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Charmed- The Three Witchy Sisters

The Halliwell Sisters.
Charmed is a show about three sisters who inherit their powers from their mother's family line. One night after their Grandmother’s death the three are reunited back in The Manor (the house they all grew up in) and they find The Book Of Shadows (their spell and guidance book) through the help of a ouija board. Phoebe read and incantation and boom they were witches. They fight evil and risk their lives are part of their daily routine.

Prudence Halliwell
Prue is the oldest sister. Her character was played by Shannen Doherty. She had the power of telekineses (she was able to move things with her mind). She worked as a photographer for a magazine called 415. She was killed in the season 3 finalie and does not return for season 4.

Piper Halliwell
Piper was the middle sister and is now the oldest. Her character is played by Holly Marie Combs. She has the power to freeze time and blow things up. She is the owner of a night club called P3 and is married to Leo. She has to become the oldest sister and look after Paige and Phoebe. She will have a few troubles with this transition.

Phoebe Halliwell
Phoebe was the youngest sister and is now the middle sister. Her character is played by Alyssa Milano. She has the power of premintion (she can see the future). She has recently gone back to college and just graduated. She will have to let go of the ways of the youngest sister and pass them onto Paige.

Paige Matthews
Paige was introduced in the forth season. She is the youngest sister, being younger than Phoebe. Her character is played by Rose McGowan. She is Patty (the girl’s mum) and Sam’s (Patty’s whitelighter) daughter. She only inherited her powers after Prue died. She is having a hard time fitting in and using her powers. She was raised by odoptive parents and went in search of her birth parents after they died.

Episode Guide for season 1
Episode Guide for season 2
Episode Guide for season 3
Episode Guide for season 4
Spells from season 1
Spells from season 2
Spells from season 3
Spells from season 4
Quotes from season 1
Quotes from season 2
Quotes from season 3
Leo Photo Gallery
Cole Photo Gallery
Dan Photo Gallery
Phoebe Photo Gallery
Piper Photo Gallery
Paige Photo Gallery
Prue Photo Gallery
Info on Alyssa Milano
Info on Holly Marie Combs
Info on Shannon Doherty

This page was created on the 24th of September 2001
and was last updated on the 15th of December 2002.

My original site was created on the 7th of October 1999 but got closed down.

Sorry about the Episode guides, I should have them up to date soon. I chose to stop doing this page because it was cutting too much into my study time, now that I am on summer holidays I hope to get season 3 ep guides and season 4 finished. Season 5 hasn't started here in Australia yet.

There have been Vistors since the 24th of february 2000.

This "Charmed Circle" webring is brought to you by: Charmed Talk, and is owned by Kim.
~*~Leap of faith~*~
~*~Make a Wish~*~
~*~Use your power~*~
~*~Cast a spell~*~