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Interview with Leslie Leatherman

Picture personally sent by Leslie Leatherman

DP: Where were you trained to wrestle?

LL: I was trained to wrestle at the Superior School of Wrestling aka The House of Pain in Hagerstown, Maryland by John Rambo.

DP: First bout?

My first professional bout was a 6-man tag. Leslie Leatherman/Jake Davis/Tate Griffin vs. Jimmy Deo/Dan Callas/Tommy Golden. I believe it was in 1998 in Keyser, WV. I pinned Jimmy Deo with a Schoolboy Roll up.

DP: Where have you worked for since then?

LL: I have wrestled for a variety of promotions including: HOPWF, NWL, FNW, WWSA, AWA/WSWF, SWA, KYDA-Pro, DWF, AWF, SWO, CPW, EWA, Pile driver Pro, IWA, SCW and many others.

I wrestle primarily in MD, OH, PA, NJ, WV, VA, NC and DE.

DP: Now weren't you managing some also, as I am not sure?

LL: I have accompanied Tag Partners to the ring but I have never been an “Official” manager.

DP: Best bouts to date?

LL: I have had many great bouts with Legends, Superstars and great Indy Workers. Most notably: King Kong Bundy, Kamala, Demolition Ax, Road Warrior Animal. Snitsky, The Patriot, Rock’n’Roll Express, Honky Tonk Man, Headshrinker Samu, Gangrel, Nikolai Volkoff, Deacon Deville, Jake Davis, The Grungers, John Rambo, Rockin’ Rebel, King Kahlua, FNA, T Rantula and many others.

DP: Do you have a web page where people could get hold of you, find out more about you, or book you?


DP: Any serious injuries since starting?

LL: Chronic back and neck pain.

DP: What attracted you to wrestling to begin with?

LL: I love everything about it. The epic story of good versus evil and watching people trying to overcome the odds. Wrestling has produced some of the greatest characters and performers of any genre of entertainment.

DP: And now that you're in, are you glad?

LL: Absolutely. There have been ups and downs. But the ups out weigh the downs by far. I am very proud to be a part of the business. I love it!

DP: What advice would you give people wanting to get into Indy wrestling?

LL: Find a good school, keep your mouth shut and learn. Get real gear. Wrestling boots, sing lets whatever. Don't look like someone sitting in the front row. People buy a ticket to be entertained. You as a performer owe it to the fans to look and act like a professional.

DP: Aside from you, who are some other Indy people out there worth watching?

LL: The Indy’s offer some of the best talent out there. Deacon Deville, Jake Davis, Sterling James Keenan, Seth James, T Rantula, Aidiean, Flex Fenom, Gutterboy, Hyjinx, Big Slam, Doc Diamond, Shane Shadows, Mike Pryor, Chucky Wynn, Johnny Glitter and so many, many others. Some are young and on their way to a huge future, some are seasoned veterans who have been there and done that. The Indy’s have such a great variety of comedy, hardcore, catch as catch and high flyers. All of them have their place. Support them when they come to your area!

DP: Future plans?

LL: Right now life is great. I am married to a beautiful woman and we just bought a great house a few months back. I was baptized this past Easter in the name of Jesus Christ. And, my professional careers and wrestling have never been better. I am just going to keep doing what I love to do.

DP: Interests outside of wrestling?

LL: Bruce Springsteen, The Dallas Cowboys, my three dogs and my family and friends.

DP: Any interesting stories or incidents you might want to share since getting involved with wrestling?

LL: My father was a professional firefighter. He died in 1997 from years of exposure to chemicals and such. I moved back home from Jacksonville, FL to spend the last few months of his life with him. I started wrestling about 6 months after he died. I still to this day, 8 years later, use his name Leslie Leatherman as my ring name. It always puts a smile on my face to hear myself introduced, as I know somewhere my old man is watching and is proud!

DP: Anything else you would like to comment on before closing?

LL: Check out my web site… www.lleatherman.jislaaik.com
I do all the work on it and keep it updated. Check out upcoming appearances, merchandise and career highlights on Leslie Leatherman!

DP: Closing comments?

LL: Thank you for this opportunity to complete this interview. I think exposure is a wrestler’s best friend and the fact that you are doing this is fantastic. To the fans that read this, Come out and support Indy Wrestling. It is an exciting time with men and women working very hard to entertain you. Thanks and God Bless!

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Quick Highlights

---Debut: 1996

---Has worked with Gangrel, Samu, Ax, Animal, Rowdy Roddy Piper

---Guest on Trash Talking Raido 2005

Interviewer: Dale Pirece
Interview date: December 13, 2005

Official Websites:

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Mike Trash

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