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Admiral - This is me in a Federation Admiral's uniform.

Allena Gore - This is Allena Gore, Al Gore's long lost twin sister. 

April - This is my friend April in an alternate dimension. 

Billena Maher - Bill Maher's demented, messed-up, long-lost twin sister. 

Bond - This is me in a suit. I have real pics of me in a suit on the Pictures page, so check those out too. 

Borg #1- This is me as a Borg.

Borg #2- This is also me as a Borg.

Braveheart - Who needs Mel Gibson?

Brian - This is a picture of my best friend Brian. Well, it's edited . . . a lot. 

Captain- This is me in a Federation Captain's uniform. 

Clint - Everybody loves Clint Eastwood. 

Conanna O'Brien #1 - This is Conan O'Brien's long-lost twin sister. 

Conanna O'Brien and Patricia Stewart - They're best friends!

Desert Battle (Star Trek) - This is a graphic with various ships from Star Trek battling over, you guessed it, the desert.

Endor (Star Wars) - This is Han Solo, Princess Leia, and I posing for an Ewok with a camera.

Freddy - (Nightmare on Elm Street) Beware . . . I'll kill you in your sleep . . . Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha . . .  

Georgina W. Bush - This is George W. Bush's long-lost twin sister. 

Ghostface - (Scream) This is supposed to be me as the guy from the Scream series. Just smile and nod. 

Grim Reaper - This is the Grim Reaper. If you couldn't get that from the name, seek help.

Grinch - This is me as the ever-famous Grinch. Don't you think I make a better Grinch than Jim?

Hair (Blue) - I heard blue hair turns girls on, so . . . there ya go! he he he . . . 

Hair (Gone) - I had an accident with a pair of scissors that came to life, ok? Sheesh . . .

Hair (Conan) - Hey, hair pieces are great. 

Halloween #1 - This picture is kinda freaky actually. 

Halloween #2 - Don't make me mad. Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha . . . 

Horseman - The Headless Horseman. These were for Halloween, by the way . . . 

Hulk #1 - At last, at long last, everyone can see my true self. 

Hulk #2 - And again.

Hulk #3 - And again.

Hulk #4 - And again.

Hulk #5 - And again.

Indiana #1 - Indiana Jones!

Indiana #2 - Indiana Jones, dressed up slightly more.

Instincts - Just a cool-looking graphic I made when I was bored. 

Jane Leno - Ahh yes, here's Jay Leno's long-lost twin sister. 

Jessica Davis - My long-lost twin sister . . . we shot her for being so ugly . . . 

Jocelyn Hagenbucher - Jason Hagenbucher's long-lost twin sister!

King - (Braveheart) A little known fact about me is that I can grow a beard. 

Kingpin (Spiderman) - This is what I'll look like when I'm 50. 

Kirk (Star Trek) - I was a fill-in for Will Shatner back in the day . . . 

Leon Phelps - I am the Ladies' Man!

Master - I got really bored. I'm not really this egotistical! Honest!

Matrix #1 - This is me as the Chosen One. 

Matrix #2 - This is also me as the Chosen One.

Matrix #3 - I'm an agent capping the mess out of the Chosen One.

Matrix #4 - Another Chosen One picture. Heck, I just like saying that. 

Matrix #5 - The last of the Matrix series. 

Maul (Star Wars)- The evil Darth Maul!

Medical (Star Trek) - Me in a Federation Medical Officer uniform.

Melanie Gibson - Yes, it's Mel Gibson's long-lost twin sister. 

Obi-Wan #1 (Star Wars) - Everybody loves Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Obi-Wan #2 (Star Wars) - There's my beard again!

Patriot - Again I say, who needs Mel Gibson?

Punisher - This is a crime-fighting dude called "The Punisher."

Redcoat - (The Patriot) Ahh, we're going to win this bloody war if it's the last thing we do!

Rushmore - Mount Rushmore after the world finally acknowledges my greatness. 

Sexy Monkeys - Doesn't the name say it all? If you aren't a sexy monkey, don't look at this. 

Shaggy - Scooby Dooby Doooooooooooooooo . . . .

Simpsons - This has got to be my favorite one. It's pretty dang funny if I do say so myself.

Star Wars Trio - Hehe . . . Han Solo's so silly. 

Sumo - Okay, unfortunately, this is my true self. Don't laugh, ok?

Superman #1 - My collection wouldn't be complete without my trademark superhero, would it?

Superman #2 - A good Superman action shot.

Superman #3 - A nice drawing of me, isn't it?

Superman #4 - Look at meeeee!!! I can fflllllyyyyyyy!!!!

Turtles - These are the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I'm Donatello.

Venom - This is Spiderman's arch-nemesis, Venom. 

War #1 - Times were tough during the war.

War #2 - Again I say, times were tough.

Warrior Sam - You think Mel Gibson was the only actor in that movie? I think not.

Yoda - (Star Wars) Strong in the Force am I . . . 

Zombie - This picture's pretty freaky actually.

If you have ideas for future pictures, please e-mail me at . Thanks!



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