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NHBC Roleplay Board

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Copy and paste this entire page into a Word document. To apply as a singles wrestler, fill out the necessary fields. To apply for a tag team, fill out TWO singles forms and one tag team form. No matter what, to apply for the No Holds Barred Championships, fill out this form and send it to with the subject heading of:

[NHBC] Application for *Your Character's Name*






MSN address:

(Please note: The NHBC's preferred form of instant messaging is MSN, but email still works if you're not on MSN!)

How long do you plan on staying with the NHBC?

Why do you think you're NHBC Material?

Do you use any particular fonts on your Roleplays?

(For the following, fill in Out of Character, YOUR answers)



Favorites (Wrestler, Fed, etc):


Length Of E-fedding Career:

Previous Feds (links if still active):

Previous Characters:

Homepage (Non-efed, optional):

SECTION 2 - SINGLES FORM (Your characters information)

Real Name:

Nickname Or Wrestling Persona [In full, ie: 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin]:

Height (No More Than 7'2"):

Weight (No More Than 500):




Years Experience:

Alignment [Face / Neutral / Heel]:

Gimmick [Can be brief, but must describe what "kind" of gimmick is related to your wrestler, ie: Badass, Cocky, Pimp, basically what your character is about.]:

Wrestling Style [All-Rounder, Brawler, Technician, Technical Brawler, High Flyer, Luchador, Risk Taker, Hardcore, Submissionist, Martial Artist, Etc.]:

Theme Music [Song Name and Band]:

Entrance Desciption [Entrances must be in-depth and appear EXACTLY as they would in a card, because this will be pasted directly into most of your matches, so any wrong "tense" will result in your wrestler looking b-grade]:

Physical Appearance [This should describe basics like eye color, hair, any body piercings/scars/tattoos, muscle build, physical habits or traits, and should be enough to allow us to visualize your wrestler.]:

Resemblance [Who your wrestler resembles in real life, doesn't have to be a wrestler. This will help us when it comes to making posers]:

In-Ring Attire [What your character wears TO the ring and IN the ring]:

Casual Attire [What your character would wear outside of the ring]:

Life History [The more in-depth, the better you and we will understand your character. Be mysterious if you want, or give us their full life story, but please fill this out as in-depth as possible]:

Acknowledgements/Awards [Any "real" Belts your character has won, awards he's been voted for, etc.]:

Previous Federations Wrestled In:

(If you should need some help finding moves, please visit The Big, Big Book of Wrestling Moves.)

Five Or More Trademark Moves [You may give these character specific names if you wish but none of these trademark moves can be deemed 'finishing' maneuvers.]:

Major Trademark Move [The move that is almost ALL the time used in a match, ie Farooq's Spinebuster]:

Finishing Moves [No More Than Two; include personalised names for those moves if you wish]:

Finisher Desciption and Setup:

Variations of Finisher:

Specialty Match [Ladder, Cage etc or a unique match]:

Weapon of Choice:

Cardly Traits [Any actions your wrestler is renowned to doing, each card on average. ie: Debuting a new move. Doing the same move combo, etc.]:

Wrestlers Homepage:

Manager(s) [Yes, No]: (If yes, please fill out the next few questions. If not, skip to the bottom of the page. If your manager, is also your tag partner also indicate here)


Manger's Name:

Manager's Gender:




5 Moves:

Does Your Manager Distract?:

If Yes, How? (eg, With weapon he/she brings to ring):


Tag Team Name:

Tag Team Members:

Combined Weight:

Tag Team Theme Music:

Tag Team Entrance [Entrances must be in-depth and appear EXACTLY as they would in a card, because this will be pasted directly into most of your matches]:

Tag Team Gimmick:

Tag Team Alignment:

Tag Team History [How they know each other and what they've done together, etc]:

5 Trademark Tag Moves:

Tag Team Finisher [No more than two]:

Description of Finisher And Setup:


(The following questions MUST be answered In-Character, from your CHARACTERS point of view..)

1) What got you started in the wrestling industry?

2) If you were given the opportunity, what would you do with your life (besides wrestling)?

3) What was your first impression of the NHBC?

4) Do you have any historical link with the NHBC, such as working here before or knowing of anyone working here before?

5) Okay, you have the chance to wrestle ANYONE in history, it doesn't even have to be a wrestler, who would it be and most importantly why?

6) Do you like the prospect of "Hardcore" in wrestling? Or do you think Hardcore is basically an easy way to get over and doesn't involve any real talent? Have you much experience of it?

7) Do you have any idols you'd love to meet (living or dead)?

8) How long have you been wrestling and training for?

9) Have you ever done anything that has changed your life, or made you reconsider what you were doing to the point of stopping it?

10) Do you ever dwell on the past? Or have any regrets which you which you could rectify?

11) What are your long term goals in the NHBC? What do you ultimately hope to achieve?

(The following questions can also include what you dislike/hate about whatever the question asked)

a) What is your favorite genre of music, and why?

b) Who is your favorite musical artist/band, and why?

c) What CD's in your collection are hitting your ears currently?

d) Who is your favorite wrestler, living or dead, and why?

e) What is your favorite genre of film, and why?

f) Who is your favorite actress/actor, and why?

g) What are your favorite types of videogames?

h) What games have you been playing recently?

i) What is your favorite author/book?

j) What is your favorite food?

k) What is your favorite color?


Insert here either:

a) A direct cut and paste (without HTML) of a former Roleplay, doesn't have to be with current character.

b) A link(s) to saved roleplays by the SAME character.

Either way this must be typical of the length, quality and standard of roleplay that you regularly produce. The sample roleplay is equally as important as the rest of the application and is one of the big factors on whether or not you will be accepted.

I, the NHBC applicant, have read all the rules, I have gone over my application, numerous times to ensure I haven't made any blatant errors that will lead to me not being hired. I also understand that if I'm not accepted not to whine and cry about, thus I hear by accept these terms and conditions and look forward to my acceptance into the No Holds Barred Championships.

Signed: ____________________________________________

Copyright NHB Productions 2003