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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.


"Harry thinks he is an ordinary boy, until he is rescued by a beetle-eyed size of a man, taken to Hogwarts school of Wizardry and Witchcraft, learns to play Quidditch and does battle in a deadly duel...The reason; Harry Potter is a wizard!"

That's the few words that stared this craze off. Almost every child knows about the Harry Potter books or has heard of this hero. For those who don't, this is basically the story.


In Chapter one

It all starts at Privet Drive, where The Dursleys see a cat sitting on the wall. Mr Dursley thinks nothing of it until lunchtime when he sees a group of people dressed in cloaks by the bakery whispering about the Potters. When he goes home he sees, and it doesn't improve his mind, the tabby cat he had seen earlier that day. he asks Mrs. Dursley if she had heard from her sister lately, as he expects, she answers 'no' and goes upstairs to bed. Mr Dursley comes up a few minutes later and drifts off into an uneasy sleep thinking, "It couldn't affect them", but how very wrong he was. 

Near midnight a man called Albus Dumbledore appeared near the Dursley's house and walks over to the cat. He turns and smiles at the cat but instead he was smiling at a rather severe-looking woman, 
Minerva McGonagall. Dumbledore Speaks to McGonagall for nearly an hour before any sign of movement occurs. at almost one in the morning they see a huge motorbike with a giant of a man called Hagrid sitting on it with a baby Harry in his arms. Dumbledore takes Harry in his arms and carry's him over to the Dursley's front door until about 10 minutes after staring at the baby, they all leave.


In Chapter two

Nearly ten years had passed since Harry was dropped off at his Aunt and Uncles. He has a dream about flying motorbikes until he is woken by his Aunt yelling at him to make the breakfast for Dudley. About an hour later, Mrs Dursley comes into the living room to tell Mr Dursley that Mrs Figg, the woman who Harry stays with when the Dursleys go out, has broken her foot and cannot take Harry. Dudley moans at this as he does not want Harry to come to the zoo. After an hour of arguing, Harry is stuck in the back of the Dursleys car on the way to the zoo.

When they get to the zoo they have a look at all the animals until Dudley asks if he can go to see the largest snake in the place. They go you have a look at the snake which does not move until Harry thinks it winked at him. A few minutes later, the Brazilian boa constrictor is escaping through the vanishing glass. 

In Chapter three

A few weeks later, Harry is asked to get the morning post, he goes to get it and there is a letter for him. he sits back down at the table and Mr Dursley sees that Harry has a letter, he takes it from Harry, rips it open, reads the first line and his face changes to the colour of gone-off porridge. Harry is sent to his cupboard. A few hours later, Mr Dursley goes to Harry's Cupboard and says that he can have Dudley's second bedroom. Everyday, more and more of the letters come until The Dursleys get sick of it, they all leave the house and go to a bed and breakfast for the night. In the morning, About 100 of the mysterious letters come and Mr Dursley leaves the B&B.

In Chapter four

Later on that day, they find a hut on a rock and an old man let them have it for the night as there was going to be a big storm. Later on that night, At midnight, there was a big BOOM! outside the door. A giant was outside. The Giant came in (His real name, Hagrid) and started talking to Harry. He told Harry about what he was and that he needed to go Hogwarts school of Wizardry and Witchcraft for seven years to learn how to do magic.

In Chapter five 

The next day, Hagrid and Harry go to London to get Harry's school things. They find a grubby little pub called the Leaky Cauldron and go inside. While inside Harry meets a lot of wizards and witches until Hagrid takes him to the back of the pub where there is a doorway with a sign over it saying "Daigon Alley." Hagrid takes Harry into Gringotts, the wizarding bank to get his money for his stuff. While there, Hagrid picks up a tiny brown package and tells Harry not to talk to him for a bit. After that, they both go into the Alley where he gets all his school things and meets some people who are going to Hogwarts too.

In Chapter six

On September the first, Mr Dursley drives Harry up to Kings cross station where he is supposed to catch the Hogwarts Express at platform 9 and 3/4. He goes onto the train, where he meets Fred and George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger and  Ron Weasley. They get of the train, and Hagrid knocks on the doors of Hogwarts.

In Chapter seven

Professor McGonagall answers, takes the first year up to the great\ hall for the sorting ceremony. when Harry's name is called, there is suddenly a lot of whispering. Harry Potter got into Gryffindor, Hermione Granger got into Gryffindor and Ron Weasley also got into Gryffindor. They all go to sit at the Gryffindor table, after the feast, they all go up to bed, and Harry has a very strange dream.


In Chapter eight.

Whispers followed Harry from the moment he left his dormitory next morning. His first lesson was by very strict teacher called Seveous Snape, who taught potions. He seemed to hate Harry more than any of the other students in that class. After that lesson, Ron asked him if he could go and see hagrid with him. They both went, and while they were there, Harry noticed something that happened the same day he was down at Daigon Alley getting his school things. After they left, Harry was wondering if there was something he knew about Snape that he did not want to tell Harry.


In Chapter nine

Somebody who he hated, was Draco Malfoy, he was even more stubborn than Dudley. A few weeks after he had arrived, there were to be flying lessons starting. Harry , Ron and Hermione all went and were doing quite well until Neville Longbottom fell off his broom. Malfoy took off Neville's remembrall as soon as the teacher went, so Harry went after him. He caught the wand, and almost hit the ground when McGonagall came running out. She told him to follow her and he thought he was getting expelled. Instead, she went to a class room, called for someone and took them both to an empty classroom. She told Harry that this was Oliver Wood, the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and they were looking for a seeker. Harry told Ron that he was to become a seeker when Malfoy came a round and told him to go to trophy room at midnight. He, Ron, Hermione and Neville went and waited for him to come. After a while they heard footsteps and hurried out. It was Augus Filch, the caretaker. They ran and ran until they got into another room. They looked around, and saw a huge three-headed dog standing a few centimeters away from them. They ran back to the dormitories and only then did Harry realise that he had found the little package from vault 713 was.


In Chapter ten

Harry and Ron both agreed that that was the best adventure of their lives. A few days after, Harry started Quidditch practice and at Halloween, Quirrell suddenly barged in because there was a troll in the bathroom, they suddenly remembered that Hermione was in their and they rushed to the troll. After lots of wrestling, they beat the troll and the teachers cam in and told them to go back up to their rooms and from that moment on, Hermione Granger became their friend.


In Chapter eleven

Harry stared Quidditch and won his first ever match, he also got his own broom stick, a nimbus 2000. Because Professor Snape has taken his book earlier that day, he went to ask for it back but seen filch and Snape together and Snape's leg was red with blood. He ran to tell Ron and Hermione, and they went down to ask hagrid what was inside that package. He wouldn't tell them, but Harry found out there was someone called Flamel involved.


In Chapter twelve

Christmas morning, Harry woke up to find some presents by his bed, he opened them, and found presents from various people, but there was a also a parcel with a funny material in it. He found out it was an invisibility cloak, which belonged to his father. That night, he went around the school for a few hours and went into a room he had never been in. There was a mirror inside and when he looked into it, he was looking back at his family. Three nights running he went back, until he was finally caught because Albus Dumbledore was there and he told Harry that the mirror was to be moved tomorrow and he told Harry not to go looking for it.

In Chapter thirteen

Harry found out who Flamel was, and what was hidden. It was a philosophers stone, with the elixir of life. He also won his second quidditch match and at the end, found out that Snape was trying to find the stone.

In Chapter fourteen

Quirrell was not giving in to Snape, as for the next few weeks, he was still going along, and Snape was still angry at anyone who passes him. A while after, They found out that Hagrid had a dragon. It grew quite a lot in the next month or so that they had to get rid of it. It happened that Ron had a brother that worked with dragons and he asked him if he could take the dragon, he agreed so they went up to tallest tower and watched Norbet go. As they left, they suddenly heard something, wheeled around and filch was standing there. They had left the invisibility cloak at the top tower



In Chapter fifteen

Harry and Ron were both taken to McGonagall's office, they were given punishments, along with Draco Malfoy and Neville. A week later they had to do there detentions so they ,marched down to the forbidden forest where hagrid was waiting for them. After a few hours Harry seen someone, and his scar seared with pain. When he left, he went straight up to the dormitory where he told Hermione that Lord Voldermort was in the forest.

In Chapter sixteen

Harry was now getting worried. He expected Voldemort to barge through the doors when he was doing his exams. A few days later, he realised that Quirrell must have given in at last as Snape was walking with a spring in his step. That evening, him, Hermione and Ron all went down to 'Fluffy' the dog and went through the trapdoor. There was lots of traps and puzzles but at the and, there was only enough potion for one person, so he went through the last door.


In Chapter seventeen

Instead of Snape, it was Quirrell. He wanted the stone and only after a while, Harry seen that the mirror of Erised was behind him. After Harry said that he did not have the stone, he met Voldemort. He grabbed him and Harry was falling, falling, falling...............

He woke up in the hospital wing with Dumbledore by his bed side. He explained that the stone was destroyed, how Quirrell died and that he had been in hospital for three days. At the leaving feast, Gryffindor won the house cup, but lost the Quidditch cup And when the train pulled up at kings cross station next day, Harry was wondering what would happen next.

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