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Episode Archive
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Key: Red = EVICTION, Yellow = NOMINATION, Green = Housemates IN

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

Day Six

Day Seven

Day Eight

Day Nine

Day Ten

Day Eleven

Day Twelve

Day Thirteen

Eviction 1, Pt 1 (Days 14, 15)

Eviction 1, Pt 2 (Interview With Spike)

Day Sixteen

Day Seventeen

Day Eighteen

Day Nineteen

Day Twenty

Eviction 2, Pt 1 (Days 21, 22)

Eviction 2, Pt 2 (Interview with Cordelia)

Day Twenty-Three

Day Twenty-Four

Day Twenty-Five

Day Twenty-Six

Day Twenty-Seven

Eviction 3, Pt 1 (Days 28, 29)

Eviction 3. Pt 2 (Interview with Angel)

Day Thirty

Day Thirty-One

Day Thirty-Two

Day Thirty-Three

Day Thirty-Four

Eviction 4, Pt 1 (Days 35, 36)

Eviction 4, Pt 2 (Interview with Xander)

Day Thirty-Seven

Day Thirty Eight

Day Thirty-Nine

Day Forty

Day Forty One

Eviction 5, Pt 1 (Days 42, 43)

Eviction 5, Pt 2 (Interview with Oz)

Day Forty Four

Day Forty Five

Day Forty Six

Day Forty Seven

Day Forty Eight (Coming Soon)

Eviction 6, Pt 1 (Days 49, 50)

Eviction 6, Pt 2 (Interview with Anya)