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Warm summer wind drifts by
The scent of rain coasts along the breeze
 Fear what comes? Run where it will be dry?
 I stay and bathe in the water.


 A beautiful summer day lies before me
 I bask in the glory of the sun
 Air alters from gentle wafts to gusting drafts
 Fall against the wind and let it restrain me?
 I smile consciously and keep on walking into the wind.


 I sail my rickety raft on the great sea of life
 The tides rough are today.
 Flailing in the rapids my raft capsizes
 The waters worsen.
 Treading water I hunt for land, a place to rest
 No relief is in sight, I should give up.
 A piece of driftwood pats my shoulder, I am thankful
 This single log, my new ferry
 Along the path I shall add to it and it will be strong
 These waters are navigable they say
 And I will see it to the other side

copyright of Syn-tax and Overclocked Studios, 2002