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Health. . .

It is very important to keep your cat healthy all through his life. This includes feeding him right, making sure he always has water, keeping him safe indoors (and out if you choose), as well as taking him in for regular checkups.

A kitten can be spayed or neutered as early as four to six months. Be sure to talk to your vet about keeping current vaccinations. Check with your vet as to the exact timing of when he should be vaccinated. I believe it is at three, four, and five months, as well as once a year.

It is a personal decision on if you would like your cat to be an indoor cat, outdoor cat, or both. There are many more things and dangers for your cat to get into outdoors, so I recomend you keep him indoors. If you do let him outdoors, be absolutely sure he is up to date on all vaccinations. Some of the things that may happen to him if let outdoors include getting into fights with other toms, getting hit by a car, or catching a mouse that has eatten poison. All of these things could kill him, and should be taken into consideration when deciding if you want to let him outside.