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6 Guys - L to R: Mark, Jason, Me, David, Brian, Sam.

*~Ava~* & Erica #1 - They're anxiously awaiting the arrival of Brian and I. 

*~Ava~* & Erica #2 - We had just called to let them know we're on our way.

*~Ava~* & Erica #3 - I guess they're thrilled that we're coming, or something . . . 

*~Ava~* & Erica & Jourdan - L to R: Jourdan, Erica, *~Ava~*.

*~Ava~* & Erica Bowling - Notice Erica's gutter-ball. He he he . . . :-)

*~Ava~* & Erica Angry - We made them mad, so they beat us and took our suits!

*~Ava~* & Nana - This is Ava and her lovely pet Nana (sounds like Nay-Nay).

*~Ava~* - My wonderful girlfriend standing in her room. 

Brian Bowling - He looks like he has a big red balloon attached to his butt.

Brian & Grey - Grey doesn't like looking into cameras, but it's still a good picture.

Brian & Nana & Tree - This tree is the Tree of Life, but don't make it angry . . . 

Brian & Sam & Jordan - L to R: Sam, Jordan, Brian. Poor Jordan . . . 

Brian & Pierce & Nana - Three mobsters ready to do some drug dealing.

David Dead - He made the mobsters mad. They killed him. End of story. 

Erica & Kate & Julie - L to R: Julie, Kate, Erica, doing some sort of dance . . . 

Erica & Pierce - This is Erica and her lovely pet Pierce. (or Boris)

Erica - She's holding an imaginary pistol to her head, I guess . . . 

Girls - This is all (or at least most) of the girls that attended. 

Guys - This all (or at least most) of the guys that attended.

Jason - What a nice tree behind him! (I couldn't think of anything else to put here)

Jason & Kristie & Me & *~Ava~* - The 4 of us. 

Jason & Kristie - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww . . . how cuuuuuuuute!

JP & Kheila - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww . . . how cuuuuuuuute!

Mark & Jourdan - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww . . . how cuuuuuuuute!

Me #1 - Me in my spiffy suit.

Me #2 - Me without the suit itself on. (No, it's not a nude picture, don't worry)

Me & *~Ava~* #1 - We're at the bowling alley -- What's more romantic than that?

Me & *~Ava~* #2 - Same place, same time, same pose.

Me & *~Ava~* #3 - We're at Brian's house in our usual spot on the couch. 

Me & *~Ava~* #4 - Same place, same time, same pose.

Me & *~Ava~* #5 - This is the "professional" picture. 

Me Bowling - Purpleish shirt, purpleish ball, and Ava's dress was purpleish too. 

Me & Brian #1 - We finally arrived at *~Ava's~* house.

Me & Brian #2 - Here we are in Brian's front yard, about to leave. 

Me & Brian #3 - Same place, same time, same pose . . . almost. 

Robert & Kate - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww . . . how cuuuuuuuute!

Sam & Bethany #1 - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww . . . how cuuuuuuuute!

Sam & Bethany #2 - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww . . . how cuuuuuuuute!

Secret Agents - This Brian, me, & Jason. Boy, do I look demonic! Bwa ha ha ha!

Taylor & Crystal - Tay-Tay and Crystal's "professional" picture.

Taylor & Crystal & Mrs. Wingerd - Awwwwwwwwwwwwww . . . how cuuuuuuuute!

The Four of Us - Group photos are always fun. (Brian, Erica, Me, *~Ava~*)



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