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Status = Evicted, Day 15

Name: William Spike (no birth certificate provided)

Origin: London, England.

Age: 29

Location: Sunnydale, CA.

Loves: Blondes, whiskey, smoking, anything that is in some way unhealthy, leather

Loathes: Pointy sticks, people who try to hurt his friends.

Bio: Spike's past is a mystery, although what is known is that he used to be very violent. In the last two years he seems to have mellowed a little. More interested now in getting a nicer house, Spike claims he would probably spend all of his money on 'fags and booze', although he is looking to buy a house. He is most worried that his skin condition will hold him back while in the house, Spike is allergic to direct sunlight.

Stay in house: Spike was evicted on Day 15 in the first public vote by a margin of 6 votes (35% of total vote). The two other people involved in the vote were Faith and Cordelia.