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 10 SEPT 05  I am finally getting around to updating my website. It has been a crazy year and also very busy. Many things have been going on and I have finally got a chance to sit down and work on my website. Here is what has been going on.

On 11-13 MAR 05 I shot the Snipers Hide Cup held at RiflesOnly Training Facility in Kingsville TX. This was the second year for this match and again it was a team match. There was a total of 34 teams that shot the match. There was a new twist to this match. We had a pistol event, we used a carbine that was provided and we also did two events that did not count for score. One event was at night and what it was each shooter firing a Bolt action rifle with a Simrad mounted on it. We also each got a chance to fire a 408 CheyTac rifle. With the changes in the match we did not shoot as many rounds as we did last year.

In June of this month I spent two weeks at Camp Swift TX providing CQB training for solider's that were deploying overseas. We did Short Range Marksmanship Training, Room Clearing, and also we did live fire training in a Shoot House. This was the first time the Shoot House was used at Camp Swift. A total of 300 solider's went though the Live Fire shoot house.

On 03-04 Sept I attend a Tactical Carbine class at Combat Shooting and Tactics training Facility in Nacodoches TX. This was a two class put on by Paul Howe.  This was a GREAT class and I learned a lot. We fired 700 rounds of carbine ammo and 100 rounds of pistol ammo.

I also shot in some other different matches during the year. I shot two IDPA Regional matches, one State IPSC match and several different 3-gun and carbine matches. I am planning on shooting two more big 3-gun matches. One match will be at Tiger Valley in Waco TX and the other will be at FT Benning in Georgia. I will post the updates on those match later.

Also I am planning on shooting the 25 hour Snipers Bash next month. This match will be held at RiflesOnly in Kingsville TX. This match will start on Saturday at 1000 and will end the next day at 1100. We will be going all day and night. This will be the second time RiflesOnly runs such a match. Two years ago they ran a 24 hours match. During that match we competed in over 22 events. All fired in a 24 hour period.

Stay Tune for more updates.

17 JAN 05

Welcome to 2005. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. The new year is upon us and I already have some dates for some upcoming matches that I will be shooting in. Here are the Dates:

11-13 MAR 05 SnipersHide Cup. This match will be held at the RiflesOnly training facility in Kingsville TX.

20-22 May 05 RiflesOnly Sniper Competition. This match will also be held at RiflesOnly.

10-12 JUN 05 SniperQuest 05. This match will be held at  the Badlands Tactical Training facility in Grandfield OK.

25-26 JUN 05 TPSC Sniper Tournamnet. This match will be held at Tac-Pro Shooting Complex in Stephenville TX.

Check back for updates and results from these matches.


15 DEC 04

This year I have purchased two Accuracy International Chassis Systems (AICS) for two of my REM700 SA. These are great chassis systems for the REM700. The one think I like about the system is that it will take 5 round or ten round magazines. This allows you to reload the rifle very quickly if you have to. I have shot in many matches where you have to fire 10 rounds and this system allows you to reload very quickly or you can use a 10 round magazine. Also the magazines run about $65.00. If you were to buy a HS-Precision Detachable Magazine system and you needed a 10 round magazine, you would be spending at least $100.00 for the mag. There are many shooters using the ACIS on there rifles and I see a lot of these systems on rifles at many of the matches that I attend.

If you would like to purchase a AICS, 5 or 10 round magazines or even an Accuracy International rifle, make sure and call Alice Davidson at Tac-Pro shooting center and she will fix you up. Tac-Pro is an exclusive distributor for Accuracy International and they carry a large selection of there products.

I also have purchased two NightForce scopes. Both of them are 5.5-22 X 56 MM scopes and they have Mil-Dot reticles. The scopes also have Lit reticles. These scopes are well made and well worth the price. They also now have a Ballistic software that can be use on a PC or a Palm Pilot. I have the PC version and it works great.

We are now about two and half weeks from a new year. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and A Happy New year. Also make sure and prayer for our troops that are overseas. Many of them will not be home for the hoildays with there family and friends. Make sure and keep them in you thoughs and prayer during the holidays season. See you in 2005.

10 NOV 04

Well a year has come and it has almost gone. We are a month and half away from 2005. I am just getting around to updating my website. I have a lot of news to update everyone with and I will get started.

This year I shot in a lot of matches and also did a lot of shooting. The first match I went to was the SnipersHide Cup. This match was held at the RiflesOnly Training Faculty in Kingsville TX. This was a three day match and there was a total of 36 teams that shot the match. I finished Third overall individual and also was a member of the second place team. RiflesOnly put on a great match. I would say that we shot at least 30 events over the three days. Also during the year I spent a lot of time at the RiflesOnly  training faculty. 

The next match I went to in the year was the SnipersQuest 04 held at the Badlands Tactical Training faculty in Grandfield Oklahoma. This also was a three day match and there was a total of 40 teams that shot this match. This was the fourth time I had been to Badlands and as always they did a great job putting on this match. I finished Sixth overall individual and our team finished eighty overall.

The last match I shot this year was the SnipersParadise Sniper Challenge. This match was held at the Tac-Pro shooting center in Stephenville TX. This also was a three day match and there was a total of 20 teams shooting this match. This was the sixth year for this match and I have shot everyone of them. I finished 20th overall and our team finished tenth overall.

In October I also spent 8 days at the National Guard Sniper School in Little Rock Arkansas. I was there helping run the sniper match that the school was putting on for the Winston P. Wilson match. There was a total of 14 teams shooting the match. Because of all the deployments that are currently going on, this was the first year that there was such a light turn out. There is usually about 36 to 38 teams shooting the match. The match was a week long and all the teams got some good training. This year there was an All-Guard team made up of Air National Guard sniper school instructors, a Marine Corp team and also a team from the Army Reserve.

This year I also had two rifles built and one rifle repaired. The two rifles I had built were done by G.A. Precision. One of the rifle was a 308 and the other was a 223. Both of these rifles shoot very well. George at G.A. Precision does great work.

I also had some work done on one of my rifle by Jeff Hicks at  HD Rifles. I had to have a bolt replaced and Jeff also did some other work to it. He also did a coating job on the whole rifle and not only does the rifle shoot, it also looks good. Both of these guys do excellent work. If you need a rifle built or just need some work done on your rifle make sure and contact these guys and tell them Sniper Sustainment sent you.

24 DEC

In the last two months, I have shot two matches at the RiflesOnly Training Facility! The first match was held in November! This was a three day match and we shot 22 events in those three days! We did cold barrels, Known and Un Known distance shooting, Movers, and some night shooting! We shot from 100 yards all the way out to 1000 yards! Also the winds for most of the three days were running any where from 20 to 25 mph! This gave many shooters trouble and made it very interesting during the 1000 yard event! Also this month I shot in the International League Of Rifleman's National Championship that was also held at the RiflesOnly Facility! This was a 24 hour match! We started at 12 noon on Saturday and finished up on 12 noon Sunday! This match was a real test of our Rifle marksmanship after operating for more than 24 hours! Most of the shooters had been up more than 24 hours! I myself had been up 30 hours! We shot about 20 events in the 24 hours of the match! We shot from 100 yards all the way out to 1000 yards! Of course many of the event we fired at night! This was a well run match and of the 20 shooters that shot the match only one shooter dropped out!

Also there are two new products that I am testing or trying out! The first is a new Dial from Kenton Industries. They make dials or BDC for several different scopes! I ordered two for my 6.5 X 20 LR M1 leupold scopes. They have dials set-up for different factory loads or you can send them the data for your load and they will make a custom dial for you! The two that I got were for BlackHills 175 grn ammo! The dials are well made and look great! For more information on these dials, check out there website .

Another new product I am testing is a new Ballistic software! I was sent a copy and asked to check it out. The software has a lot of good information and worth looking in to! The software can be use to calculate come-ups, windage and also range to targets! The software looks promising and I will post the out come of the test!

As I am reading this, 2003 is coming to an end! I am hoping that 2004 will bring a new year and some new changes to my website. As I have said before, I am always working on it to make it better! In closing I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

02 NOV

October was a very busy month for me! I have been doing a lot of traveling and shooting matches. I spent 8 days in Little Rock Arkansas at the National Guard sniper school. While there I help run the sniper match that the school put on for the Winston P. Wilson National Guard National Championship. This match is held every year in October and this year there was 24 teams from all over the nation and also a Marine Corp and Royal Air force team from the UK. The match was a week long and all the teams got some great training! I also got a change to play with the new M40A3 that the Marine corp team had. I also got a chance to shoot the M40 at night with the SIMRAD on it.

Also in October, I shot the Snipers Paradise Sniper Challenge, that was held at the Tac-Pro shooting center in Stephenville TX. This was a three day match and there was a total of 24 teams shooting the match. There was teams from all the United States and also some Military teams. This was the fifth year for this match and it was well run and very challenging!

The next match I will be shooting in, is the RiflesOnly match that will held on 21-23 Nov in Kingsville TX. This will be the fourth match that RiflesOnly puts on this year. This will be the third one I shoot in and it should be a great match. Stay tune for more details!

While traveling and shooting matches, I have met some great people and also have shot with some shooters that have given back to the shooting community, not only there time but also there products!

The first is Jeff Hicks at HD Rifles . Jeff has built the rifles for the top shooter at both the SnipersParadise Sniper Challenge and also the RiflesOnly match. I have seen his work and he has done some work on my rifles and he puts out a great rifle.

The next person is George Gardner at  G.A. Precision . George did a re barrel on one of my rifles. He gave away the package at the SQ 03 match. Also he threw in some extras on my rifle that were not in the package.

I highly recommend both of these gentlemen's work and if you are looking to get a new rifle built or have some rifle work done, drop them a line and tell them SniperSustainment sent you!

18 Sept

I have been busy the last couple of month practicing and shooting matches. I just recently shot the RiflesOnly match that was held this month! Again they put on a great match! We shot 29 events over three days. We shot moving targets, shot at night and also shot off a tower. RiflesOnly will have another match on 21-23 November 03.

In October I will be going to the Winston P. Wilson National Guard National Championship. I will be doing support for the Sniper match. This match is held every October at Camp Robinson in Little Rock Arkansas. I will also be shooting the SnipersParadise SniperChallenge on 24-26 Oct. This match will be held at the Tac-Pro shooting center in Stephenville TX. This will the Fifth year for this match! This match usually gets a good turn out of shooters for all over the US and from several different countries!

Here at SniperSustainment, I am always looking for new products to test or try. The first is a Bolt modification that is done by HD Rifles. The modification is done on the bolt, to keep the bolt handle from coming off! The Remington bolt handle is silver soldered on and it can come off! I have seen one come off on a M24 sniper rifle. The modification that HD rifles does on the bolt, keep that from happening. I have had two of the modifications done on two of my bolts.

The next new product is the Horus software for the Palm Pilot! This is the latest version of the ATrag2P. The latest version has a new gun list! Some of the Ammo that is on the Gun list is the M118LR, 50 BMG and 338 Lapau! Also the software is on a Chip! I think this one of the better features of the software. I have a copy of the first version and you had to Hot Sync the software to the Palm Pilot from a PC. The problem with this was, that if you battery's went dead on your Palm and you installed new battery's, you then lost the Horus software! You then had to Hot Sync the Palm again. That was OK, if you were by your PC! But what happens if you are in the field? With the software being on the chip, this will not happen!

Another product I am testing is the Sierra DataPac. This is a new logbook that has just come out. This new logbook has some good features! First you get a CD with it. This CD has a lot of good information on how to use the logbook and how to fill out the Data sheets. It also has different targets you can print and use for training. The logbook come it a black case and it also has an Ammo strip to hold 10 rounds of ammo, a Template and the logbook pages are in Rite In the Rain Paper. This looks like a good product and worth looking at!


I was fortunate to place 4th overall team at this years SC SniperQuest 03! The prize for 4th place was a gift certificate from G.A. Precision for a complete action job and a new barrel. I recently received the Rifle from GA Precision and it shoots GREAT! I have already put about 100 rounds though it. I will be putting the rifle though its paces at the RiflesOnly match in September.

I also recently purchased an Accu-pod for my rifle. This is a new product that has been out for a while and got one to try out. The Accu-pod fits on the rear sling swivel of your rifle. Once you install it and adjust the height, it holds the rear of the rifle steady. I use a shooting glove to support the rear of the rifle. I have an A-4 stock on one of my rifles and with the hook that is on the stock, I just use the hook to pull the rifle into my shoulder. Well if you have a straight stock or an A2 stock, there is real nothing to grab on to on the back of stock, unless you grab on the sling. But with the Acc-pod, now you have something to grab on to. Again this makes the rifle steady in the rear. Allowing you to have a good steady position, when you are shooting in the prone position. Give this product a try, you will not be disappointed.

 12 June

Just got back from the Sniper Country Sniper Quest. BOY what a match. This was a three day match and there was a total of 24 teams at the match. We shot from 100 yards all the way out to 1000 yards. We shot speed drills, shot movers, shot Known and Unknown distance, shot at night and also did some pistol shooting. We also did a Stalk, KIM's Game, Range Estimate and Target Detection. Click  here for photos of the match. They also had a GREAT prize table. The prize table totaled $23,000. Eveyone that shot the match left with something. They are also talking about having a SniperQuest 04. Stay tune.

The next match for me will be the RiflesOnly  match in September. This is a great match and a good test of your shooting skills. It also test your ranging and wind reading skills. If you are looking for a match to shoot, this is the ONE.