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Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban.



In Chapter one

Harry is home at the Dursley's for the summer holidays. One night he is doing his homework from Hogwarts School Of Wizardry And Witchcraft when there was a noise. He looked out at the window and there were owls coming at him. One from Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, two friends from school. One from Hagrid, the gameskeeper from the school and one letter from the headmistress at Hogwarts saying what books he will need and that if  he got permission, he could go to Hogsmeade, the town Hogwarts is in. 


In Chapter two

Next morning he goes down to breakfast were all the Dursleys are sitting watching the news (about an escaped murderer). When it finishes, Mr Dursley says that he is going to pick up Aunt Marge, his sister. Harry spends the next week pure torture, but on the night she leaves, he accidentally blows her up using magic which he is not supposed to do because he is an underage wizard. He runs out the door with his school stuff and his wand out pointing at the Dursleys.


In Chapter three

He runs and runs until he is in Magnolia crescent. When he sits down, he feels something behind him. He turns to look but it is pitch black, so he gets his wand out and lights it. He sees a huge, black, scruffy dog, like a wolf. He trips, and falls onto his hands. Next minute he looks up and sees a gigantic purple bus coming down from the sky. It falls to the ground, and a conductor called Stan Stunpike comes out, picks Harry up and takes him to one of the rooms on the "Knight bus". While Harry is there, he sees the conductor looking at the paper. "Sirius Black, the murderer who killed thirteen with one curse twelve years ago, has escaped from Azkaban. Muggles have been told he is carrying a gun, a sort of silver stick they shoot people with. Anyone with information on Black should contact the minister of magic himself, Cornelius Fudge." They arrived at London, and just as Harry goes to step out of the bus, Cornelius Fudge is standing there. Fudge wheels Harry into Leaky Cauldron and gets him some crumpets, tells him to stay at the leaky cauldron and not to go wondering off into London and then bids him farewell. Harry goes up to his room, where his owl, Hedwig waiting for him.


In Chapter four

It took Harry several days to get used to his freedom. He went into Daigon Alley, got his school things, met some of his other friends from school and seen the brand new broomstick, called the Firebolt. On the day before he was due to go back to Hogwarts, he met his friends Ron and Hermione who were also staying over at the leaky cauldron. They spent the day looking around all the shops and Hermione got a pet cat, called Crookshanks. On the night before they were due back, Harry went downstairs. He had almost got to the bottom when he heard Mr and Mrs Weasley talking about Sirius Black and Harry. After a while of listening, Harry found out that Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban to get him.


In Chapter five

Harry wakes up next morning with ministry cars waiting outside to take him and the Weasleys to kings cross station. When they arrived at the station, Mr Weasley pulls Harry behind and is almost ready to tell Harry that black is after him, but Harry tells him that he already knows. They say their goodbyes, and get onto the train. While they are on the train, all the lights go out and a Dementor does onto the train. Someone, who was also on the train called R . J Lupin woke up and said to the dementor, none of us hiding black. While all of this was happening, Harry suddenly fainted. He woke up sweating with lupin standing over him. He gave Harry a bar of chocolate, and then the train pulled up at hogsmeade station. McGonagall called Harry and Hermione to her and she asked Harry if he was feeling alright, then she called hermione into her office. After that, they went to the feast where the sorting had finished and Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, was in the middle of a speech. Lupin was the defense against the dark arts teacher, and Hagrid was the care of magical creatures teacher. After the feast, they went up to bed.


In Chapter six

Next morning Harry goes down to breakfast where the Slytherins are making funny jokes because Harry fainted on the train. After breakfast, he goes to one of his new lessons called divination. Professor Trelawny, who teaches it keeps staring at Harry and telling him that he is doomed because of a grim. After that, he goes to care of magical creatures, where Hagrid brought along some hippogriffs. In the middle of the lesson, one of the hippogriffs bit Draco Malfoy's arm. So after dinner, Harry, Ron and hermione decided to go down and see Hagrid.


In Chapter seven

Malfoy didn't appear in any of the classes until the Thursday morning, almost a week after the accident. Harry's potions lesson went as good as it always had been, and Snape was still picking on Neville Longbottom. After that was Lupin's class. He took his class to the teachers lounge where there was a cupboard which was moving. Inside was a boggart. Everyone battled with the boggart except Harry ad Hermione, who were no allowed. After the lesson, Harry was wondering why he hadn't been allowed to battle the boggart


In Chapter eight

Defense against the dark arts class had become everyone's favourites class, except of course Malfoy, who thought it was stupid. Scabbers kept hiding Because crookshanks was always following him. One lesson Harry asked Professor McGonagall if she could sign his permission form to go to Hogsmeade, as his aunt and uncle didn't sign it. She says no, so he leaves, with no hope for him going to hogsmeade. When everyone went to hogsmeade, Harry was the only third-year left behind. He was walking down the corridor when Lupin called him. He went into lupin's office and talked to him. lupin hadn't let him take on the boggart because it would of gone to the shape of a dementor. Later that evening, he went up to his dormitory with hermione and Ron and found people huddling around the fat lady. Sirius black had tried to get in to the Gryffindor Dormitory


In Chapter nine

All the students spent the night in the great hall because all the teachers were searching the school. The next day they went to go to Lupin's lesson but instead of Professor Lupin, Professor Snape was there teaching. He told them about werewolves and what was the difference, and that lupin was ill. Harry was back to his Quidditch practice, and would be starting his matches in a few days. The Match was the worst seen in over one hundred years. It was pouring down with rain, lightening everywhere and just as  bolt of lightening came down, 100 Dementors came in. Harry fell of his broom, lost the match and woke up in hospital, his broom destroyed.


In Chapter ten

When the next trip to Hogsmeade came, Oliver Wood, the captain for the Gryffindor quidditch team, gave Harry a book on quidditch. While he was walking down the corridor, Fred and George Weasley pulled him into and empty classroom. They gave him a map of Hogwarts, called The Marauder's map. It had secret passages which led straight into.....Hogsmeade without getting past the dementors. He followed one, met up with Ron and hermione and they took him to Three Broomsticks, the local pub. While he was there, some of the teachers came in and sat down. They started talking, an didn't realise that Harry was there.


In Chapter eleven

At Christmas morning, Harry wakes up with presents by his bed. One of which, is a long parcel. He opens it, and it is a firebolt, Harry's dream broom. But who would buy him such an expensive broom? They went down to lunch, where there was a table set for twelve people. Hermione stay after because she has to ask McGonagall something. When Harry is upstairs, McGonagall comes in and says that she has to take Harry's broom away. After a lot of commotion, she finally take his broom away. 


In Chapter twelve

When everyone gets back from the holidays, wood goes straight to Harry and asks him if he has sorted out his dementor problems. Harry answers yes, and then goes to his lesson. The next week, Harry goes down to lupin to sort out his dementor problems. He used a patronus, an anti-guardian for the dememtor. He faints but tries three times after that. He goes up to his dormitory, where hermione is sitting down reading. Ron gets up, goes upstairs and screams. There is blood on the sheets and scabbers the rat is gone.


In Chapter thirteen

To cheer Ron up, Harry said that he could ride his Firebolt after the Quidditch practice. While the match was on, Katie Bell, a player on the team for Gryffindor suddenly points down at the ground where three dementors are standing. Without thinking, Harry whips out his wand, charges the patronus and it hits the dementors. Harry wins the match, and while everyone is celebrating, harry finds out that the demeanors were really Malloy, Crabbed, Go lye and Marcus Flint, the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team.


In Chapter fourteen

On the Saturday after the match, Harry gets out the invisibility cloak to take to Hogsmeade with him. While he is on his way to the passage, Snipe comes along and asks what he was doing there. After that Harry goes to Hogsmeade. He meets up with Ron and they walk up the road. Because Harry was invisible, no-one could see him, not even Malfoy Crabbe and Goyle who was coming along. Harry threw some mud at them, it hit them and malfoy stepped onto the invisibility cloak, coming down off of his face. He runs out and snape sees him. He tells Harry to come to his office and empty his pockets. He calls lupin because  Harry has a piece of parchment which was the Marauder's map. Harry goes up with Ron, and Hermione says that Buckbeak is going to be executed.


In Chapter fifteen

They go down to see Hagrid. Professor Trelawny still thinks Harry is going to be killed, and her eyes fill up with tears every time she sees him and Harry is at his last match of quidditch that year, he wins, and there is a big celebration.


In Chapter sixteen

Harry, Ron and hermione were about to start their exams. During breakfast one morning, a letter comes from Hagrid. His appeal for Buckbeak is due on the sixth. The week after there was a hush over the castle. The exam week had begun and the third years emerged from different lessons, comparing notes and bemoaning the difficulty in the tasks they had been set. While Harry, Ron and Hermione were walking down the corridor after one of their lessons, Harry spotted fudge. He spoke to them, and the people who were doing the execution came and fudge went off. After lunch, hermione went to her exam in transfiguration class, and Harry and Ron both went to their divination exam. As Harry was about to walk out of the trapdoor of the divination class, Trelawny said something. He looked around, and professor Trelawny was in some king of sleep. She said,

The dark lord lies alone and friendless, abandoned by his followers. His servant has been chained theses twelve years. Tonight, before midnight, the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master. The dark lord will rise again with his servant's aid, greater and more terrible than ever before.

Harry runs out, petrified and bumps into Ron. He says that buckbeak lost the appeal and he was going to be killed that night. So, after dinner, they go down to see Hagrid. While they are there Hermione screams that she has found Scabbers, Ron's rat. A soon as tat happens, Fudge and dumbledore come down to Hagrid's house. He pushes Ron, Harry and hermione put and as they are running up to the castle, they hear a noise and that means that they had killed the hippogriff.


In Chapter Seventeen.

suddenly this gigantic dog comes up to them and knocks them to the ground, it look at Ron, and pulls him up to the whomping willow. The tree opens a path and the dog and Ron go in. Harry and hermione go after him and they end up in a house, the shrieking shack. they go upstairs, see Ron and go up to him. Just as they walk up to him, the door behind them closes. They look at the door, and Sirius Black, the escaped murderer from Azkaban is standing there. He grabs Harry's throat, almost strangles him, Hermione's foot swings out and knocks black to the ground. Harry grabs his wand, is about to kill black, and a teacher from Hogwarts comes through the door. The teacher starts speaking to everyone, and then he says that Ron's rat is peter Pettigrew, a wizard.


In Chapter eighteen

The teacher says that instead of black killing Harry's parents, Peter Pettigrew killed his parents. They get talking, and it turns out that the teacher is a werewolf and he had been able to teach at the school because Snape had been making a potion for him and the reason that Snape hates Harry is because his father, had almost killed him and just as Harry believes that, Snape pulls off the invisibility cloak, pointing it at black.


In Chapter nineteen

Harry knocks Snape out, Peter Pettigrew comes out of his animal form and Harry says that he believes Sirius and the teacher. But, just as Sirius tries to kill Peter, Harry jumps in front of him, facing the wand and stopping him from killing Pettigrew.


In Chapter Twenty

They all left the shrieking shack and just as the pass the whomping willow, the teacher transforms, Pettigrew escapes and hundreds of dementors suddenly come from nowhere. Harry tries to cast a patronos, but fails. He gets fainter and fainter, and just manages to lift his head, and sees something from across the lake.


In Chapter twenty-one

Harry wakes up in the hospital wing with fudge and snape talking. He remembers what happens, and soon Madame pomfrey comes along. She puts a huge bar of chocolate by Harry, Ron and Hermione's bedsides. Dumbledore comes in, tells Madame pomfrey, Professor Snipe and fudge to leave. He tells hermione and Harry instructions, they do the task and Sirius is set free.


In Chapter Twenty two

They reach the castle, and in the right time at the exact time they should of, they go to get back in their beds, and Ron wakes up and he starts mumbling about what happened. Next after noon, they go out to the lake when Hagrid comes along and tells Harry, Ron and hermione that Lupin is leaving. Harry races up to say goodbye to him. On the train back to kings cross station, Harry gets a letter from iris saying it was him who bought the firebolt and that he gives him permission to visit Hogsmeade, and as they pull up to the station, Harry hopes it will be a better summer than the last.....

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