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30 DEC 10

2010 is coming to a close. Where has the time gone. This will be the last update for the year.

On 10-11 DEC, I shot the Shooters Bash that was put on by RiflesOnly and SnipersHide. This match again was held at RiflesOnly in Kingsville TX. This match has always been a good test of a shooters equipment and marksmanship skills. There was a total of 48 shooters and we shot about 22 events in two days. We shot from 11 feet to 1000 yards. We also shot 3 pistol events, a pistol and rifle night shoot, we shot from a helicopter , we also shot movers at 100, 400 and 500 hundred yards. The helio event was a blast. We were taken up and flown over the range. During the flight we given a Barrett REC 7 to engage some very small Larue targets. This was done while the helio was hovering. Barrett was one of the sponsors of the match and also part of the helio event. As for the sponsors, well they stepped up big again. The prize table was insane. Every shooter walked away with quite a few prizes. Again all and all a GREAT match.

The last couple of months I have been looking at several different detachable bottom metals and I have also picked up a few to put on some of my rifles. I also picked up a new trigger from Huber Concepts. Stay tune for updates on these products.

As the year comes to an end keep in mind that the US is still at war and we have men and women figthing for our freedom. Make sure and keep these brave men and women in you prayers. See you in 2011.

 28 NOV

The last two months have been busy for me. I shot in two different precision rifles matches. Both were a blast and also a learning experience. I am also planning on shooting a match in NOV and DEC. This will keep me busy until the end of the year.

On 11-12 Oct, I shot a match at Long Range Alley which is located just outside of Shreveport Louisiana. This was my second time shooting there. It was a two day match and it was very HOT. The heat took its toll on some shooters. They had a GREAT course of fire and it tested our marksmanship skill with our rifles. We shot a lot of stages with steel targets, two pistol/ rifle events, one mover stage , some speed drills and also shot at 800 and 1000 yards. There was a total of 50 shooters that shot the match. They plan on having another match next year.

This past weekend I shot a match at Tacpro Shooting Center which is located just outside of Mingus TX. I had not shot or been at Tac-pro in two years. This was my first time back. It was a two day match and on the first day it started raining about noon and did not quit until later in the day. Some shooters found out that there equipment did not work to well when it was wet. We did two cold bores, once each day, paper events at 100, 200 and 300 yards, known distance and unknown distance shooting, positional shooting , one run and gun stage with pistol and rifle. We also had one event in which you had to holdover or under when engaging targets. You were not allowed to turn the elevation or windage knobs on your scope. I had to spend a little time with one shooter to explain to him what he had to do and where to hold on the target for different distances. It was a good match and well run. I hope to make it back next year.

I have acquired another new product that I am working with and also still working with another. The one I have been working with is a Data book that I have been using. It is from Impact Data Books. They have come out with some new pages and they sent me a few to put in the book that I have. I also bought a Field Density Altitude Compensator which is like a ballistic card. The card is set-up for a 308. I am currently using it and it working pretty good. Make sure and try out these new products. As always I will post more about them. Stay tune.



I sure am late getting around to updating my website, but it has been a very busy year so far. We are almost half way through the year. The time has gone by so fast. So now for some news.

On 18-20 Mar 10, I shot the annual SnipersHide Cup held at RiflesOnly in Kingsville TX. There was 63 shooters that shot in the match and we shot 34 events over three days. This year we did two helo events, several pistol events, some run and gun and of course some mover events. This year they had a prize table that was worth 100 thousand dollars. Everyone left with quite a few prizes. The match was well sponsored and also well run as always.

Here at Snipersustainment I am sometimes send items to test or sometimes I find a piece of kit that I find that is worth buying and writing about. This year I was sent or I have bought several new items and I also have  picked up some new items off of prize tables from matches that I have attended. Here is some info on some of those items.

The first is a stock I won a gift certifcate for at the Long Range Alley match I went to last year. The stock is from Manner stocks and it is there T-4 model. This is a GREAT stock. I had them inlet it for a Badger Detachable Bottom metal. I then dropped a barreled action that I had and I also dropped in the bottom metal and away I went. If you are looking for a new stock, you might give manner a call. They have a few new stocks coming out.

I also was sent a new magazine to try out. It is from Alpha Industries & Manufacturing a company that is making mags for AI and AICS stocks. These mags will also work in different type of bottom metals made to take AICS mags. Currently I have one and I have tried it in both my AICS stocks and also in one of my rifles that has a Badger Detchable bottom metal. The mag works pretty good and they are planing on send me another one.

I have also been doing a lot work with different types of ballistic software. I had been using a PALM pilot with the Nightforce software and also the Horusvision ATrag software. Both of these were good programs and that is what I started with, but over the years the programs have got better. Many of the new softwares run on a Windows Mobile system. Currently I am using the HP iPAQ 110. With the new softwares I am running now this is what is recommend. There are a few more rugged PDA's you can buy, but for the money the HP is a good one. I will have more on the new softwares later.

19 DEC 09

Happy holidays everyone. On 05-06 DEC I was in Louisiana shooting a precision rifle match at Long Range Alley . This was must first time at this range and it was a pretty good setup. The first day started out at 25 deg's with ice on the ground. By 10 O’clock it started to warm up a bit. We shot a total of 22 events over 2 days. There was a total of 50 shooters and many of them were from different states. We shot from 23 yards all the way out to 1000 yards. They put on a GREAT match and I finished 15th. I hope they plan on having another one next year. The match was well run and I heard a lot of good comments.

I picked up another piece of gear this week. It is a universal rifle rest from Voodoo Tactical . I have it attached to my pack and I of course us it as a shooting rest. Sometimes during training or matches when I shoot movers I like to shoot off my pack. This makes a good rest for the front of my rifle. This is a good piece of kit and I will post more after I use it.

2009 is coming to an end. As always make sure and keep our military service members in your though's and prayers during this holiday session. Many of them will be away from there families during the holidays. May they be safe and I hope to see you all in 2010.

19 NOV 09

Well I have been rather busy lately and I am just getting around to posting some news. Here are a few updates.

On 19-20 Sept, I shot in the Tiger Valley Team Match in Waco TX . This was the second team match held at Tiger Valley this year. This match requires teams to each have a precision rifle and gas gun shooter. Also each member must carry a handgun. I shot the precision rifle and I again  used a 260 REM. Just about everyone that shot a gas gun was using some type of AR platform. We shot a total of 8 events over the two days. We did have a night fire stage, but there were some problems and the event was dropped. On Sunday the precision rifle shooter all the way out to 1050 yards. There was a total of 38 teams in the match. Our team finished 13th.

Also on 06-07 NOV, I shot the SnipersHide Shooters Bash at RiflesOnly in Kingsville TX. SnipersHide with the help of RiflesOnly puts on two matches a year. We shot quite a few events over the two days. We did a 1000 yard cold bore, shot a moving target with a rifle and then for the night fire event we also shot a moving target with a pistol, we did two run and gun events, which included shooting pistol on both events. One event had a total of 700 points and many shooters either came in the standing after this event or dropped down. They also had a GREAT prize table. They gave away at least five guns. There was a total of 58 shooters at this match.

In DEC I will be shooting a match at Long Range Alley in Sherveport Louisiana. This will be a two day precision rifle match. It will be my first time there and also this will be there second big match. There is 50 shooters already signed up for this match. Stay tune for updates.

I received some new items to try out. The two items were sent to me for T&E. The first item is a logbook by Impact Data Books . This logbook was design by a friend of mine and he sent me one to try out. The think I like about the book is you can design it around your shooting or training. They also have pre made books. If you are looking for a databook, you might give this one a try.

The other item is some ballistic software from PrecisionWorkBench . This software runs on a PDA that uses Windows Mobile. I have had the software for a couple of weeks now and have been working with it. I will post updates later.

12 FEB 09

Well I am off and running since the new year started. On 31 Jan-01 Feb, I shot the Tiger Valley Team Match in Waco Tx. The team match requires each team to have a member shooting a precision rifle and the other to shoot a gas gun. Also each team member must also carry a pistol. I shot the precision rifle and my weapon of choice was a GA Precision built 260 REM. We shot a total of 7 events over the two days and three of the events were run and gun. There was a total of 22 teams that shot the match and after the dust had settled my team finished FIRST. It was a GREAT match and we shot well.

Since the new year started I also have acquired some new gear to try out. The first is the Atlas Bipod made by Accu-Shot products. I have bought several of there products and this a new product. It is a very good bipod and has quite a few adjustments. Also I picked up a new Sling from TAB gear. I will be testing these products and putting them through there paces. I will post updates later.

I also started playing around with a new caliber. It is the 6.5 Grendel. I built an upper on an AR platform. I just finished it and have only done the barrel break on it. I also just picked up some dies and loaded ammo. I also will post some updates on this soon. Stay tune.


Welcome to 2009. I have already been planning the matches I will be shooting for the new year. Of course the first will be the team match at Tiger Valley in Waco TX. Tiger Valley holds a Team Match twice a year. They put on a GREAT match and it is a real challenge. The team match require each team to have a member shooting a precision rifle and the other a gas gun. The gas gun of choice is the AR-15. Each team member also has to carry a pistol.

In DEC of 08, I shot the Shooters Bash at RiflesOnly. This was a GREAT match and we shot a total of 20 events over two days. In this match we also shot quite a bit of pistol events. The night event we shot with a pistol. We shot from 20 yards all the way out to 1000 yards with the precision rifle. We also did two run and gun events. There was a total of 58 shooters that shot the match.


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