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Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire.


In Chapter one

It starts off at little Hangleton, where Voldemort and Wormtail are talking, a person called Frank Bryce comes into the room they were plotting to murder Harry potter, and Voldemort kills him.

In Chapter two

Harry Potter wakes with a start and his scar hurting. He tries to go over his dream. Wormtail and Voldemort had killed someone called Bertha Jorkins and they were plotting to kill someone else-him. he needed advice on why his scar had hurt. He needed a parent, or someone like a parent. Sirius. Sirius would be able to answer his question. After all, he was Harry's godfather. He gets up, goes to his desk, pulls a piece of parchment out from under all his books and stared writing a letter to him

In Chapter three

When he goes down to breakfast, he already sees the dursleys sitting down at the table. No-one greeted him, or spoke to him as he entered. Harry didn't mind, this had been his way of life since he had been brought to the Dursleys, his only known living relatives. During breakfast, the postman knocks on the door with a letter from the weasleys asking if he could come with them to the Quidditch world cup. In the end, Mr Dursley agrees in the end, and Harry goes upstairs and sends Sirius's letter off.

In Chapter four

The next day everything was quiet until the Weasley's came. They took him to the burrow, the Weasley's house.

In Chapter five

He arrives at the burrow, and meets, Charlie and Bill Weasley, Ron's older brothers who had left hogwarts. Later on that evening, there is a banquet in their back garden. 

In Chapter six

Harry is woken by Mrs Weasley next morning to go to the Quidditch world cup. Mr Weasley, Hermione, Ron, Fred and George and Harry all walked for what seemed miles. After a few hours, they meet with Cedric and Amos Diggory, the portkey holder. They chat for a few minutes, and then touch the portkey, in this case a boot.

In Chapter seven

They arrived on what seemed to be a moor. They find there tent, and wander around for a bit. They meet up with some of his friends from Hogwarts, and talk to them. In the evening, they hear a noise which meant that the Quidditch match was about to start.


In Chapter eight

They make their way up to the pitch and meet up with Bagman, the international head of magical games and sports. During the match there was thrills, excitement and confusion. After the match, they make there way up to their tent.

In Chapter nine

It didn't seem that he had been asleep for that long, but Mr Weasley suddenly woke Harry up and told him to et out of the tent and out into the forest. He goes into the forest with Ron and hermione. While they are in there, they see draco malfoy, then, they see the dark mark, the death eaters symbol. They run out back to the tent.

In Chapter ten

he goes back to the burrow next morning, with Mrs weasley running out to greet them. Harry didn't see Mr Weasley or Percy after the accident at the world cup. During one evening, Harry tells Ron and hermione that his scar hurt and he had written to Sirius to ask him about it. On the night before they wee due back to Hogwarts, Mrs Weasley gave Harry and Ron their Hogwarts robes, and their dress robes, which they had never worn before.

In Chapter eleven

Harry awakes next morning and goes downstairs. When they arrive at Kings cross station, Charlie and Bill both say that they wish they were at hogwarts this year. While they are on the train, malfoy comes along with his allies, Crabbe and Goyle. When they arrived, it was pouring down with rain.


In Chapter twelve

Harry walks along the corridor to the Great hall when a water bomb drops onto Ron's head. Peeves the Poltergeist was throwing water bombs down onto people's heads. When they reach the great hall and have sat down, the sorting of the students begins and they have the feast. After the feast, Dumbledore stands up and says that the Triwizard tournament is due to start at Hogwarts in October. After his long speech, Harry goes up to bed, along with the other students.


In Chapter thirteen

Harry, Ron and hermione start there lessons next day. As they were walking down a hall, Malfoy came along and started teasing Weasley. Just as Malfoy had tried to curse Harry, Professor Moody came along and turned him into a ferret.

In Chapter fourteen

three days later, Harry is in Moody's classroom, listening him telling his students about the three unforgivable curses. Later that day, is up doing his homework when Hedwig, his owl comes along with Sirius's answer. He is coming back. 

In Chapter fifteen

Harry wakes next morning with a plan formed in his mind. He would tell Sirius that he imagined his scar was hurting. A few weeks later, the students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, the two other schools who would be competing in the tournament, come to hogwarts.

In Chapter sixteen

The next evening, the goblet of fire announces the names of those who would be competing in the tournament. Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory and.... Harry Potter.

In Chapter seventeen

Harry goes up to the chamber where the other three champions are waiting. Bagman, Snape, McGonagall, Madame Maxime and the headmaster of Durmstrang all come in and explain that Harry is the fourth champion. He goes back to his dormintry, and tells Ron that he didn't enter, but Ron doesn't believe him.

In Chapter eighteen

he wakes next morning, determined to speak to Ron but instead goes down to the lake with hermione. She suggests to him to write to Sirius and tell him what has happened. he aggress, and writes to him. a few weeks after, Harry is in snapes class when Colin creevey comes in and says that Harry must come with him because me ollivander wants to check his wand.


In Chapter nineteen

Harry speaks to Sirius face to face. Harry finds out that the first task of the triwizard tournament is to get past a dragon and pick up a golden egg.. while he is speaking to Sirius, Ron comes along and asks him what is he doing up at this time of night.


In Chapter twenty

Harry wins the first task of the triwizard tournament,  and Ron starts speaking to him again.


In Chapter twenty one

Hermione finds a way to the kitchens and takes Harry and Ron to the kitchens to meet all the house elf's.


In Chapter twenty two

Harry has to ask someone to come with him to the Yule ball as he is one of the people who opens it. he asks parvati patil to the ball.


In Chapter twenty three

Harry goes to the Yule ball, and at the end, Cedric Diggory gives him a clue to the second task.


In Chapter twenty four

Everyone had somehow found out that Hagrid was half giant and he stopped teaching. a few days later, Harry, Ron and hermione went down to Hagrid's hut and told him that they didn't care that he was half-giant.


In Chapter twenty-five

Harry goes to see if cedric's clue about the egg and the bath was true, and it is. He has to take back what the merpeople took. On his way back, he gets into a terrible mess with snape and moody, and moody tells him he would be good as an auror


In Chapter twenty-six

Harry wins the second task, rescuing his friends along the way .


In Chapter twenty-seven

Harry, Ron and hermione meet up with Sirius in Hogsmeade, and he tells them that the headmaster of durmstrang was death eater and lot of other infomation besides that.


In Chapter twenty-eight

Mr crouch, Percy weasley's boss, turns up in the forbidden forest, almost dead.


In Chapter twenty - nine

While Harry is in his divination lesson, he falls asleep. He dreams of wormtail again blubbering to voldemort about killing Harry. He wakes up, and runs to Dumbledore's office, but waits outside the door where he hears voices inside. After a while,  moody invites him in to the room.


In Chapter thirty

Harry is bout to tell dumbledore what he dreamed of when he says the he must go out t other grounds, but he can stay here. While he is looking around the room, he sees a funny liquid, he touches it and ends up in a room where the azkaban trails are held. He finds out htere that Professor Snape is a death eater. Dumbledore comes along and takes him back to his office. He tells dumbledore what he dreamt of.

In Chapter thirty-one

Harry starts the third and final task of the triwizard tournament. he reaches the cup, along with cedric and they both touch it at the same time. Next second, Cedric is dead by Harry's side, he is in a grave yard and someone is tying him to a grave stone. The person makes a potion, and Voldemort rises again

In Chapter thirty-two

 The risen one brings back his followers, and tells Wormtail  to untie Harry


In Chapter thirty-three

Harry duels with the risen one, and sees his mum and dad. He runs away, picks up cedric's body, and gets back to hogwarts.


In Chapter thirty-four

Moody turns out to be someone else


In Chapter thirty-five

 Sirius is there and Harry has to tell him and Dumbledore what happened. Harry goes down to the hospital wing where Mrs weasley is waiting. Dumbledore tells fudge that the person has risen again.

In Chapter thirty-six

Harry had no memories of the next month. He could not eat in the great hall anymore because everyone was staring at him. At the leaving feast, Dumbledore says that cedric diggory died because Voldemort had killed him. On the train back, Harry told Ron and hermione what had happened and when they reached the kings cross station, Harry thought that Hagrid had been right. What would come, would come and we would just have to meet it when it does..... 


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