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Sample serves by slaves of Gorean Shores

NOTE: for the following samples - wherever servery is used replace with kitchen... wherever chillery is used replace with either cool room or cold room, in keeping with the books.


Ale; Kalana; Marsh shark; ta-wine; Blackwine, second slave


Ale by cheyenne(GS}

upon hearing  her Master requests for a drink of ale His slave unfolds her lithe body as she rolls upon her dainty feet feeling her sinewy muscles stretching holding her body tall and proud before Him,  a shake of her head she lets her blonde mane cascade upon her back, smoldering blues cast downward she takes 3 steps back then pivots......
feeling the heat of her Master's eyes upon her she sways her curvy hips hypnotizing Him with each measured step she takes......her camisk clinging and caressing her lush body  making  it feel like a thousand fingertips brushing across her golden skin...... with a tilt of her head her lust filled eyes captures Masters before she enters into the servery......

wanting to please Him her sapphire eyes scan the shelving for the perfect tankard, stretching upon her little toes as her heated mound presses tight against the counter causing a shiver to ripple thru the sluts body.....her heavy breasts thrusts forward as she can barely reach the one she wants for Him ....fingertips move asides the unwanted tankard till she feels the cool metal of the perfect one......tipping it forward letting it freefall into her hand she pulls it tight against her warm slave belly.....running the rim upon the tenderness of her breast she feels the smoothness of it, bringing a smile to her lush lips as she know her Master will not be harmed as He drinks from this, swirling the rep around it till it shines.......

padded soles brings her to the door of the chillery as chey tugs upon it.......feeling the grip loosen  the hold she pulls upon it again......baring  the icy blast from within as it sends chills upon her skin, cooling the slut off from the feverish state her Master has her in.......upon entering  her nipples harden as the shiver tingles down her slender back........scurrying over to the barrel she taps the spigot as the creamy ale pours into the tankard......topping it off with a foamy head she twirls around and heads back out wanting the warmth of her Masters eyes upon her

graceful dancer legs carry the slut over the worn tiles, as tapered fingers holds the cool tankard against her slave belly, her breasts jostling with each step she takes.......knowing her Master is watching she arches her back as she swings her blonde tendrils from her soft shoulders.....letting His eyes devour her wanton body...

slipping down upon her knees her creamy thighs part on their own to show Master the hidden jewel that is for the taking.....sliding the tankard upwards between her lush valley  she pauses three beats, before moving the tankard to her lush lips.....kissing the side.........raising the ale up to Him as her head bows between her slender arms.

Master may this ale refresh your thirst, and may cheyennes serve be pleasing and refreshing to You.

Ka~la~na  by yalena{Sg}

aye Master ~*~With eager joy, she moved upon His command and rose from the furs to heed His wishes. The bells tied about her left ankle chimed alive. Gracefully, the slave stepped backwards three tiny steps, her toes being placed directly behind her heel. Her hazels smiled down and then she turned from Him to prance over the tiles making her way to the servery. She was a vision even from the back as bare creamy smooth skin came alive beneath the flickering amber lights cast from tharlarion lamps hanging from the rafters. Rounded cheeks wiggles and swayed but the long lengths of chestnut hair played side to side down her back, teasing His eyes that He might not see all of her just yet.~*~

~*~Her belly churned with desire as she moved to the high shelves over the well worn temwood counter. Inching up on her toes, she reached with right hand as the left held her steady to the counter's edge. Her sex ground into it and she moaned with need, need to be touched by His lips. With a keen eye for selecting a vessel befitting such a Master, she withdrew a finely hammered brass goblet, two fingers curling about the thick stem. Lowering her heels to the kitchen floor boards, she inspected and tested the rim to the supple flesh of her left breast. The pattering of her heart quickened as the vessel slide easily and skimmed her sensitive nipple. Without a flaw to be found, she took a nearby rep~cloth and wiped the surfaces, inside and out, of an fingerprints or dust.~*~

~*~Sultry gold and green eyes lifted briefly to find Him as she moved to the coolroom door. Her internal fires blazed feeling Him inspecting her even more thoroughly than she could ever think possible. Turning as she approached the heavy wooden door, her fingers curled about the vertical handle and she pulled and tugged until the door gave way and in she went, long hair billowing about her naked body, her only protection from the cold that swirled about her feet and creeped up her legs. Standing before the racks of bottles, she pulled one from the center shelf and lifted it to her cheek. It's chill was felt and she smiled and shivered. With a soft chuckle, the slave turned on her toes and rushed out of the coolroom, only stopping long enough to insure the door was closed tight. She backed up and pressed her bottom to the heavy door, wiggling to free the chill from her limbs.~*~

~*~Though feeling the chilly affects of the coolroom linger over her, the fire burning within and the flames licking her as she walked past the fire pits had her toasty in no time. Each delicate foot was placed before the other, her path was straight to Him, but her hips sure did swing and gave an inviting jiggly bounce to her bare bosom, the rosey tips still puckered tight. Stepping to the furs where He sat crosslegged she sank back down, in the exact place she left. Her thighs parted wide and this is where she placed His goblet and lifted the bottle to her mouth. Wiggling and pulling the cork free of the bottle's mouth with her teeth, it popped and echoed about the stone walled tavern. She continued to bite into the cork, holding for recorking. Ever so carefully she tipped the bottle and poured out the sweet red wine, it's rising scent was intoxicating to her nostrils. With the goblet full, she pushed the cork back into the bottle with her teeth. She placed the bottle of ka~la~na to Master's left side, well within His grasp.~*~

~*~She was well aware as He watched her ever movement, hoping He approved of the wine and her. Like streamers of brown, her hair fell about her as she leaned forward and then sat back on her upturned heels tucked beneath her bottom. The goblet ready, she wrapped both small hands around and under the belly of the vessel, lifting it to her belly. Her fires burned with desire and need, so wishing to please Him. The brass goblet rose along her flattened belly and nestled in the valley of womanly breasts, there her heart pounded. Devotion and respect and submission, this is what she gave. Lifting His drink higher, her head tilted and full ruby lips pursed, placing a loving kiss on the side of the goblet. With her arm extending up and out, her head dropped deeply between her arms and offered Master the ka~la~na.~*~

Ka~la~na, Master, slave hopes You find it pleasing to Your taste and the serve to Your liking as well.

Marsh Shark, with fried suls and sa-tarna bread. by  seafora~{EMERALD_FOREST}

seafora Marsh Shark!.

Yes Master Marsh Shark, would Master like fried onions and suls with His meal, and  perhaps bosk butter or honey with His sa-tarna bread?……Repeating His order, Marsh Shark, suls and bosk Butter……she rises from the serving  furs...

her petite legs unfurl from beneath her tiny frame...with the grace of a larl she makes her way to the servery,....the fire light dancing across her skin as her  shadow moves along the wall...her bronzed mane bouncing on her shoulders with added streaks of color....entering  the servery...she stops at the counter....bending over ...her silks rising over her  rounded bottom...she searches the cooking pans for a large baking pan...being of light steel... she pulls one free...while she is there she also grabs a medium skillet..pulling them up to the counter

 looking to the shelves above the cooking pans..she looks for a platter befitting the one she serves....taking a ceramic of forest green...she to pulls it  free....bringing it to her belly...running the rim over her inner thigh... finding it safe she wipes it free of all dust...she places this to upon the counter...she hums 
an old earthen tune as she goes about her task....

moving to the chillery door...she shivers in anticipation of the chilled  air....pulling the door forth with tiny fingers...the whoosh of cold air engulfs her firey body...causing her nipples to harden and the vulo pimples to move over her 
skin....stepping in..she searches the shelves for the ingredients she needs...bosk  butter...two sticks..and.fresh Marsh Shark steak….taking  one...they are rather large, thick and should fill the pan....taking all these seafora backs out...her bottom pushing the half closed door open...another shudder courses through her as the warmth of the servery grabs her once again....she shuts the door with the help of her foot.....a loud "click" is heard as the door closes shut...  
looking under the counter..a large sack of suls and onions, sit next to the sa-tarna flour....taking a few suls and an onion...she places them on the counter...taking a  knife she peels the suls and slices them thin....peeling an onion...her eyes watering profusely...she slices it too making ringlets.....placing them all in the skillet with a chunk of bosk butter…and seasoning...she takes the veggies to the fire pit..setting
them on a  flattened place above the coals...made by two logs...returning to the  attend the shark

 placing half the stick of Bosk Butter and the shark Steak filets in the pan...rubbing the remainder of the butter on the steak itself...she wipes her  hands on a rep cloth....looking to the spices she takes a few pinches of salt...some

yellow and some white, and a little ground peppercorn...she seasons both sides...before  taking the pan to the fire pit....her shadow cast along the wall as she nears the  pit ...stretching to make her appear larger than life...moving to the baking ovens, she sets the baking pan in the oven …the heat not so hot that it will burn or get done to quickly  …….the sweat from her endeavors  apparent as she watches the shark the water clock…timing the shark
the suls browning nicely she stirs them keeping them from burning she removes the suls from the fire taking them to the servery, placing the hot skillet on a few reps, not wanting to burn the counter….returning to the ovens, the
aroma so nice..thinking”.this shark should be good for the pallet of the warrior”...not  cooking for any longer than 15 ehn...taking a thick rep...she removes the hot pan  from the oven and with hurried baby steps,,,hartas back to the servery...placing the pan on the counter....

 removing the Steak from the baking pan and placing it on the platter…taking the crisp suls and softened onions… placing them on the platter as well..she decorates  the steak with some greenery and a dina flower...placing more slices of butter to the top, and a large hunk of sa-tarna bread….the smell truly incredible...she  pulls the platter to her belly...and leaves the servery for the tavern...He like a  magnet and she iron filings...she moves to Him..drawn to Him...she knows of His hunger..and she is only to happy to serve Him in a way only a Man could want...she

moves to Him..lowering to a kneel, upon parted thighs....His aroma and that of the shark  make for a delightful combination....she brings the platter closer to her  belly...where the fire burns ever so brightly to serve ...her hazel eyes sparkle as  they dart from His thighs to the platter again.....pulling the platter to her  chest...she waits three beats of her slave heart....pulling further to her lips..she places a soft kiss to the side before offering it with outstretched arms...her  bronze mane falling to the sides of her face...shielded from others, only the Master can gaze upon her and know where her heart is...she utters softly...Master seafora  hopes that this Marsh Shark meal will ease Your hunger, and she hopes this serve was found pleasing to Your eyes

Ta-wine  by fidget{GS}
her large almond, chartreuse colored eyes narrow as she listens to the order, her toes wiggling in the plush furs as the Master speaks~ Yes, Master fidget is pleased to get you ta-wine

~rocking back on her heels, her leg muscles tense as she lifts up her waif's form, she smoothes her soft white silks as her long slender legs carry her towards the servery.  the flickering light from the fires dance in the girls russet colored locks sending the wheat colored runes there ablaze as the soft wispy ends softly tickle the back of her bare thighs. her hips rock gently from side to side beneath the hair, small glimpses of a perfect round curves can been seen peeking out the sides of her swooshing hair~

~reaching the servery, her delicate hand reaching up to push back the long luscious locks from her round, innocent face, her eyes look to the shelving scanning for the perfect goblet.  seeing a dim sparkle from the darkness in the back of a shelf, the girl leans close to the counter, her firm bosom pressing against the cold hardness of the counter as she stretches her arm up.  her tiny nimble fingers gently push aside other goblets to find the dark azure one in the back, the one with the three moons etched into the smooth glass, grasping it and lowering it delicately to her.  her deep sea green eyes surrounded in a veil of onyx lashes search the surface of the goblet for flaws before she slowly runs the rim of the vessel about the soft tender flesh of her wrist.  grabbing a clean rep cloth, the girl begins to clean the goblet with affection and great care, bringing its invariable surface to a shine~

~her narrow hips twist slightly as she walks to the chilly room, her supple hands gripping the goblet as she gets to the door.  it takes a few tugs and fidget using her slight weight to get the door open.  the long fingers of frosty hair reach from around the door, teasing the girls hair and slipping through her silks.  she enters the room, her breath making soft puffs in the chilly air as she breathes, her lengthy fingers wrapping around the bottle of ta-wine taking it from the shelf.  those icy fingers of air pinch the girls skin as she hustles her way out of the room, grabbing at her as she closes the door upon them.  taking the goblet and the bottle of ta-wine back to the waiting Master.  her shoulders ease back and square off as her tiny feet begin to move one in front of the other. the light from the dancing flames in the tavern softly highlight the small freckles that spot the girls almost perfect skin, her eyes intent on the floor in front of her~

~she reaches the Master, her slender form bending at the knees, lowering the girl to the soft cushion of the furs, her ivory white thighs open just a bit to accommodate the chilly bottle, sending a slight shiver up the girls visible spine.  her deft hands work at the cork, unable to dislodge it from it's next, she brings the bottle to her mouth, her pale lips parting and her teeth grabbing the spongy cork.  with a little wiggle and a slight tug the cork comes free with a subtle pop.  carefully she fills the goblet, the pink tinged fluid glittering like liquid gold in the yellowish light of the fire as the girl fills the vessel.  she brings the bottle back up to her lips, replacing the cork and setting the bottle near the Masters foot.  taking the goblet in both hands, she brings it to her belly first, her knees pressing together, a graceful curve beginning at the top of her curvaceous buttocks  and traveling up her spine lifting her angelic face upwards, her smoldering aquamarine gaze on the furs before her, squaring her shoulders as her lean arms bring the goblet to her chest close to her heart.  her pale full lips move silently counting then saying a prayer to the health of this Master before bringing the goblet to her lips, their roundness lingering for a moment before pressing affectionately to the side.  her arms rise up with goblet in hand, dropping her head between them, her length main draping around her face and torso, causing a sepia curtain around the girl as she speaks~

You're ta-wine, Master.  May it quench your thirst and fidget hopes you find this girls serve pleasing and worthy enough to serve the tavern which owns her.

Blackwine - second slave; orli{GS} & aurora{Xg-L}

~ orli{GS}~t~
*her deep ebony gaze lifted to His as He requested a blackwine first slave...she glanced to aurora with a smile and rocked back to her heels...turning on the balls of her feet and headed to the serving...her hips swayed sweetly beneath the small length of silk that hung low over her hips as her hand reached up to brush an errant hair from her face....the fires roaring deep in her belly as the nervous excitement of performing such an intricate serve came over was either that or the fact that she was serving.....serving Master.....she glanced back with a sweet smile before ducking into the servery and tending to her task~

pools of sparkling dark emeralds rise for an ihn, her gaze falling over Him, hearing His command of blackwine, a soft smile crosses crimson lips, rising gracefully to her little feet from the slave furs, casting her twinkling emeralds at the Master, peeking at Him through her dark lashes, turning slowly her steps light, feet barely touching the floor as she travels to the servery, her body alive and on fire with His eyes upon the sluts serving Him ~ sweet naked thighs swaying in a passionate rhythm beneath the silk

*she smiled, to aurora, who was quick on her heels, before crouching to look through the mountain of serving trays.....her silks fanned out then crept up her thigh as her bottom bounced against her upturned heel.......deft digits griped the edge of a tray....setting that one aside after inpsecting it an ihn and looking for another.......finding beautifully crafted...a nimble finger ran over the etchings around it's edge...knowing it is most fitting for the One she serves....she rose up from her position and held the tray for a close inspection....wiping it clean with a rep she set it on the counter and began an involved search for a trio of golden cups~

aurora {Xg-L}
humming softly to herself, her eyes glance over towards her beautiful sis, crouching down her thighs delicately part her movements accentuating every curve of her full rounded breasts and luscious thighs, her silk molding to her every form. fingertips wrap around a fine small black lacquered tray with an intricate pattern engraved upon it, the rim that of gold, drawing it close from the stack to her slave belly, rising to place it on the counter, the soft tender flesh of her inner wrist caresses the rim with a slow delicate motion, ensuring the rim free from chips or flaws, noting it to be perfect if He should happen to touch it, then holds it up to the light, turning it slowly in her dainty hand, watching it sparkle with fiery lights polishing it to a shine until she can see a glimpse of her full round breasts reflected within it

*a dark haunting gaze looked up to the shelves above....finger tapping to the counters edge as she leaned and pressed lush full hips to it....reaching with one hand and gripping them stem of a tiny golden goblet before drawing it down....then another....followed by third....the rise of her silk giving way to the bottom rounds of her succulent globes....holding each goblet in turn and inspecting each with great care......easing the silk to the side and turning each smallish rim over the taunt flesh of her belly...her body flinching as the cold warms instantly to the fires that burn deep within....satisfied that no harm will be caused to One...she wipes each carefully with a rep....places them precariously onto the tray...folding a napkin and laying it across the bottom of the tray before turning...the tray secured on her palm.....and making her way out of the servery~

a soft moan escapes her crimson lips, soft round cheeks of her ass push forward, her sex pressed against the wooden cupboard, the swell of her breasts pressed tight to her silks, nipples taught against the sheer material, dark curls cascade forward to caress the softness of her shoulder and her kolar with her head bowed, dark emeralds fall upon the tiny bowls of sugar, first the white bowl, then the yellow one, reaching , fingertips delicately remove the lids to make sure the contents were full within before adding them to the tray. gathering together two tiny spoons from the basket, perfect for the small amounts of sugars to be added to the blackwine and two other spoons, washing them, polishing them vigorously to a shine, placing them on the tray with a napkin beneath, adding several soft colorful linen napkins as well to the tray ~reaching for a few more linen ones she dampens them within the bucket of clean water, folding and placing them on one corner of the tray away from the dry ones. Her eyes roam and search until they finally settle on what the girl desires for Him on this tray ~carefully selecting a tiny bowl, washing and polishing it, adding a few of the mint sticks before arranging the colorful items on the tray in a perfect display

*slow steady steps carried her through the Tavern....those lush hips swayed sensually from side to side as her gaze met His and held.....soft and seductive as her gait remained slow but steady.......just shy of His boots she melted into an easy kneel....her thighs swept wide as the silks rose to reveal her jewelled sex.......she set a deep arch into her back before leaning forward to set the tray down..... her full breasts shifted with their own weight...with the tray set before Him, she sat back, pressing her firm ass onto upturned heels...her hands fell to rest with ease, palms facing up~

may orli pour the blackwine Master?

*her voice was soft but held the confidence of her station~

twirling on the balls of her tiny feet a sensual soft dance to her step, heading for the chillery wrapping her hand around the door handle while balancing the delicate tray and its items against the softness of her creamy thigh ~she gives it a yank, a chill flows over her spine as she feels the cool air wash over her naked flesh beneath her silk turning her soft nipples into rigid aching buds~ a breath held ~quickly stepping in ~ reaching for the small pitcher of bosk cream, placing it carefully on the tray ~ sweet provocative hips carry her quickly from the cold room ~a soft nudge to the door with a firm thigh shuts it ~ her silk gliding around her toned thighs, biting her lips softly as she makes her way back to His feet to join the beauty in their serve

thank You Master, *her voice was thick and rich like warm bosk butter on a cold summers day as it was whispered through the tempered room as long sooty lashes lifted for the briefest of seconds to reveal that deep haunting gaze of hers.....she leaned forward slightly and caught the handle of the urn in her right hand....her left slightly covering over the lid as she began to pour into he first of the three cups....steam and the rich aroma rising to fill her as her tiny nostrils flared with a deep inhalation....long sweeping tresses of chocolate spilled over her shoulder as she filled the second....and lastly the third....she reset the urn to the tray as she heard her sister coming behind her...knowing she is bringing the goodies to make the blackwine drinkable....she smiled up at Master before rocking back to her heels.....her smile drifting deep across her face as her gaze met deep so full of life...she took three steps back and moved to stand at His left...watching the gorgeous aurora approach~

smooth satiny hips rock sensuously from side to side beneath her silk, the swell of her breasts bouncing invitingly her tiny feet carry her through the tavern to His feet. her heart thumping wildly within her chest, a delightful smile radiating from her beauty, her smoldering emeralds eyes lifted to His gaze and then quickly lowered in her submission to Him, melting before Him with deliciously spread thighs for His pleasure, petals of her sweet moistened slave heat visible to His eyes rocking back gently she rests the sweet globes of her ass upon her heels, small delicate hands hold the tray close to the slaveflesh of her belly, lowering it and setting it down … twinkling emeralds sparkle as she smiles softly at the beauty beside her watching her move the tiny cup to the edge of her tray, delicately she lifts one tiny spoon and places four measures of the white sugar into the three tiny cup of the blackwine, stirring it gently, using the other tiny spoon she adds six of the yellow sugar into each cup and gently stirs. She reaches for the cream, pouring a small amount into each tiny cup ~stirring once more and inhaling the sweet brew as its aroma fills the tavern…placing the spoon back unto her tray…she removes the mint sticks and the napkins and places them on orli’s tray… ~her voice a soft alluring whisper…

a girl is most pleased to serve You blackwine this day Master…lifting herself upon her tip toes she stretches her body tall ~taking three light steps back, tray in her hand , moving to His side sinking to a gentle knee, delicate thighs sweep wide without hesitation as she settles ~ allowing the beauty beside her to continue the serve

*she smiled at aurora before moving to kneel before Him once more....bronzed thigh flesh flashing open as her knees parted to reveal her slave heat for His viewing pleasure....her gaze lingered on His for what seemed like an ehn before drifting downward as long thick lashes lowered to kiss upon the apples of her slighty flushed cheeks......her breaths slightly ragged as her heart beat fast beneath her undulating chest as she sets a deep arch into the small of her back… excited to be near Him...thrilled to be serving......she leaned forward and very carefully lifted the tray to whispered a silent prayer for Master's good health upon its rim…….she then extended her arms up to within His easy reach…her head bowing deeply between as her hair cascaded forward to shield her face from clear view~

Your blackwine Master…..orli…and aurora both hope that it is served to Your liking and that both beasts have been found pleasing and bring honour to the their Masters

more serves next page

Paga - hot; Mead; Bazi tea, Rence beer


 Kitchen - Cool Room - Fire-pit Description SLAVE NOTES - NEWS etc: KAJIRAE PAGES