against the feather of truth. If the person's heart weighs less than the feather of truth, placed on the other end of the scale, the person is true to the heart. If their heart is heavier, their bodies are devoured by a giant monster that erupts from darkness.

Millenium Necklace
Owners/Holders: -Priestess Sehka (3,119 BC) - Ownership -Priestess Aishizu (3,103 BC) - Ownership -Females Of The Ishtar Family (3,103 BC) - Guardianship -Ishizu Ishtar(1996 AD) - Ownership -Yugi Muto (Current) - Guardianship The Millennium Necklace will only work for those who are able to use it. The future it shows is almost always accurate. It is only wrong when the intended future is affected by another Millennium Item. On occasions, it can be used to view happenings in the past. If you have controlled the Necklace, you may control it to show you your preference.

Millenium Rod
Owners/Holders: -Priest Secmenton (3,119 BC) - Ownership -Priest Seto (3,103 BC) - Ownership -Males Of The Ishtar Family (3,103 BC) - Guardianship -Marik Ishtar (1994 AD) - Ownership -Yugi Muto (Current) - Guardianship The Millennium Rod has many abilities. The Millennium Rod has the ability to read other people's minds and brainwash them. It allows the owner to control another person completely. It is nearly impossible to fight against the power of the Rod but it has been done before. It also allows the owner to speak or act through another person, by the holder of the Rod planting a thought inside the controlled mind. The Millennium Rod, can also create a Shadow Force, a physical force that can seriously hurt or injure the victim. The Rod can also seal souls within inanimate objects, and it turns into a small dagger at the top.

A Dark Power
The number 1 rule of life, everything comes at a price; but the best things in life are free. Because of the 'Alchemy Of Darkness', a dark spirit was awoken, and it manifested the souls of those who had created it. The evil aimed to gather all 7 Millennium Items to resurrect the dark power into a physical form. The darkness first attacked itself into the man who had processed the ritual, Priest Akunadin. Ever since that day, the darkness had acted through Akunadin, and this eventually lead to Akunadin's end. 99 people were slaughtered. And for what? So the Pharaoh of Egypt and some Priests could get some more power? The Items were created to safeguard the Kingdom, but at the price of violently slaughtered lives and the innocence of one boy that would later bring the Kingdom to the brink of destruction once again. Bakura's mind was corrupted by that day on, from seeing the inhabitants of his village slaughtered.. The darkness latched itself onto Bakura. Bakura gave the darkness form; Zork Necrophedius. Zork Necrophedius soon got his wish of resurrection when the 7 Millennium Items were placed within the Pharaoh's Memory. His body was exhumed and he was reborn. Zork reaffirmed his power of Akunadin and presented him with dark powers, changing him into the Dark Priest, who shall control Zork Necrophedius. It is not known how or why, but at some point Zork Necrophedius sealed together a part of his and Bakura's souls within the Millennium Ring, held by Bakura, before Bakura was killed by Zork Necrophedius. Zork Necrophedius was created from the darkness of the Millennium Items and the tragedy at Kurelna. Though Atemu defeated him by sealing himself and Zork within the Millennium Puzzle to save the kingdom, no good has come out of the Millennium Items. All of these tragedies were born from the creation of the creation of the Millennium Items. Even as Atemu said, "Nothing good can come from that power."

The End of The Millenium Items
After the darkness of Zork Necrophedius was sealed away, the cousin of Pharaoh Atemu was next in line for the throne. As Zork Necrophedius had used Akunadin to force Seto to duel Atemu a short time ago, Atemu and Seto had gotten closer at that moment. Knowing they were cousins, friends. Seto, during his reign of Pharaoh, continued the work on Atemu's tomb, placing the pieces of the Millennium Puzzle inside a Puzzle Box, at the end of the tomb, so that nobody may disturb him again. He created the Lithograph to be hung up on the entrance to the Palace, as a constant reminder of his bravery. But as Atemu had asked him, before he sacrificed himself Seto sealed away the Millennium Items. A family was selected to be the Tombkeepers. A family that would live to protect the Pharaoh's legacy. The Items were spread out over a distance. The Millennium Rod and Millennium Necklace were to be held y the Tombkeepers, and the others were the be guarded by Shadi. Shada, still true to Atemu, sacrificed his life in order to become a ghost to watch over the Pharaoh forever. But before this was to happen, Aishizu, using her Millennium Necklace, prophesised the return of the Pharaoh. The Millennium Puzzle would be found, and the spirit would walk among the living once again. So Seto ordered Shimon, who had designed Atemu's tomb, to rebuild the Pharaoh's Memory Tablet at Kurelna. So it was done, so that when the Pharaoh would place the 7 Millennium Items within it, they would be buried under darkness forever, and he would be put to rest. This is how it was supposed to happen. True to this, after Atemu experienced his Memory world, he travelled to Egypt. The Ceremonial Duel of separation took place. Atemu lost to Yugi and was separated from him. Atemu walked through the Door Of Darkness, and the Pharaoh's Memory, the Door, everything, collapsed in on itself. It was over. The darkness, had been defeated.