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        One last thing.  School's out for summer, cause school's been blown to pieces.


July 07, 2002 - 10:21pm

        Alrighty, having problems with the past updates page, so don't even bother with it for now.

        Finally adjusted the strings on my guitar.  They were sitting way to high off the fretboard.  Made it a bitch to play.  But now.  Streamlined.  I think I got rid of all the buzzing, not sure though.  Either way, still much better.  Now all I need is an amp.  A good amp.

        Two years from yesterday, since I've been playing guitar.  Since I bought my guitar that I refuse to sell, despite the bridge problems, and superglue.  She still plays, and will so long as I take good care of her.

        My band now has a website.  Click here to view it.  Try to ignore the popups.  We're poor, and can't afford better hosting.  And please keep in mind that its still under construction.  

        Friend of mine has a internet radio station that will be opening to the public soon.  Something is there now, so go check it out.

        For those of you who are GTA3 fans, I have a site for you.  Check it out.

        Gonna give you's a tab for Guns n' Roses.  Don't Cry is the song.  Have fun.

        Someone.  Another poem.  One of these days I'll post another one about death and evil.  If I happen to write another or find another somewhere.  Till then.















June 22, 2002 - 2:50pm

        Yeah, another weekend.  Not much new to tell.  Except that I now have a 12-string acoustic in my possesion.  Payed nothing for it, nor did I steal it.  It was given to me.  Needs new strings, body could use a wee bit of repair, but other than, still plays great.

        One more poem to share with you.  Enough is Enough.  Hope you like.

        School is just about over.  All I have to do is pick up my report card, attend convocation, and then I'm done.  Whoohoo!!!

        Added new quote in the Wisdom section.  Well, not exactly new, but more like reposted. 

        Tuesday, spent the whole day (except for 2.5 hours) in bed sleeping.  I was that sick.   Luckliy I didn't have to puke.

        That's all for now.  Just remember.  Chlorinated water (pool water) is not good to drink.  Trust me.  I should know.

June 16, 2002 - 4:24pm

        Ok then.  Had some problems with the text.  Decided to put itself on the banner.  I don't think so.  Should be fixed now.  Not sure if I'll upload the tabs today, if not, I'll put them up sometime in the next few days.  Keep checking back for that.

        I'm finally in a band.  Lead guitar too.  Pretty sweet.  Already got some songs in the works.  Depending how things go, I just might upload some of our tunes.  But we'll see.  Plus that won't be for awhile.  Don't get your hopes up.

        Did some swimming yesterday at Sargent Park.  I hate the smell of chlorine in the evening.  Had fun though.  Sore too.  Stupid tonsils were swollen as well.  Not fun.

        Got a poem from Syn-tax.   Forget to write down as to what he called it.  But either way, still good.  Have a read and see.        

        Looks like I keep forgetting to add to Past Updates.  Oh well.

        New Korn album, Untouchables is unbelievable.  Buy it today.

        That be all for now, except I have no exams in this week.  Booya suckers.




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