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Date? (Arena?)



Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock



Biggie v Lance Mikes (Table Match)

"I'll see Hell On Earth!!"

El Nutso v James Lord v 'The Dark' Omen v HDO (Non Title)

A Small Interview w/Rob Powell

The Main Event

"The Final Transaction"??


Key: Green - Chapter name, Grey - showing footage from the past or a replay, white - live action/voices




[The screen is dark is until a familiar voice echoes,]

Voice - Previously on NHBC Raze....

[The show opens up with a video package showing some of the events from X – Rated this past Wednesday. Matt Hunt stands in the ring along with his IWC cohorts and speaks.]

Matt Hunt – Okay…The name 'Hell On Earth' needs to be leaned upon and I was thinking of those three words when I…when WE came up with this challenge. We are challenging the NHBC – to a TWENTY MAN TAG!!!

[The fans pop.]

Matt Hunt – Ten IWC wrestlers versus ten NHBC wrestlers…all in the ring at the same time…one pinfall ends it all…We are talking utter fucking carnage…a complete massacre…and what's more…we are talking, HELL ON EARTH!!

Greg – HOLY SHIT!!

Nick – I can't believe that!!"

[The shot then cuts to footage later in the show. The NHBC battle royal – with the winner getting an IWC Heavyweight Title shot at Matt Hunt in seven days time at Hell On Earth. "The Black Widow and El Nutso stare at The Ripper, they charge at him and attempt to dump him over the top rope, suddenly DJ Premier's remix of My Way hits, and out comes Rob Powell, holding his head in pain, he gets about 3 quarters way to the ring and Dave Crimson comes running from behind and bowls him over. He stands back taunting Rob who gets up and hits Crimson with a brilliant right hook, knocking him out in the aisle. He gets into the ring and pushes the moulch of bodies dangling over the ropes, all three men fall to the floor, and the bell rings to a huge pop from the crowd. Rob collapses in the ring, Black Widow stands on the outside with his hands on his waist as El Nutso takes a fit!]

Nick - Rob Powell has won the NHBC Battle Royal!!

Greg - Rob Powell will face Matt Hunt at Hell On Earth for the IWC World Title!! I can't believe it!!!!…"

[The shot cuts to the main event of the show, which was scheduled to be a handicap match, but Rob Powell adds himself into the match and so the match is made, Rob Powell and Hex v Robbie K and Matt Hunt for the NHBC Tag Team Titles…"Hunt boots Hex and floors Him once more. Hunt runs off the ropes and goes to hit Hex with a big leg drop but Hex rolls out of the way and Hunt jams his spine down into the mat. Hex rolls over to Rob for the tag, but Hunt pulls his leg, Hex spins and kicks him in the chin then jumps over and tags Rob Powell. Rob gets in and jumps on Hunt, he starts hitting him in the head with fists, the crowd go crazy, he gets up and starts kicking Hunt in the head viciously. Hunt covers up, putting his hands over his head. Robbie K gets in but Hex intercepts him, he clotheslines him and they both tumble over the top rope. Rob is still laying into Hunt, dragging him all over kicking and punching him. From the entrance way Crimson comes out and starts pointing frantically at the ring, out runs Ben Brians, he drops his title at ringside and slides into the ring and drags Rob off Hunt by his hair, He grabs Rob by his shoulders but Rob drops to his knees and low blows Brians, Hunt scrambles to his feet spins Rob around, kicks him in the gut and hits him with the Last Post. Brians goes to the outside and starts on Hex, They throw Hex over the commentary table, he lands on Greg Salmons lap. Hunt circles the fallen Rob Powell laughing at him, he picks up his prone body, and hits him with another Last Post. He puts his foot on Robs chest and flexes his muscles]

Ref counts 1………..2…………………3!

Greg: This is sick. Come on Matt you made your point.

[He holds Rob up as Dave Crimson gets the shots in to him. While on the outside Brians and Robbie K take Hex apart bit by bit. Suddenly the whole arena goes black. Flashes of lightening can be heard, Hunt and Crimson stop and look up, as do Robbie K and Ben Brians. Another flash of lightening and from the rafters ascends a man on a rope. He comes all the way down into the ring with a baseball bat in his hand, undoes his harness and takes off his trench coat.]


[Dave Crimson jolts from the ring, but Hunt is trapped in the corner, he tries to reason with The Black Widow, He ducks out of the way and darts up the entranceway, Brians and Robbie K do the same as the lights come back to normal. Hex still lays on the outside as The Black Widow stands over the unconscious Rob Powell.]

Nick – K and Hunt have escaped with the Tag Titles…and their health!

Greg – But what will Rob Powell try to pull in order to take the IWC Title from Hunt at Hell On Earth??? We might find out, this Sunday on Raze!!…"

Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock

[Fade to black. The Raze theme and introduction package hits and plays through. After it's finished the shot is quickly brought out into the NHBC Arena where the pyro explodes around the arena as the show comes on the air. The noise is almost deafening in the arena as the fans cheer and the camera veers around showing the fans going crazy and waving their signs in the air.]

Greg Salmon – WE are just seven days away from NHBC Hell On Earth, live on pay – per – view and this is the LAST NHBC television broadcast before that even, so you can bet that tonight will shape the possible outcome of Hell On Earth!!

Nick Blakeway – Yes sir! Because tonight we are going to find out the participants of that huge 20 man tag main event…Ten NHBC wrestlers versus ten IWC wrestlers in a one fall ends it all contest!!…

Greg – And also, like we found out on X – Rated, in possibly the most unlikely of matches ever on NHBC pay – per – view, because NHBC Chairman Rob Powell will step into the ring to challenge Matt Hunt for the IWC Heavyweight Title!!

Nick – And NHBC World Champion Hex will defend the gold against Robbie K…

[Seek and Destroy by Metallica then hits in the arena and to a huge host of boos, Team IWC, Dave Crimson, Matt Hunt, Robbie K, Ben Brians, James Lord, HDO, The Mikes Bros and the Bullet Boys walk out onto the stage.]

Greg – And this, we believe, is Team IWC, who will compete in that 20 man tag at Hell On Earth…

Nick – Dave Crimson is putting himself in the match??

Greg – I heard he was thinking about that…

[Team IWC make their way to the ring led by Dave Crimson, who holds a microphone. The IWC wrestlers engulf the ring as the fans continue to boo them. Once everyone is in the ring, Crimson speaks.]

Dave Crimson – Seven days…tick…tock…tick…tock…Seven days until this ten men in this ring, including myself, step into the main event of Hell On Earth to destroy the ten pitiful excuses for men on Team NHBC. But not only that, but that night…Sunday November the twenty fifth, in the year two thousand and one will signal the beginning. The beginning of the end for the NHBC. You see the momentum that we take from Hell On Earth will just be too much for the NHBC to handle. Not only will we humiliate them in the 20 man tag main event, but lower down the card we will see of any competition from the NHBC as well…

[Crimson pauses and points around to some of the IWC wrestlers present.]

Dave Crimson – James Lord is going to take out 'The Dark' Omen, and capture the NHBC Survival Championship…HDO is going to brush the challenge of El Nutso aside like he's nothing…Robbie K is going to tear the heart out of the NHBC, by destroying Hex and winning the NHBC World Title…and then the ultimate. Matt Hunt is going to completely rip Rob Powell apart when he defends the IWC Heavyweight Title against him…It will truly be HELL ON EARTH!!…

[Suddenly, the NHBC Tron then cuts to black, and a strange blue coloured background of a video package fades in. The distinct ticking of a clock can be heard and then slowly, red text, with white chroming fades in on top. The text is very clear, and reads: "THE RAGE IS COMING BACK, TO THE NHBC…T- 17 DAYS AND COUTNING…". The text then flashes three times before the video package fades to black again. The shot then pulls out to see a perplexed Dave Crimson look around, with a very confused look on his face.]

Dave Crimson – What the hell was that??

[Crimson looks around asking the IWC wrestlers what that was, but none of them seem to have a clue either. At ringside, commentator Nick Blakeway has got up from the announce table and has taken a microphone from the timekeepers table. He walks around to the side of the ring and as he begins to speak, the wrestlers in the ring, turn towards him.]

Nick Blakeway – I know what it is…I know what that video is all about.

[There is a pause as Crimson moves to the ropes and looks out at Blakeway.]

Nick Blakeway – Rage is a wrestler. And he's also my son. He is a former NHBC Toughman Champion and held that belt from April until September of this year, which is not only the longest reign anyone has had with that belt, but is the longest reign anyone has had with any belt, in NHBC history. He left after losing the belt in September to have some surgery on his back – but he is fit now, and is ready to return. He is powerful. He is awesome. He is omnipotent, but what's more…HE'S NHBC!!

[The fans pop.]

Crimson – Well I've never heard of him…

Blakeway – You will. Because it is HE who will spell the end of the IWC…

[DJ Premier's remix of Limp Bizkit's My Way then erupts into the arena, and to a loud pop from the crowd, Team NHBC, NHBC Chairman Rob Powell, Hex, Oz, The Black Widow, Omen, El Nutso, 2 Thugz, The Ripper and Lunatik walk out onto the stage. Rob Powell stands at the front of the group, and as Nick Blakeway moves back to the announce table the IWC turn to face the NHBC.]

Rob Powell – On the contrary…The end for the IWC may come at Hell On Earth when the NHBC takes care of business…

[Back in the ring, Robbie K snatches the microphone from Dave Crimson and speaks.]

Robbie K – The only people taking care of business will be the IWC…and that includes me taking the NHBC World Title away from Hex!!

Rob Powell – I got news for you Robbie K…I may just have a hand in who comes out victorious in that match…Because I am appointing myself, as the special guest referee!!

[Hex then shoves to the front of the NHBC pack, pushes Rob, and off microphone asks him what the hell he's doing.]

Rob Powell – You said you'll make your decision, whether you're joining the IWC or staying with the NHBC at Hell On Earth, so here's the deal…if you make a decision that I don't like, I promise you that I WILL SCREW YOU out of the NHBC World Title!!…

[Hex steps back with a pissed off look on his face and down in the ring Robbie K doesn't look too pleased either. Matt Hunt starts to talk to Robbie K, and seeing Hunt consoling K sets of Powell again.]

Rob Powell – It's been a long time since I've been a referee so I'm gonna need to get some practice, tonight so I think we need to make a main event match, so Matt Hunt, you can get in some match pratice, so you're ready for me at Hell On Earth…

[Hunt takes the microphone from K.]

Matt Hunt - I don't know practice for anyone…

Rob Powell - …and you can take on The Black Widow!!

[The fans pop but are cut off by Hunt.]

Matt Hunt - I'm not getting in the ring tonight, unless he puts that Toughman Title on the line…

[Rob Powell looks across to The Widow and The Widow then walks over and takes the mirophone from Rob.]

The Widow – YOU GOT IT!!

[The fans pop again and MY Way hits once more and the NHBC wrestlers make their way backstage as the shot cuts to the backstage set, where The Informer stands.]


Informer – With all this match making going on a around here, you may be confused as to who is facing who at Hell On Earth , so let me run through the card…In a normal one on one contest, the IWC's HDO versus the NHBC's El Nutso…With Survival Match stipulations, James Lord challenges 'The Dark' Omen for the NHBC Survival Championship…'Innovator of Arrogance' Ben Brians versus The Black Widow, for both the IWC International and NHBC Toughman Titles…Matt Hunt against Rob Powell for the IWC Heavyweight Title…and Robbie K challenges Hex for the NHBC World Title, and we just hard that Rob Powell will be the guest referee in that match…AND of course, the 20 man tag main event, Team IWC v Team NHBC…

[The Informer then stops as the Mikes Bros walk onto the set.]

Lance Mikes – Was there one Title missing from that list of matches Ray?

Ray Mikes – I think there was Lance.

Lance – The IWC Tag Team Champions, The Bullet Boyz haven't been man enough to step up and challenge anyone for a shot, so we'll step up and challenge them. We want a rematch for the IWC Tag Team Titles at Hell On Earth…We don't care what…

[Lance then stops as NHBC combo, 2 Thugz walk onto the set.]

Biggie – You know since we lost the NHBC Tag Titles, we haven't been given an inch around here. Hunt and K are already tied up for Hell On Earth so there's no point in us challenging them to a rematch at Hell On Earth, so instead, we'll get into this match instead. We ALSO want in, on the IWC Tag Title match at Hell On Earth…Oh and also, Lance, I want to challenge you a singles tables match RIGHT NOW!

[The Mikes look at each other.]

Lance – See you out there…

[The Mikes walk off and shortly after so do the Thugz.]


[As the shot cuts to a backstage corridor where Robbie K walks along. Suddenly, he is attacked from behind by NHBC World Champion Hex. Hex rams him head first into a near by wall and then stomps him down onto the concrete.]

Nick – HEX!!

Greg – He's assaulting Robbie K!!!

[After pounding him down onto the concrete, Hex drops to his knees and then locks Robbie K into the painful Hexadecimal submission hold!!]

Greg – Hexadecimal!!

[After a short while of having the hold fully applied, NHBC officials and referees arrive at the scene and quickly pull Hex off of K. As Hex is escorted back down the corridor, he shouts back towards K.]

Hex – See you at Hell On Earth!!

[The shot then shows K holding the back of his head and neck as he is helped up from the floor and the shot goes back out into the arena.]

Biggie v Lance Mikes (Table Match)

Jack Ramsay - This match is a table match, with the first man putting his opponent through a table, being the winner. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 210 pounds, from Union City, NJ, being accompanied by Juvenile, Biggie!!! (crowd cheers)

[Up In Here by DMX hits and Biggie appears alongside Juve. They stand on the ramp for a few moments before rushing down to the ring. They dive into the ring and climb opposite buckles to a pop before returning to the mat and regrouping while Biggie's opponent is introduced.]

Greg – The Thugz and The Mikes put out a challenge to IWC Tag Team Champions for a three way match at Hell On Earth, I wonder if and when they'll accept?

Jack Ramsay - and his opponent, weighing in at 243 pounds, bring accompanied by his brother, Ray, representing the IWC, Lance Mikes!!! (crowd boos)

[Drug Ballad by Eminem hits in the arena and The Mikes Bros walk out onto the ramp to jeers from the fans. They cautiously make their way to the ring, and when they get there Juve has retreated to the outside and Biggie stands lonesome in the ring. Ray gets into the ring with his brother and goes over towards Biggie. The referee tries to stop him and then as Biggie tries to go for Ray Mikes, Lance attacks him from behind. Ray jumps to the outside of the ring and the match is on. (the bell rings) Lance whips Biggie to the far buckle and charges in after him but Smallz gets a boot up and kicks Lance Mikes in the head with a big boot. Mikes staggers back and then Smallz clotheslines Lance Mikes to the mat.]

Nick Blakeway - Smallz hits a clothesline…

[Biggie then quickly slides to the outside of the ring and pulls a table out from under the ring. He picks it up and leans it against the apron, until he is attacked from behind by Ray Mikes. Ray rams Biggie into the railings and the referee shouts out from the ring to admonish Ray Mikes. Meanwhile behind the referee's back, Juve has climbed to the top rope and hits Lance with a missile dropkick as he gets up and turns around. Ray Mikes then slides the table into the ring. Biggie then gets up and Ray hits him with more fists. Juve then rushes across the ring and dives through the ropes with a tope, taking out Ray Mikes. Biggie then dives back into the ring where Lance is back up to his feet.]

Greg Salmon – Biggie returns to the ring now…

Nick – And this match has been filled with interference from each mans tag partner so far.

[Smallz punches Lance Mikes in the head. Biggie kicks Lance Mikes in the gut. Biggie hooks him up and goes for a piledriver but Lance counters with a quick backdrop followed by a leg drop. Lance then goes for the table and begins to set it up in the middle of the ring. By the time it is set up, Biggie is up and Lance boots him in the gut. Lance hoists him up and charges towards the table looking for a running powerbomb through the wood, but before he reaches the tab;e, Biggie counters in mid air and takes Mikes down with a hurricanranna.]

Nick Blakeway - Smallz with a match saving counter…

[On the outside of the ring, Ray Mikes is battering Juve with hard fists until Juve goes downstairs with a kick. Juve then hooks him up in an arm ringer. Juve then runs up the steps, across the apron and jumps up onto Ray's shoulders looking to take him into the concrete with a head scissors take over but Ray blocks and counters with a powerbomb onto the concrete. Back inside, Biggie has been pounding Lance with fists but has seen his partner taken out with a powerbomb. Biggie then slides in towards the ropes and nails Ray with a baseball slide to the back of the head.]

Greg Salmon – OH! Ray nailed with a baseball slide!

Nick – Biggie saw him powerbomb Juve on the concrete…

[Biggie goes to ringside and pulls out two more tables from under the ring. He quickly slides them in, by which time, Ray is back up. Ray goes for a fist on Biggie but it is blocked and Biggie fires off with four hard fists. Biggie then hooks up Ray and hits a suplex onto the concrete. When Biggie gets back to his feet, Lance vaults over the top rope and takes him out with a high impact collision.]

Nick Blakeway - Lance Mikes takes Biggie down with a vault to the floor.

[Lance gets up and pulls Biggie up and tosses him back into the ring. Biggie gets hit with a dragon screw from Lance Mikes. Lance Mikes rolls onto Smallz connecting with a knee. Smallz is back on his feet. Lance Mikes hiptosses Biggie. Biggie is up again. Smallz goes to superkick Lance Mikes but Mikes catches his leg, spins him around and Lance Mikes quickly comes from behind and bulldogs Smallz down into the mat. Lance Mikes gets back to his feet and begins setting up another table. Tiredness has started to set in and as Mikes sets up the table Biggie starts to get up, so Lance props up the table in the buckle instead.]

Greg Salmon – Another table, almost set up, in the ring…

Nick – And still another on the mat…just waiting to be set up!

[Both men exchange fists until Lance hits him with a kick to the gut and then whips him to the ropes. Lance goes for a backdrop but Biggie leapfrogs and rushes to the far side. Lance goes for a clothesline as Biggie comes back but it is ducked. Biggie puts on the breaks, turns around and kicks Lance in the gut. Biggie then hooks him up, hoists him up and blasts him into the mat with a piledriver!!]

Nick – Beautiful piledriver!!

[Lance stays down and then Biggie starts to set up the third table in the ring, near the ropes. After he is finished setting it up, Ray Mikes jumps through the ropes, from the floor and blasts Biggie with a hard right hand to the jaw. The referee is quickly on the scene and shouts out to Ray on the floor. The fist spins Biggie around toward Lance who has just got up again. Lance goes for a big roundhouse but Biggie ducks and then hoists Lance up as if for a back suplex but drops him down into an atomic drop. Lance stumbles to the ropes and then comes back into a boot to the face from Biggie. Juve, by then, has climbed up onto the apron and has started climbing the buckle. Biggie rolls Lance onto the nearest set up table, and with the referee still facing towards Ray Mikes on the outside of the ring, Juve comes off the top rope and plants Lance through the table with a frog splash!!]

Greg – Juve puts Lance through the table!!!

[Juve quickly rolls from the ring and the referee turns around to see Biggie standing over Lance, who lies in the wreck of the table, and calls for the bell!!]

Nick – The ref thinks Biggie had put Lance through the table and has given him the match!!

Jack Ramsay – The winner of this match, Biggie!!

Greg – 2 Thugz outsmarting the Mikes!!

[Juve gets back into the ring and raises Biggie's hand, as Ray Mikes dives into the ring. Biggie charges at him but Ray backdrops Biggie over the top rope, to the outside. Juve then charges towards Ray but is blasted with a divesting clothesline. Juve hits the mat and stays there. Then as Ray goes to help his partner from the table, IWC Tag Team Champions The Bullet Boyz come charging down to the ring. Ray goes to attack them as they get into the ring but they duck the double clothesline and run to the far ropes. Ray then turns around and is nailed with a double dropkick to the chest. Ray staggers back and eventually falls into the buckle. The Bullets then pull the table in front of the buckle and Gary rolls Ray onto the table while Lee climbs to the top buckle. Lee then launches off the top and smashes Ray Mikes through the table with a swanton bomb!!]


Nick – It looks like The Bullets have accepted these boys' challenge!!

[Then as Juve starts to get back to his feet The Bullets pick him up and pull him towards the buckle where a table is propped up. The Bullets then paste Juve through the propped up table with an awkward double suplex!!]

Nick – Juve through a table as well!!

[The Bullets then roll from the ring and grab a microphone before heading to the middle of the ramp. They turn to face the ring once they get there, to see Biggie get back into the ring, where both Mikes Bros and Juve lie in the wrecks of tables.]

Lee Bullet – The Bullets…The Mikes…2 Thugz…IWC Tag Titles at Hell On Earth??…WE ACCEPT!!

[The Bullets then back up the ramp but stop as Biggie calls for a microphone from the outside of the ring. Once he gets it he moves to the ropes to address the Bullets.]

Biggie – Well we want a special stipulation…ATOMIK BOMB 4!!!

Greg – HOLY SHIT!!

[There is an enormous pop from the crowd but the Bullets look at each other wondering what the hell that is.]

Lee Bullet – What the hell is that??

Biggie – Basically, we hang those belts of your above the ring. There are ladders all over the place, but there are also tables. But they're not ordinary tables. The tables are rigged up to C4 explosives!!…In order to be able to get belts, your team must have first, put ONE opponent through one of the C4 tables. Then you climb the ladders…WHAT YOU SAY?!?!?!?

[The Bullets just nod in acceptance and back up the ramp as Biggie helps Juve from the table as the show goes to a commercial break.]



[Commercial break.]

"I'll see Hell On Earth!!"

[Once the show returns, the shot is ringside with Nick Blakeway and Greg Salmon.]

Greg – Well what a night it's been so far…We learnt from you earlier, that Rage will return to the NHBC in seventeen days…We found out that Rob Powell will referee the NHBC World Title match between Robbie K and Hex, and Rob told Hex that he would screw him out of the belt is he made the wrong career decision…AND, a new match added to the Hell On Earth, Atomik Bomb 4 for the IWC Tag Team Titles!!…What a night!…

Nick – And we're not through yet, I have a feeling all hell is going to break loose in that main event between Matt Hunt and The Black Widow…

[The shot then suddenly cuts backstage outside the locker room of NHBC World Champion, Hex, and from the inside, large amounts of noise can be heard. The camera goes inside and there a load of referees and officials crowding around something. From the inside of the crowd of referee's Robbie K can then be seen with a Boston crab locked in on Hex!! The officials then manage to pull K off and pull him towards the door. Hex is left holding his back on the concrete, but before K is taken out of the room he shouts back towards Hex.]

Robbie K – No, no, no, Hex…I'll see YOU…at Hell On Earth!!

[The officials then try to help Hex as the shot goes back out into the arena.]

Greg – You talk about pouring petrol onto the camp fire…I believe that their match at Hell On Earth will be one of the most heated ever…

El Nutso v James Lord v 'The Dark' Omen v HDO (Non Title)

Jack Ramsay - This match is a non Title, fatal four way match. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 225 pounds, representing the IWC, HDO!!! (crowd boos)

[Guilty Conscience by Eminem hits and HDO walks out into the arena to boos from the crowd. He wastes no time in walking to the ring, and then HDO stands in the corner of the ring limbering up while the others are introduced.]

Jack Ramsay - The second in this four way match, weighing in at 180 pounds, representing the NHBC, El Nutso!!! (crowd cheers)

[The lights dim, "Nookie" by Limp Bizkit blasts over the speakers and a explosion of yellow pyros blast from the top of the ramp. The lights come back on and El Nutso is seen kneeling at the top of the ramp. He stands and runs to the ring and jumps up to the apron and flips over the top rope into the ring. He runs up the turnbuckle and does a perfect backflip landing on his feet.]

Jack Ramsay - introducing third, weighing in at 225 pounds, James Lord!!! (crowd boos)

[Guilty Conscience by Eminem hits and James Lord walks out into the arena to boos from the crowd. He takes his time getting to the ring as he soaks up the heat from the crowd. Then as he gets into the ring, El Nutso tries to block his path towards HDO, so HDO attacks him from behind and they begin stomping Nutso into the mat before the match has even officially started.]

Jack Ramsay - And finally, weighing in at 210 pounds, he holds the NHBC Survival Championship, 'The Dark' Omen!!!

[The lights go out and fog lifts from the entrance, The Grudge plays on the P.A "The Dark" Omen in gray show on the Titantron, followed by "O-Genki Desu Ka?" in blue. He walks out from the back calmly down to the ring, he climbs the apron and flips over the ropes. Then tries to stop the beating Nutso is taking from the IWC pair but walks into a double superkick from HDO and James Lord. (ring, ring, ring) HDO and Lord continue to pound El Nutso until Omen is up again. HDO superkicks Omen this time, and while Lord pounds on Nutso, HDO goes to work on Omen. Omen moves back to his feet again. 'The Dark' Omen takes a slap to the face from HDO. Hunter does a cartwheel and kicks Omen in the face. Omen falls back into the buckle and HDO hammers him with fists. HDO goes to whip Omen to the far buckle but Omen runs up the buckle as he gets there and then launches off the top and takes down HDO with a corkscrew moonsault!!]

Nick – Moonsault!!

[Omen then runs to the ropes and spring off looking for a lionsault but HDO rolls out of the way and Omen hits the mat hard. Omen then sits up quickly buy HDO blasts him with a boot to the face. Hunter covers Omen hooking the leg. Jeff Bennet counts. ...1 ...2… but Nutso has broke away from Lord and breaks it up.]

Greg Salmon – Near fall…

[HDO gets back to his feet. El Nutso executes a swinging neckbreaker on Hunter. Nutso then quickly climbs to the top rope and then HDO gets hit with the shooting star press from El Nutso!! Nutso makes the cover but James Lord breaks it up quickly. Lord picks him up before planting Nutso into the mat with a DDT. Omen is then back up and hits Lord with a clothesline taking them both up and over the top rope to the floor. After a while both Nutso and HDO are back up in the ring. HDO charges at Nutso but Nutso takes him up and over with a backdrop. El Nutso then stomps Hunter's head.]

Nick Blakeway - El Nutso getting back into the match now and stomps away on HDO…

[Hunter is back on his feet. HDO reverses a whip to the ropes and as El Nutso comes back off the ropes he clotheslines him. El Nutso moves back to his feet. El Nutso punches HDO in the head. Nutso jumps up and....nails HDO with a hurricanranna. On the outside, James Lord plants Omen over the railing schest first with a front face suplex. Lord then gets back into the ring and James Lord kicks Nutso in the back of the leg. Nutso hits James Lord with an elbowed to the side of the head.]

Greg Salmon – Lord back inside now.

[Lord kicks Nutso in the gut and then James Lord tries for an inverted DDT but Nutso avoids it by spinning around and going for a Northern Lights suplex. However Lord spins out of it in mid air and both men are back on their feet again. Nutso boots Lord and he caches the leg so Nutso goes for an enziguri but Lord ducks it and Nutso smashes into the mat gut first. An Indian deathlock is then applied by James Lord to Nutso. Referee Jeff Bennet is checking for a tap out. ... James Lord tightens the hold. ... ... Nutso tries to escape. ... (AHHHH!)…Omen is back into the ring and dropkicks Lord to the face, so that he releases the hold and Nutso escapes. Then as Omen kneels down, HDO springboards off the second rope and 'The Dark' then gets nailed with a guillotine leg drop over the back of the head from HDO.]

Nick – Oh what a leg drop!!

[Nutso climbs to his feet. Nutso kicks HDO in the back as he gets up and he goes for a reverse DDT but HDO spins around, out of it and shoots him to the ropes. HDO drops down and then Nutso comes back towards Lord. Lord goes for a clothesline but Nutso ducks it, jumps up and takes Lord down with a tight crucifix. HDO tries to break it up, but Omen grabs his leg from behind to stop him getting near El Nutso. Referee Jeff Bennet makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3!!!]

Nick Blakeway – And it's over!! El Nutso has won the match!

Jack Ramsay - The winner of this match, El Nutso!!!

Greg – For Omen's sake, it was a good job that that match was non Title…

[HDO manages to kick Omen away briefly and then stomps El Nutso to break the pin up shortly after the three count. HDO then turns around and violently kicks Omen in the ribs. HDO then jumps from the ring and grabs a steel chair. He gets back into the ring where Omen has started to get up. Omen then turns around and HDO blasts him over the head with the chair to floor him. Lord has pulled Nutso up by then and after hitting him with a low blow, shoves Nutso towards HDO, and he gets a chair shot as well.]

Greg – HDO has attacked these two with a chair…what a couple of sore losers…

[Guilty Conscience then hits and HDO and Lord begin to leave as the shot goes to the backstage set where NHBC Chairman Rob Powell stands with The Informer, with a referee's shirt on.]

A Small Interview w/Rob Powell

Informer – We're only moments away from tonight's main event, Matt Hunt v The Black Widow, for the NHBC Toughman Title, and I'm standing by with guest referee Rob Powell, an Rob I waas just thinking about it and it seems you're gonna be a busy man at Hell On Earth. You''re going to challenge Matt Hunt for the IWC Heavyweight Title…You're the guest referee in the Hex/Robbie K NHBC World Title match, and you will also compete on Team NHBC in the 20 man tag main event…I was wondering what you're motivation is for getting involved with the IWC's business so much?

[Rob laughs before answering.]

Rob Powell – I think you'll find it is they who are getting in my business. Forgive if I'm wrong but it wasn't my company that went bust, and then we went and invaded their organisation. They picked the fight with us. They invaded us, so it is they who got in my business, not the other way around. So as NHBC Chairman, it is my duty to screw them over, as much as I can using my power. And that includes beating Matt Hunt and being on Team NHBC. As for the refereeing job goes, I'll call it right down the middle, as long as Hex makes the right decision…

[Robbie K then walks onto the set and snatches the microphone.]

Robbie K - Hey, seems you have selected to get involved in my Title match with Hex at Hell On Earth, and seems you hate Hex so much maybe you'll add a stipulation of my choosing in reflection of what has happened between Hex and myself here tonight.

Rob Powell - What is it??

Robbie K - A submissions match!

[Rob Powell steps back and thinks, with a clear smirk on his face. He rubs his chin with his right hand before stepping towards the microphone again.]

Rob Powell - Submissions match it is!

[Robbie K walks off and Rob smiles as the shot goes back out into the arena.]

The Main Event - The Black Widow vs. Matt Hunt (NHBC Toughman Championship)

Jack Ramsay - This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the NHBC Toughman Championship. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds, the IWC Heavyweight Champion, Matt 'Postman' Hunt!!! (crowd boos)

[ Points of Authority by Linkin Park blasts through the arena. Seconds later, Matt Hunt appears to the disgust of the fans. He strolls out to the stage and scans the crowd with a disgruntled expression. Different coloured lights flash around the arena as Hunt finally makes his way down the rampway, ignoring the heat from the ringside fans. Once he hits the arena floor, Hunt walk around the ring to the steel steps and ascends them at no great speed. He then walks across the apron, looking into the crowd with a slight smirk and stops in the middle of the apron. After a few seconds of staring into the crowd, Hunt steps through the
ropes and marches towards the furthest turnbuckle. He mounts it and raises his arms, flipping the bird for all to see on both hands. Flashes and bulbs go off in that corner section of the arena as the fans click away for pictures of The Gifted One". Hunt pulls his arms down and looking around him one last time, before jumping down back on to the mat.]

Jack Ramsay - And now introducing the special guest referee, the Chairman of the NHBC, Rob Powell!!!

[DJ Premier's Remix of Limp Bizkit's My Way hits and to a pop, Rob Powell walks out onto the ramp wearing the referee's shirt and doesn't waste any time making his way to the ring. He doesn't get in the ring as Hunt stands threateningly near the buckle, but stays on the outside, until The Widow has come to the ring.]

Jack Ramsay - and his opponent, weighing in at 265 pounds, the NHBC Toughman Champion, The Black Widow!!!

[Ready Or Not by The Fugees hits and The Black Widow appears on the ramp and quickly walks to the ring. The Widow slides into the ring and is immediately attacked by Hunt and the match is under way. (ding, ding, ding) After stomping him down into the mat, Hunt pulls The Widow up, and Rob Powell gets into the ring for the first time. Hunt whips The Widow to the far side and then Matt Hunt hiptosses The Widow as he comes back. Matt Hunt quickly covers The Black Widow hooking the leg. Rob Powell counts the pin. ...1 ...2… The Black Widow kicks out.]

Nick Blakeway - Matt Hunt should have known he wouldn't win the match with just a hiptoss.

[Hunt pulls him up and Matt Hunt tackles The Widow into the buckle and pummels his head. The Widow punches Matt Hunt in the head to fight back. Matt Hunt then blocks another fist from The Widow, hooks him up and hits him with an Aztecan suplex. Matt Hunt gets back to his feet. The Black Widow climbs to his feet as well. Matt Hunt hoists him up and executes a spinning back suplex on The Widow. Matt Hunt sucks chants start in the crowd. Matt Hunt is back on his feet. Matt Hunt pulls him up and sends The Black Widow to the corner of the ring. The Widow bounces out of the buckle, Matt Hunt hoists him up and delivers a spinning backbreaker to The Widow. The Widow gets up again.]

Greg - Hunt taking over on The Widow at the moment…

Nick - Yes, The Widow hasn't had a sniff yet.

[The Black Widow fights back suddenly with fists and bounces Matt Hunt off the ropes and clotheslines him. Matt Hunt gets back to his feet. The Black Widow delivers a kick to the head of Matt Hunt. Hunt starts to get up and The Black Widow executes a swinging neckbreaker on Matt Hunt. The Widow goes for the cover. Rob Powell counts…1…2…Hunt kicks out.]

Greg - A near fall.

Nick - Rob Powell has been pretty fair so far don't you think?

Greg - Yeah, not bad Nick.

[The Black Widow mounts and punches Matt Hunt repeatedly. The Widow pulls him up and whips him to the ropes. He goes for a roundhouse when he comes back but Hunt ducks it, hooks him up and then Matt Hunt nails The Black Widow with a belly-to-back suplex. Both men are up again, The Black Widow sends Matt Hunt to the corner of the ring. The Widow charges in but Hunt moves and The Widow hits the buckle chest first.]

Greg - Hunt moved.

[Matt Hunt then tries for a tilt-a-whirl powerslam but The Black Widow avoids it as he slips off the back. The Widow shoves him to the ropes. The Widow then goes for a backdrop but Hunt blocks and counters and Matt Hunt uses a swinging DDT to plant The Widow's head into the mat. Matt Hunt gets up again and taunts the crowd. Hunt makes the cover, and Rob Powell slides in to count…1…2…The Widow kicks out.]

Nick Blakeway - Hunt with a counter.

Greg Salmon - And Rob with another fair count but only two again.

[Hunt gets up and questions Rob's count but goes back to attacking The Widow as he starts to get up again. Matt Hunt short arm clotheslines The Widow back into the buckle. The Widow punches Matt Hunt in the head to fight back again. The Widow backs Hunt up and then whips him the short distance to the buckle. The Widow looks to follow in after him but The Widow is hit with a backward kick to stagger him back this time. Matt Hunt sucks chants start in the crowd. Matt Hunt sends The Widow to the corner of the ring. Hunt charges in after him but runs into a boot to the gut. The Widow then moves him to the ropes and whips him to the far side. When he comes back The Widow hoists him up and smashes him down into the mat with a spinebuster!!]

Nick - Spinebuster!!

Greg - The set up for The Widower!!

[The Widow signals for the end before pulling Hunt up to his knees. The Widow places Hunt's head between his thighs and then begins to hook his arms but Hunt suddenly breaks away and hits The Widow with a low blow. Then in the entranceway, Hex appears and briskly makes his way to the ring. The Widow staggers back from the low blow, and Hunt gets u to his feet, and blasts The Widow with The Last Post!!!]

Greg - Oh The Last Post to The Widow!

[Hunt makes the cover but Rob Powell stands and stares towards the outside of the ring where Hex stands.]

Nick - But Rob has been distracted by Hex!!

[Hunt then gets up and spins Rob around. Hunt is furious with Powell.]

Greg - Surely that would have been a three count…

[Hex then dives into the ring and Hunt attacks him with savage kick of the back of the head. Hunt continues to stomp away on Hex as The Widow starts to get up again. Then from the entranceway, Ben Brians appears and runs down into the ring. Brians, boots The Widow in the gut, hooks him up and blasts him down into the mat with The Innovator. Brians then goes over and starts to help Hunt stomp on Hex.]

Greg - Ben Brians and Hunt are attacking Hex…

Nick - And Brians just leveled The Widow!!

[Rob Powell bails from the ring, as then Oz, and 2 Thugz come rushing down the ramp and into the ring to a big pop from the crowd.]

Nick - Oz, and 2 Thugz!!

[As Oz and the Thugz start to exchange fists with Brians and Hunt, and as the fight continues the Bullet Boyz, HDO, James Lord and the Mikes Bros come tearing it down the ramp and into the ring. The numbers soon over power Oz, and the Thugz, and Hex has manages to escape the ring and heads back up the ramp, as El Nutso, Omen, Lunatik and The Ripper charge from the back and down into the ring to contribute to the absolute bedlam consuming the ring.]




[On the outside of the ring, NHBC Chairman, and match guest referee, has grabbed the IWC Heavyweight Title belt. In amongst the bedlam Rob Powell slides back in and nails Matt Hunt with the IWC Title belt!!]

Greg - OH!!

Nick - Hunt gets nailed with his own belt!!

[The Widow dives in and makes the cover. Rob drops tot he mat and counts..1..2..3!!!]

Greg - And it's over!!

Nick Blakeway - The Widow has retained the Toughman Title…

Jack Ramsay - The winner of this match, and still NHBC Toughman Champion, The Black Widow!!!

[Rob Powell rolls from the ring, and makes his way back up the ramp, the NHBC/IWC on going battle in the ring continues.]

Nick - And the team members of Team NHBC and IWC are getting it on!!

"The Final Transaction"??

[Suddenly the shot cuts backstage to NHBC World Champion Hex who is talking on a mobile phone.]

Hex - So when is the 'final transaction' to go through??

[Hex nods his head and smiles and he receives the answer from the person on the other end.]

Hex - When is it to go through??

[There is a slight pause, at the end of which Hex smiles again.]

Hex - Yes, yes…the main event of Hell On Earth sounds fine to me…

[Hex hangs up and walks off.]

Nick - What is the 'final transaction'??

Greg - Is that when Hex is going to join the IWC???…The main event of Hell On Earth???…We'll find out, next Sunday, on pay - per view!!!…

[Fade to black.]


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