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Well, to properly understand this entire website and the joke that I have tried to make it out to be, let me explain it. First of all, there are numerous web sites out there that have lots of pictures of aliens and strange spacecraft. They claim that they're real, even though it's obvious that they're little plastic toys. I mean, for cryin' out loud, I could do some real realistic UFO graphics on my computer if I wanted to and people would believe me. I could take a little alien toy, set it in the grass in my yard, take a picture, and people would believe it. People are . . . well, people are silly. And so, I have made a site, just like all those others, dedicated to showing you, and the rest of the world, just how real aliens are. I went to a website (whose URL will remain anonymous for now) and grabbed a bunch of pictures. Now I shall post them below and act like I'm trying to convince you that they're real. If you play along, and if you're bored enough, you should find this amusing.


. . . Aliens . . . 

Is the truth . . . really out there? So often we are confronted by questions and conspiracy theories from movies, books, television, and the people around us. But what do we believe? Are there  really higher beings out there in the vastness of space? 

I have shocking evidence RIGHT HERE for the entire world to see! My pictures PROVE ONCE AND FOR ALL that not only do aliens exist, they have visited us many times. 

And many of these visitations have been caught on film.

Luckily for us...

Scroll below to find these rare photographs. They will undoubtedly make a believer out of you.


UFO #1 - You can tell that this is definitely NOT a fake because of the man pointing at the spacecraft in amazement. Such fine photography this is. I bow to the genius who took this shot.

UFO #2 - This is an excellent action shot. The spacecraft appears to be dropping an egg-like ball from a some sort of storage chamber. My guess is that's it some sort of escape pod or a high-tech probe disguised as a giant egg. Or, perhaps it has in it a deformed alien baby, and the aliens drop defects out or kill them. My final guess is the spacecraft is really just a deformed chicken that's laying an egg, but I know that's way too far-fetched to be true. 

UFO #3 - This is just beautiful, what can I say? When a ship decided to fly low and to skim the trees, someone was lucky enough to be pointing a camera in the direction of it when it passed by!

UFO #4 - Another wonderful film capture with a low-flying alien ship. You can tell that it's real because it's shiny, and all scientific evidence points to the fact that all alien ships are shiny.

UFO #5 - This little beauty looks like a mix between #3 and #4!

UFO #6 - This superb shot bewilders me to this day! Just the fact that someone was out in the middle of nowhere like that when TWO alien ships appeared is incredible!! It's either an incredible coincidence . . . or the aliens WANTED to be seen . . . 

UFO #7 - The aliens were flying in a nice, tight formation, just like TIE Fighters do. Even the higher beings from out space must practice formation flying every now and then, and I guess they wanted to come show us what they can do. Unfortunately for them, we had cameras waiting for them!

UFO #8 - It absolutely amazes me how aliens have a sense of humor. I mean, to actually build a ship to resemble a hat is just . . . extraordinary! 

UFO #9 - In this shocking picture, there's a UFO in the distance . . . it's emitting a strange, circular glow around it. Obviously, this is not a fake, because all scientific evidence points to the fact that all alien ships have a glowing effect. 

UFO #10 - This one's definitely real for a couple reasons. First, it shows so much scenery. It's just impossible for a picture to have that much real scenery and be a fake. Second, it's shiny, and as I stated before, that means it's NOT fake!!

UFO #11 - This can be a number of things. I personally believe it's a very bright, glowing spaceship that's flying in an erratic fashion in the sky. Secondly, it could be a glow in the dark worm against a black table . . . and lastly, it could be God writing in cursive across the sky. After reviewing these conclusions, I'm pretty certain that it's the first one. 

UFO #12 - As in picture #1, this one is without a doubt a real picture, because people are pointing. But this time, there's not ONE person, but more! That means more than one person saw it and pointed, which means it's real. 

UFO #13 - At first I thought this was a fake because none of the people down on the ground are even pointing in amazement. But then I thought to myself, "Hey, maybe the ship had JUST appeared and no one had a chance to even point yet!" and so, I concluded that this is definitely a real picture. 

UFO #14 - This is a famous picture of UFOs. I count eleven UFOs flying around what appears to be the White House. According to the picture, it was taken July 26th, 1952 in Washington D.C. Who was the president during that time? If memory serves me correctly, it was Harry Truman. Harry Truman and I were close friends, and he himself told me that he himself believes that those were just big, fat, shiny birds flying around. I'm inclined to agree with President Truman, not because of evidence, but because he threatened to have me shot if I disagreed with him. Personally, now I believe that Harry Truman himself was one of the aliens. 

UFO #15 - It took me a while to figure out that this is, in fact, a drawing, not a real photograph. When you first look at it you think it could be an alien spacecraft in a blizzard up above two people wearing all-black outfits. But, after careful examination you realize that it's only some artist's representation of these things.

UFO #16 - This is incredible. It's just downright incredible. If this isn't a real picture, I don't know what is. There's just no possible way it could be fake, what with the shack and the scenery. 

Alien #1 - Here comes the fun part! Real, documented pictures of aliens! This first one is an extremely ugly alien that makes me sick to look at. Nevertheless, it's real, and it was spotted somewhere in Utah. 

Alien #2 - Not all aliens are little gray men.  This alien is extremely mean and evil and will tear you limb from limb. I don't know how the photographer was able to take this picture, but I'm very glad that he did. He calls it a "rancor." I suggest you stay far away! 

Alien #3 - This picture is a little fuzzy, but very shocking nevertheless. This picture is solid evidence that there are aliens living, perhaps even among us.

Alien #4 - This is the biggest piece of evidence I have on this entire page. If you see this and still don't believe, you deserve to be shot by an alien's laser gun. It's the real skull of a dead alien. This picture itself was taken from deep within Area 51. Contrary to popular belief, most of Area 51 is, in fact, yellow.

Alien #5 - Here's an alien I codenamed "Blipto." Isn't he a cutie? 

Alien Blueprints - Here is a TOP SECRET document I retrieved and scanned for the world to see. I felt that there was no good reason why it ought to be kept a secret from everyone. 

Area 51 - Here's a picture I scanned straight from a magazine. In this shocking, yet brilliant photograph, it shows the infamous Area 51 at night. The proved existence of this secret base is yet more proof that aliens are out there. 


As I acquire more pictures, I'll put them on here. If YOU have a rare, or shocking, picture of an alien or a UFO, send it to . Thanks for your time!

. . . and remember . . .

. . . The Truth is Out There . . .



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