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Interview with Brittany Force

Pictures from Brittany Force Personal Collection

JM: Were you a fan of pro wrestling growing up and if so who were some of your favorites?

Brittany: I was I loved Brutus the barber beefcake, miss Elizabeth, roddy piper and Ricky the dragon steamboat.

JM: You started off as a Manager in wrestling, what are you memories from your debut as a manager?

Brittany: lol, I just remember wanting so badly to be in the ring wrestling. My very 1st match managing was against the blue meanie and he was simply great to work with.

JM: Once you were being trained, what was the training like?

Brittany: My trainer treated me very fairly, he was honest and blunt and I truly believe he is the sole reason why I am the performer I am today.

JM: What are some of your highlights in your career?

Brittany: Getting to work for WWE, training with the guys and Beth phoenix. It was the time of my life, and something i will never forget. I have gotten to work with nikki roxx and Angelina and velvet sky. They were all truly amazing as well

JM: Do You see yourself in the WWE or TNA in the future?

Brittany: while I would love to say yes, I don’t for see that happening, but i truly love the indies and all the girls here, so i will take this

JM: Name Association Game?

Hailey Hatred-truly amazing

Nevaeh-one of the very best

Angeldust-very talented

Sassy Stephanie-good friend

Lorelei Lee-classy

Nikki Roxx-true professional and incredible wrestler

Stacy Hunter-she has been my manager before

Allison Wonderland-wonderful

JM: You recently debuted in Delaware for DCW and I happen to know from working in that area for a coupe shows myself, Delaware esp. DCW has a strong fan base, will we see a lot more of you in that area and DCW?

Brittany: do foresee me working in the Delaware area in the future

JM: You have in the past worked for Pittsburgh Deaf Wrestlefest… the two years you have competed for the event, and had great matches… will we see you return to deaf wrestle fest this year if there is going to be one this year?

Brittany: at this very moment I am scheduled to be there but I am in Memphis that weekend so I am working on switching flights so that I can be back in time

JM: A couple years ago You worked as an extra for WWE on smack down/ECW brand, what was that experience like and what was your part?

Brittany: I did discuss this briefly earlier, but I was an extra, I got to train in the WWE ring, meet and eat and talk to the current and former stars, and see what it is like to be a WWE superstar. I had a match with Beth phoenix and she is truly amazing

JM: You made the top 50 women in pro wrestling illustrated last year…. Was this honor something you never expected?

Brittany: as many of us read that magazine as children, it was such a complete and total honor to be a part of their magazine and to be represented with some of the very best women in the world of wrestling was an honor in itself.

JM: Advice for fans who want to follow there dreams?

Brittany: Find a reputable training school with a good trainer, ask other wrestlers in your area which are the best, go to a fitness facility and look the part also. And live the dream, i travel every weekend and most times it is 2-3 states in a weekend. it is the ultimate goal and dream to do what I am doing now, I get to meet so many new people in and out of the ring and it is such a rewarding experience. I just hope along the way, I can help people live their dreams as well.

JM: Closing thoughts?

Brittany-"live life for today, because you are not guaranteed tomorrow"

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Quick Highlights

-----WWE Extra on the Smack-down/ECW Brand

---#47 in Pro Wrestling Illustrated top 50 Women of Wrestling in 2010

Interviewer: John Mikels
Interview date: May 6, 2011

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