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Alicia - What do you think is so funny, Alicia? 

Andrew - This is Andrew about to hit an empty Coke can with the pool thingamadinger. 

Ashley & Jessica - The two girls in the middle of the picture are Ashley and Jessica.

Ashley & Ali - I assume this was taken in the girls' dorm . . . I didn't take it, honest! 

Basketball Game - A bunch of the guys (not me, I'm pathetic) playing a game of basketball.

Brandy & Ashley - These two had some of the best catfights I've ever seen in my life!

Bryan & Friends - This is during recreation time. 

B.J. - Here's a bunch of people sitting on the ground doing nothing. B.J.'s the guy standing up. 

Calvary - Here's our entire group that went to Winter Quest!

Christian #1 - The dude looking into the camera is Christian, our church's resident Tiger Woods.

Christian #2 - Same guy, but this time, a wee bit too close. I didn't take this picture. 

Christian #3 - He took a break from golf to play some ping pong. 

Christine & Bethany - "Where's my food?!"

Christine & B.J. - They're playing a friendly game of pang pong.(Texan for ping pong) 

Christine & Meagan - Ehh . . . uhh . . . well . . . okay, whatever floats your boat . . . 

Church Time #1 - Uh oh . . . looks like Heidi's standing up to speak. If you don't listen to her, she'll kill you.

Church Time #2 - Does it look like anybody is actually paying attention?

Dawn - This is Dawn. She got saved January 28th, 2001! Ain't that tight? 

Funny - Everybody's making some sort of amusing face, and the funny part is, they aren't doing it on purpose!

Girls #1 - That's Ashley and Bonnie with Jessica in the background.

Girls #2 - Here's my lovely 7th grade girls.

Girls #3 - Here are some of my other lovely girls, just not 7th graders. That's (L to R) Monica, Ashley, and Jessica.

Girls #4 - Smile for the camera!

Girls #5 - This is Heidi (smile and nod), Ashley, and Katy.

Harrison - This is Harrison, he got saved at Winter Quest!

Harrison & Katy - Yeah, Harrison's a ladies' man. 

Heidi & Jennifer - I think that's Heidi talking to Jennifer . . . kinda hard to tell, but oh well.

Hink & Cady - If you squint, you might be able to make out their faces, hehe. 

Hink & Friends - Same with this one! 

Jason #1- Here's Jason Craft giving out his e-mail address to John David and Bryan.

Jason #2 - And here he is with a buncha people from our wonderful church. 

Andrew & JD - This is Andrew and John David crouching for some reason. *shrugs*

Jeff #1 - This is the big man on campus. As always, he's a ladies' man. 

Jeff #2 - Hey! I'm in this picture! I look like an idiot, but I'm in it! Woohoo!

Jessica H.- Here's lil' Hinkle posing for the camera!

Jessica C. #1 - Here she is, by herself in the canoe, thinking, "Where the heck is my partner?!"

Jessica C. #2 - Just walkin' around . . . 

Jessica C. & T.J. - Uhh, well, ignore the dumb look on T.J.'s face. 

Jordan - And here's Jordan posing for the camera, as well!

Joyce & Carol - Here's Mrs. Joyce and my mom, Mrs. Carol.

Me #1 - Heck, what would a web page be without me?

Me #2 - This is me and Mrs. Joyce, or as I used to called her, Aunt Ju-Ju. Ain't we a cute couple?

Me #3 - This is me amongst most of my 7th grade girls. The outcast over to the left is my best friend T.J.!

Meagan - Hey there, Meagan.

Meagan & Ashley - This is Ashley and Meagan trying to remember how to tie their shoes. Kidding!!!! Oh Great, now they're gonna kill me!

Meagan & Bethany - Here's Bethany and Meagan. Meagan's showing off her nifty toothbush.

Lindsey - You see, Lindsey's standing with Mrs. Tennimon in a beam of light from heaven!

Lyndsey - Wow, she's standing in a beam of light too. This is craziness! 

Shaw - Everybody loves Andrew, but I gotta say, I think he was smoking some wacky tobacky that day. 

Strange - I don't know who this is or why she's doing what she's doing, but this is really funny.

Sweeney #1 - Here's Matt being a pimp. Hehehe . . . 

Sweeney #2 - That empty can of Coke insulted him, and he's about to smack the mess out of it.  

T.J. #1 - This is my best friend T.J. He's not really an outcast, I promise! . . . even though he's standing by himself . . .

T.J. #2 - T.J.'s playing hockey with an empty Coke can and a swimming pool floating thing. 

Mr. Tennimon - Heck yeah, this buff dude is T.J.'s dad. 

Mrs. Tennimon, etc. - Left to right is Mrs. Tennimon (T.J.'s mom), then my mom, then Mrs. Joyce!

Worship Time - There we are, all wide awake . . . except for Sweeney, who's taking a quick snooze. 


Okay, for real, T.J.'s not an outcast, he was just unfortunate enough to be photographed by himself in all these pictures.



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