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Enough is Enough

What news is this?
That reacheth mine ears?
Wait, could it be?
Not seems.

Rumor has it, your back with him again
The one day I thought I could
Just tell you how much you mean to me
I here tell of this

A fucking yoyo
That’s what it seems like
Go out, break up, go out again
A cycle that just won’t end

Well, I’ve had enough
Maybe I’m overreacting
Who cares anyway
My heart is shattered,
Soul ripped asunder
And my mind wanders
Can barely think straight

Time for me to move on
No more bullshit
I cannot think of you as I have before
Your going to be “just a friend” from now on

I’ll find somebody
But when? who knows
I certainly don’t
I’ve had enough
I’m gone.