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Alice Ophelia SMITH

       Alice Ophelia Smith was born in 1852, Clarington, Ohio, the second daughter of James and Araminta  Reed (?) Smith .  The first little girl, Olivia had died before Alice's birth.  Two more girls were born to James and Araminta, Eva and Edith.   Sometime after  Araminta's death in 1859, the family  moved down the Ohio to Middleport, where James then opened another gentleman's clothing store.  An early directory for Middleport Smith & Noll (J R S & J A N) Dealers in Ready Mde Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods s.w. cor. 2nd and Walnut. Alice married R. J. Bullard and moved to Wheeling, where he then entered his father's printing firm.

other photos of Alice may be found on the Smith page

ASB before marriage.jpg (21200 bytes)  Alice Ophelia Smith before her marriage

MVC-008F.JPG (52130 bytes) Alice and daughter Maude

edith as a child.jpg (24614 bytes)  Edith as   a child ..the tintype has been altered to include a gold pin and earrings, making it very unusual. 

edith older.jpg (9023 bytes)  Edith grown up.  there is written on the back of the paper holding the tintype..."Would you know who this is a picture if hadn't told you?  It might be someone else"...this photo was in Alice's photo album.

smith girls.jpg (36262 bytes)   This is a tintype of the Smith girls...Edith, Eva and the eldest, and my great grandmother, Alice.  I just received a copy of this from a lady who is Eva's grand-daughter, and you can imagine my amazement when I discovered that my own childhood face is a double for Alice's......our faces are eerily alike....the Smith's must possess some strong genes! 

