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NHBC Roleplay Board

Company History
Title History

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When did the No Holds Barred Championships begin?
2. Who runs the NHBC?
3. What experience of e-feds do you have?
4. Is running an e-fed difficult?
5. How do you decide winners?
6. I want to quit, how can I do it?
7. I thought I should have won a particular match, who can I complain to?
8. Who are our favourite wrestlers/wrestling federations?
9. Wrestling hates?
10. Do you accept unoriginal characters?
11. List 3 things you hate about the e-fed world?
12. List 3 things you like about the e-fed world?
13. I think your fed sucks…!
14. Is it OK that I'm in another fed?
15. I'm a member of, or own another e-fed, can I advertise for them?

Q: When did the No Holds Barred Championships begin?

A: Mid September of the year 2000, our first event was the 'September 2 Dismember' PPV, which was held on Sunday September 24. However it closed in February of 2002 and is now re-opening for a second stint after nearly three years after the journey began.

Q: Who runs the NHBC?

A: Two lovely gentlemen by the name of Dave Lal and Rob Powell.

Q: What experience of e-feds do you have?

A: Rob: Before setting up the NHBC, we (me and a cousin) roleplayed together as a tag team, in two feds which promptly shut down after we got there. So, feeling pissed off, I set up my own, knowing I could do better. I was doing two shows a week on my own and a PPV each month for eighteen months until the creativity finally dried up. Now it's back, and so am I.

Dave: ******GET DAVE's INFO HERE***

Q: Is running an e-fed difficult?

A: It is in the sense that other feds don't always treat their roster equally, where we have always promised that everyone gets an equal push – keeping people happy in e-feds is hard. Decent cards take a lot of time to write, and the website also takes time to update, and that isn't always the easiest of things to do when you've had as much trouble as we have had with ours.

Q: How do you decide winners?

A: There are a couple of things that help us decide who will win and lose each match. The first is roleplay quality and the amount of effort we feel that roleplayer puts into the fed. The more effort obviously the better chance they have. The second is angles. If an angle requires a win for one particular wrestler then they will win the match. An angle has to be interesting, and if one guy is winning all of the time then it won't be. Therefore there is a 50/50 Angle/Roleplay match decision split.

Q: I want to quit, how can I do it?

A: In theory you can just stop roleplaying and never visit the site again, but we would be thankful if you would just drop us an email telling us, so we can change storylines that your character was involved with, with others.

Q: I thought I should have won a particular match, who can I complain to?

A: Well you could send a polite email to either one of us asking why, and we'll reply by explaining what's going on with your character. However if you continue to whine and moan, we will drop you from the roster. We've said it before, and we'll confirm here, we have no time to deal with these complaints of which we can't do anything but explain why we did it. If you're on MSN you can easily get explanations about your character's direction by having a chat to us on there..

Q: Who are our favourite wrestlers/wrestling federations?

A: Rob: A long time WWF purist but over the past year it has become so poor that I haven't been watching it regularly for the first time in about six years. I liked ECW a lot. They appeared to have their own little wrestling world, which is what I guess e-fedding is about in a round-about way. I also jump at the chance to catch some Japanese wrestling. The storytelling is still done in the matches, which is something e-wrestling rarely achieves. My favourite performers were Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels but they're both past it now. Now it's Chris Jericho and Raven.

Dave: ******GET DAVE's INFO HERE********

Q: Wrestling hates?

A:Rob: WCW, but the fact that it no longer exists is also a hate of mine.

Dave: ******Dave's INFO HERE******

Q: Do you accept unoriginal characters? Ie. Can I join the NHBC and wrestler as 'The Undertaker'?

A: No, you may not.

Q: List 3 things you hate about the e-fed world?

A: 1…Feds that have been open 5 minutes and claim to be 'the best fed on the net'…2…People who run feds and think they know it all and then call themselves 'the creative mind'(ha!)…3…Roleplayers who are content in their small 'WWF e-fed', which has crap results and even worse management.

Q: List 3 things you like about the e-fed world?

A: 1…It's free, so many things are not these days…2…It's fun, or at least it should be…3…Has the potential to excite people as much as the real thing.

Q: I think your fed sucks…!

A: …OH NO!

Q: Is it OK that I'm in another fed?

A: We have no problem with it, as long as you roleplay here we don't care.

Q: I'm a member of, or own another e-fed, can I advertise for them?

A: NO! Sorry our fed is small enough without the roleplayers we have, being poached by other feds.

Copyright NHB Productions 2003