Another found ritual, with some modifications.Very simple and lovely.

Cast the Circle with a new broom, sweeping away the old and sweeping in the new.
Sweep once around the Circle, starting in the east, widdershins to banish the old, then once deosil to bring in the new.

The Maiden follows widdershins with an unlit candle, then deosil with a lit candle.

Call the Quarters:


"From the East, we welcome the rising of the sun,
From winter’s darkness, we have won!
We welcome you, Brother Wind And claim you as our kin.
Well-come and blessed be!"

Light the East candle.


"From the South, we welcome the Light,
Winter has now taken flight! We welcome you,
Father Sun Our journey, like yours, is just begun.
Well-come and blessed be!"

Light the South candle.


"From the West, we welcome the Waters of the Womb,
From the darkness we emerge as from a tomb.
We welcome you, Sister Rain. Wash us clean and remove our pain.
Well-come and blessed be!"

Light the West candle.


"From the North, we welcome the solid land,
As you bring your blessing to our hand.
We welcome you, Mother Earth And claim our cleansing rebirth.
Well-come and blessed be!"

Light the North candle.

Invoke the God/dess:

"My Lady of the New Moon, Maiden, sweet and fair,
Smile upon us now and bless these new beginnings we dare."

Light Maiden candle.

"Young Lord of the Spring, new born son of the flame,
Your blessing on these new beginnings, we claim."

Light Young Lord candle.

The Ritual

All stand and face the altar with arms raised to the sky. Chant three times:

"She in me, in my understanding.
The Goddess in me, in my heart.
The Goddess in me, in my spirit.
The light in me, in my body.
The light in me, in my mind.
The light in me, in my soul."

Lower arms and say together:

"We welcome the light!"

Priestess: (takes a container with grass seeds in hands and holds it up over her head)

"This soil of Earth is also the soil of our spirit.
Today, we plant the seeds of ______ in this loam to be warmed
by the returning sun, and grow with love."

She plants the seeds in the soil, and places the container on the altar.

Priest: (takes the partially melted snow or ice and holds it up high)

"This is the Water of the Maiden who returns to Earth today,
generating life and fertility with her warmth."

Pours the water into the container with the soil and seed.

"This water shall likewise nourish the seed of _______ now growing in our souls."

Meditate on the meaning of the season, and of purification.

Thank God/dess, Dismiss Quarters, Open Circle

Thank the God/dess:

"My Lady of the New Moon, Maiden, sweet and fair,
Thank you for witnessing and blessing these new beginnings we dare.
We know You are always with us, from this point on,
And for this we give our gratitude and thanks. Blessed be!"

Snuff Maiden candle.

"Young Lord of the Spring, new born son of the flame,
Thank you for witnessing this rite, Your blessings we now claim.
We know You are always with us, from this point on,
And for this we give our gratitude and thanks. Blessed be!"

Snuff Young Lord candle.


"From the North, we thank the solid land,
For bringing your blessings to our hand!
We thank you, Mother Earth And claim our cleansing rebirth.
Go with our blessings and our gratitude. Hail and farewell"

Snuff the North candle.


"From the West, we thank the Waters of the Womb,
From the darkness we emerged as from a tomb!
We thank you, Sister Rain For washing us clean and removing our pain.
Go with our blessings and our gratitude. Hail and farewell!"

Snuff the West candle.


"From the South, we thank the Light,
Winter has now taken flight!
We thank you, Father Sun For blessing the journeys we have begun.
Go with our blessings and our gratitude. Hail and farewell!"

Snuff the South candle.


"From the East, we hailed the rising of the sun,
From winter’s darkness, we have won!
We thank you, Brother Wind And call farewell to you as our kin.
GGo with our blessings and our gratitude. Hail and farewell!"

Snuff the East candle.

The Ritual is finished!