Luke & Laura #7, Luke & Laura #8, Luke & Laura #9, Luke & Laura #10, and  Luke & Laura #11
[descriptions for Edits #1-3, Edits #4-6, Edits #12-13, and Edits #14-15]

Luke & Laura #7  December, 1980 - February, 1981 -  Looking for the Ice Princess, Robert Arrives, "The Date", the Parade, Slick, Benny the Fence, Emma Lutz - 8 hours
This edit covers Robert's arrival, Luke and Robert both looking for the Ice Princess, Luke and Laura go out on their first real date and Laura tells Luke that he didn't rape her that they made love that night, the gang all attends the Port Charles Bi-Centennial Parade, Laura is dating Robert, Slick arrives, Benny the Fence, Emma Lutz as Luke continues to search for the Ice Princess. Luke and Laura slowly begin working their way back towards each other, with lots of scenes in her apartment, many sticky door scenes, Luke constantly warning her away from Robert, as he is very jealous. Robert actually helps Luke out one night against the Cassidines, though they are still competing for the Ice Princess, Robert asks Luke to work with him on several occasions (but doesn't yet tell him of his secret agent status). The very earliest Ice Princess storyline scenes take place towards the end of the Luke & Laura #6.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Luke & Laura #8  Late February - June, 1981 - Ice Princess Continues, Luke Proposes, O'Reilly arrives, Art Auction, Robert is CK8 - 8 hours
Robert is dating Laura, Luke sees a picture of the Ice Princess in the newspaper and realizes it has been donated to Lila's charity auction. Laura paints Luke's apartment magenta, Luke takes Laura out for a romantic champagne dinner at the Versaille Room, then he takes her to a romantic setting on the docks where they toast with more champagne and he has the Wyndham's music playing on a tape recorder. He tells her he loves Laura and wants to marry her! Charity art auction, the Ice Princess is stolen and Luke dissapears and hides out in a homeless shelter. Robert rescues Luke from the Cassidine yacht and takes him to his secret room and reveals he is really WSB Secret Agent CK8.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Luke & Laura #9  July, 1981 - Ice Princess Continues, O'Reilly shot, The Yacht, Tiffany begins, arrive on the island - 8 hours
Luke and Robert shimmy across a rope to board the Cassidine yacht, they find that Laura snuck on board disguised as a maid. They all meet Tiffany, the movie star, who is a guest on the yacht. She is dating Victor Cassidine. Lots of adventure and romance aboard the yacht. Luke and Robert work as crew members, and Laura becomes Tiffany's maid, "Lucy". The gang all watch Princess Di and Prince Charles wedding. They finally arrive at the island and swim for shore, and the island romance begins. They done island wear, and play in their tropical oasis setting up camp and building a shelter, bathing in the waterfall. Robert runs into Tiffany in the jungle and she protects him from detection by her guard. They suddenly feel a chill in the air as Mikkos, in the underground Cassidine compound, begins the demonstration of his evil device.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Luke & Laura #10 - Ice Princes Continues - Island, Laura's illness, Mikkos begins freezing the world, Infiltrate Cassidine Compund, Tiffany & Robert Kiss!, Mikkos is killed
The island begins to get quite cold as Mikkos' demonstration continues but fortunately the warmth soon returns when the demonstration is complete. Cute scenes as Laura makes curtains for their island hut. Robert brings Tiffany to camp and she meets Luke and Laura (she knows Laura as Lucy her maid). Luke plans a romantic evening with Laura but she becomes quite ill. Laura recovers and they begin building a raft in order to escape the island. The three musketeers plan on entering the Cassidine compound and plan on blowing it up.  Luke and Laura share a romantic interlude in their tropical paradise, hot sultry kisses, flowers in her hair, water cascading in the background.
     They find a note that Robert has entered the compound without them, Tiffany has distracted a guard so Robert can sneak in. Their camp is discovered and the alarm is sounded, Luke and Laura also sneak into the underground compound. Luke, Laura and Robert are all captured by Mikkos and he fills them in on his evil invention. Robert takes over the guards, he and Laura hold machine guns on them outside the control room door which is locked shut with Luke and  Mikos inside.  Luke tries to overpower Mikos, who retailiates by throwing PC into total freeze.  News reports from around the world are shown on the monitor of the strange weather hitting PC. Luke fights Mikos, and throws him in the freezing room and kills him. Luke struggles to figure out the code to stop Mikkos freezing machine.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Luke & Laura #11 - Ice Princess Conclusion - Luke Saves the World, Return to PC, Celebrations! Wedding Plans begin
Luke struggles to enter the right code word to stop the freezing and finally he comes up with "Ice Princess" and gains control and is able to stop the freezing and turn it off. The weather machine and the formuls is destroyed.  Luke and Laura share a romantic evening at waterfall on island and he proposes, they are interrupted when Rick and Leslie arrive by helicopter. Back in PC, the major gives Luke and Laura the "Titan" as a thank you gift. Laura goes to Mexico to get a divorce from Scotty but doesn't stay and wait for the divorce papers. Luke and Laura have an engagement party at Kelly's, they are trying to avoid the big splashy wedding but finally agree to it realizing how important it is to their friends and family. The mayor offers his mansion for their wedding, Laura has a bridal shower, Lee tells Luke that he burned Laura's divorce papers, and Tiffany has arranged for Delphina to design Laura's wedding dress.  Click here to read the full edit description.

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