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"Whispering Memories"

There is a love beyond the words of man
There is a song that can not be sung
There are images of days gone by within the mind
And a smile from those things that bring a tear to the eye

An awareness of who and what you have meant to another
And of what they have meant to you as well
There are thoughts of the native land
The windows of the mind expose the sunlight of that love
The purity of the times, The honesty of the emotions

The relentless pursuit of another's happiness
And the satisfaction knowing of their contentment
Church bells ring from the hometown on Sunday morning
A small one upon the lap of the strong one
Hand in hand, Eyes on eyes

An undying thing I suppose
Oh yes, This is a known, A given if you will

The exchange of smiles from across the room
The joining of hearts, The joining of the souls
It is not a thing for all to see
These whispering memories.

Poem Written By The Quiet One
Copyright © 1998 All rights reserved.

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