Luke & Laura #1 December 1, 1978 - Feb 1980: 12 hours on 3 dvds! The Rape, Laura's 18th Birthday, Christmas
DVD #1A 12/1/78 NEWBobbie overhears that Scotty is using his father, Lee's, car for his date with Laura. She meets up with Luke and gives him the car license plate number and instructs Luke to make a room reservation at the Lakeview Lodge under Scotty's name (this is the place Scotty is taking Laura to for dinner). Laura and Scotty are at their dinner at the lodge.

Meanwhile, outside Luke tampers with Scotty's car. Laura worries as it starts to snow, she is concerned they won't get home in time for her curfew. She wonders if they should head back earlier than they planned. Scotty wants to enjoy themselves and assures her as long as they leave by 8:00 they will have plenty of time. Laura also worries about going back to school and facing all the kids in the aftermath of David Hamilton's death. Scott reassures her that people will forget and that this night is her new start. Luke calls an anxious Bobbie and tells her that he sabotaged Scotty's car, she is thrilled. Scotty and Laura on on their way home down the mountain when the car dies. Laura is petrified. She will miss her curfew! She is so paranoid that the judge is going to send her to reform school. She is afraid what will happen if Mr. Higgens finds out.

3/30/79 NEW Takes place shortly after the lifting of the Lassa Fever quarantine. Laura is being set up, once again by Bobbie & Luke. Laura is afraid that the incident at the Nightlife Café will sway Judge Stallman’s decision. Bobbie is almost giddy when she tells Luke that today is the day when all of their scheming against Laura finally pays off. She’s convinced that the judge will send Laura off to reform school, clearing the way for her to latch on to Scotty. Scotty has a calming effect on Laura. Laura asks Lesley if Rick slept with another woman. Luke meets Laura face to face for the first time. He has a fleeting moment of guilt. Bobbie has none. Howard preps Laura before her hearing with Judge Stallman. She discovers that the engagement ring that Scotty had given her is gone and sees it as a bad omen.

4/05/79 NEW Scotty & Laura’s meeting with Rick & Lesley when they ask for permission to get married. Bobbie tries to rally Luke to help resume the submarine attacks on Laura. Luke almost ‘spills the beans’ in front of Scotty. The “evil” Bobbie is in full swing.

July, 1979 - short scene between L&L in the park, as she excitedly is planning her wedding to Scotty. Luke has straight hair still. (Very poor quality but felt it was an important scene to add)

ABC WEDDINGS - 6 minutes covered Laura and Scotty's wedding in 1979 narrated by Jackie Zeman (Bobbie) and Brad Maule (Tony). This followed by four minutes of introduction from ABC's L&L special "Lover's on The Run" showing a montage of L&L clips and highlights of storyline to come. Clips of Bobbie asking a straight haired Luke (pre-perm) to cause problems for Laura, which introduces the character, a scene of Luke at Laura's wedding to Scotty, including commentary by Tony Geary.

Lover's on The Run - Laura asks Luke to tell her what kind of trouble he is in? He comments that she is really quite wonderful and he never met anyone like her before. She laughs that he probably won't. She asks again if there is anything she can do to help? He tells her that her relationship with Scotty gives him hope that he can have a better life someday, that is if he can find a girl like her. She assures him that there are plenty of girls like her. He says no there aren't. He has always had to settle for second best and he is tired of it. She tells him that he is a very special person, that he never lets anyone down.

8/24/79 (Soapnet) Laura Applies for a job at the disco. Richard Simmons conducts an exercise class including Laura, Amy, Claudia, and Bobbie at the disco. Scotty and Brian joke about the class, and Richard takes offense. In Luke's office, Roy informs Luke that the official word is that his cousin committed suicide. Roy vows that someone is going to pay for it, but Luke insists that they get proof before they take any action. Laura overhears one of the girls in her class mention that she just got a job with the disco and decides to talk to Luke about a job for herself. She goes directly to Luke's office and convinces him that she could be a good waitress, even though she is underage and cannot serve drinks.

Roy tells Bobbie that he might not see her for a day or two, and she kisses him and asks him to be careful. Laura and Amy have lunch at the hospital cafeteria, and Laura tells Amy how excited she is to tell Scotty her big news about her new job. Amy tells Laura how jealous she is that Laura will get to see Luke Spencer every day, and Laura gets very serious. Laura warns Amy that she should stay away from Luke, noting the strange characters that Luke hangs around. Laura is distracted with the news of Monica's fall. After she checks with Rick to find out Monica's status, she returns to the cafeteria and finds Amy with Scotty. She tells Scotty about her new job, and Scotty is less than enthused. Later, Amy tells Rick about Laura's new job, and Rick looks concerned. Back at their apartment, Scotty tells Laura that the disco is not the type of place where he wants his wife working.

9/5/79 NEW A group of people arrive at the Quartermaines, Luke sees it for the first time as he arrives with Bobbie & Roy, Claudia & Brian. Amy thanks everyone for their support in the wake of her father’s death. Alan invites everyone to join in refreshments. Luke & Laura spend a quiet moment alone in front of the fire. He tells her how incredible he thinks she is, he knows how hard it must have been on her to lose the man she thought of as her father all of those years. He asks if she would like to live in a place like this and she says sure! He says that he hopes she does as she deserves it.

Back at Scotty & Laura’s, he is upset that she is going to work when he took the night off. Laura points out that Scotty didn’t even acknowledge that the man who died today was her father for 12 years as she was a child growing up. He admits he just thinks of Rick as her father and hadn’t thought about that. She warns him to never order her around or embarrass her in front of Brian & Claudia. She tells him he can see what it is like to be home alone like she is every night waiting for him while he works and storms off.

10/4/79 NEW Bobbie reams Roy for saying Laura looks like a hooker in her waitress uniform. He insists on his dance with her. Bobbie goes over to Jeff and asks for help and tells him that Roy is pretty drunk and coming on pretty heavily to Laura. When Joe & Anne walk in, Jeff recruits him to help out getting Roy away from Laura. Roy and Bobbie argue. He tells her that he can’t get the visions of her sleeping with other men out of his head and demands that she go home alone that night. Jeff goes over to Bobbie and tries to cheer her up.

Frank Smith tells Luke that Mitch has to be eliminated. Luke says he has never done anything like that before. They think he was working with Mitch and are offering him a chance to get off the hook. They have to make an example of Mitch. Frank tells him this must happen on November 6th on election night, after the results are in. He goes onto describe the rifle with scope that Luke will use. Luke asks what happens if he misses? Frank says ominously that he would be very disappointed. After Luke leaves, they arrange for him to be “taken care of” after the assassination is completed.

Laura asks a somber Luke if he is alright? She tells him that he has a very lost look in his eyes. He tells her that he is just taking a last look at something special, something he can’t lose as it has never belonged to him. Laura doesn’t understand. He tells her it is just the end of a dream and now it is wake up time.

GH Classic Scenes Poor Quality 10 minutes - Bobbie and Roy Deluca in bed in Roy's studio apartment, talking about their future. He wants to buy her nice things, but she doesn't want him putting his life in danger. She is also worried about Luke and the danger he is in. Roy assures Bobbie that Luke can take care of himself. Luke shows up at the door, and Roy asks Bobbie to hide in the bathroom as he doesn't want Luke to see her there. Luke asks for coffee, Roy makes an excuse that he wants to go back to sleep (not wanting Luke to stay any longer than necessary). Luke passes on that they are supposed to conduct business as usual and not worry about Mitch William's threats; they will continue to use the disco as a front for the mob activities. Roy is glad, as he is ready to get back into action. Luke asks for coffee again and Roy snarks, "What do I look like Betty Crocker?" Luke takes off to find coffee elsewhere.   


Luke is at the hospital talking to Bobbie, and Mitch shows up to ask Tracy Quartermaine to lunch. Mitch stops to talk to Luke on his way out and asks for table at the disco that night. Luke is non-committal as the disco is really busy but suggests Mitch stop by. Luke is a bit shook when Mitch says he hopes to get better service as he and Tracy plan on being regular customers all summer. Later, Bobbie asks Luke if he is worried about Mitch? Luke says no, he thinks Mitch is bluffing. Bobbie slips up about operations resuming from the disco. Luke is furious and assumes that Roy has been talking. Bobbie says no that she overheard him and Roy talking, that she was hiding in the bathroom. 


Luke goes onto warn her about getting involved with DeLuca that Roy has always been free and has never been serious about one woman. He says he doesn't know how Roy would react if he found out about Jacksonville (referring to her past life in Florida). Luke suggests she tell Roy the truth about her past, she says no way, she would rather die first.

Lover's on The Run -14 minutes good quality - Laura asks Luke to tell her what kind of trouble he is in? He comments that she is really quite wonderful and he never met anyone like her before. She laughs that he probably won't. She asks again if there is anything she can do to help? He tells her that her relationship with Scotty gives him hope that he can have a better life someday, that is if he can find a girl like her. She assures him that there are plenty of girls like her. He says no there aren't. He has always had to settle for second best and he is tired of it. She tells him that he is a very special person, that he never lets anyone down.

Commentary by Genie, then Tony talks about Frank Smith grooming him for the mob and his first assignment was to kill Mitch Williams. This is followed by a clip of Roy telling Luke that if they don't kill Mitch that the mob will have them killed. Luke meets with Frank Smith and his mobsters want an answer about the hit, they tell him all the details of the assassination plan.

10/5/79 Luke's Obsession goes to far. Soapnet good quality. A very concerned Laura calls Brian from the disco looking for Scotty. It's after two in the morning, and Scotty never picked her up. Brian offers to pick Laura up, but Laura insists that she wants to wait for Scotty. Meanwhile, Scotty sits with Zelda at a diner and discusses business. Scotty talks to Zelda about his fight with Laura. He notes that he should apologize to Laura. As they talk, Scotty realizes how late it is and decides he'd better get home. Luke informs Laura that he found out tonight that within a month he'll be dead. 

As Laura waits alone in the disco, Luke stumbles in drunk. Laura watches him sit down at the bar where he begins crying. When he sees Laura, he tells her to go home. She tries instead to console Luke, telling him that she has seen better days herself. Laura tells Luke that she thinks her marriage is over, because she lied to Scotty about using her credit card to pay for his law books. Laura insists that she wants to help Luke, and he continues to try to get her to leave. Luke balks at Laura's innocence, and she assures him that she knows that he cares about her.

Luke responds that he is in love with her, and that he can't concentrate on anything else. Luke gets more and more agitated as he tells her that knowing she sleeps with Scotty every night is driving him crazy. Laura insists that her life with Scotty is all that she wants right now. She tells Luke that she and Scotty are his friends and that they can help him. He begs Laura to dance with him, and she hesitatingly agrees.  As they dance, Laura tells Luke that he's frightening her and insists that she needs to go. Things spin out of control as Luke holds her tight and begins kissing her.

Scotty arrives home and is interrupted by a call from Lesley. After he gets off the phone, he realizes that Laura is not home. He calls Brian, who informs him that Laura called him from the disco earlier, where she was waiting for Scotty. Scotty calls the disco, but no one answers. He calls Rick and Lesley still looking for Laura. Luke stands over Laura where she is laying on the floor. Her shirt is torn and as Luke moves toward the ringing phone, she stands and leaves. Luke answers the phone and tells Scotty that Laura isn't there. Luke stares at Laura's jacket on the floor as he comes to the startling realization of what he's done. Laura runs through the woods frantically and ends up by the fountain, falling to the ground crying. She turns and screams as she sees someone standing over her.    

Luke is at the hospital talking to Bobbie, and Mitch shows up to ask Tracy Quartermaine to lunch. Mitch stops to talk to Luke on his way out and asks for table at the disco that night. Luke is non-committal as the disco is really busy but suggests Mitch stop by. Luke is a bit shook when Mitch says he hopes to get better service as he and Tracy plan on being regular customers all summer. Later, Bobbie asks Luke if he is worried about Mitch? Luke says no, he thinks Mitch is bluffing. Bobbie slips up about operations resuming from the disco. Luke is furious and assumes that Roy has been talking. Bobbie says no that she overheard him and Roy talking, that she was hiding in the bathroom.    

Luke goes onto warn her about getting involved with DeLuca that Roy has always been free and has never been serious about one woman. He says he doesn't know how Roy would react if he found out about Jacksonville (referring to her past life in Florida). Luke suggests she tell Roy the truth about her past, she says no way, she would rather die first.

Voice over at the end of the marathon episode acknowledges we know in 2001 that acquaintance rape never leads to true love, that Luke was originally slated to die as a result of his mob activities. But when the actor who played Roy DeLuca left the show (president of ABC wanted the actor for a primetime show), Luke was kept alive instead. Luke and Laura were paired when Tony and Genie's undeniable chemistry became evident. I then inserted Tony's commentary from Lover's on the Run, about the early storyline involving the rape and the responsibility that he felt to delivery the story but that Genie was also okay. Genie follows by saying that Tony was very careful to make her feel safe during the rape scenes.

11/9/79 good quality studio episode, counter on. Election Night in Port Charles. Town watches news coverage of the Quartermaines & Mitch Williams arriving. The press interview Mitch, Tracy, Alan, Monica, Edward as they arrive.

Bobbie & Roy arrive at the disco and ask to sit in Laura’s section. Bobbie happily announces that they are getting married in two weeks! Bobbie wishes they had gone somewhere a little more romantic to celebrate. Roy tells her that he had to hang around the disco for business reasons. Bobbie wants to know if this has to do with the guy hanging around earlier? Roy tells her to just have fun tonight and no questions. Luke approaches, and he and Roy have a cryptic conversation that leaves Bobbie very worried. Luke tells Roy that he will take Laura home and is allowing plenty of time. He then asks Roy to take care of “things” while he is gone. She realizes that whatever they are involved in is going down that night.

Luke tells Laura it is slow tonight and she can go home early. She is going to call a cab an he says no that Scotty asked him to take her home. She argues but he insists, there will be no more walks in the park. Laura heads to the powder room to freshen up and change out of her work clothes. Laura is upset that Scotty & Luke are making arrangements for her behind her back like she is a child. Bobbie defends that they are just trying to keep her safe. She recommends that Laura seek services at the rape center.

Laura goes to Luke’s office and insists that she is taking the cab home. He asks if she is afraid of him driving her home? She says maybe. He promises her that he will never touch her again unless she wants him to. He tells her about growing up on Elm Street in the slums, seeing his mother die, and his father was an alcoholic. He tells her he has never raped a woman before and will never do so again. She says that she understands him a bit better now. He asks her to never look at him like she cares what happens to him, that it destroys him and he can’t afford to be destroyed tonight.

As he is driving her home, he pulls over on a dark mountain road (they are up on the side of a mountain with the city lights laid out below them). She is nervous, he asks her to get out of the car as he wants to take to her, to tell her goodbye. He informs her that after tonight, she won’t be seeing him again and he needs to talk to her before he leaves. He tells her that he has a job tonight after he takes her home, a job that will end everything for him. He just wants her to know that she is the one good thing he has ever had in his life. He is so sorry for hurting her, it is killing him, that he could do that to anyone, especially her. He tells her to get in the car. She asks to turn the radio on and reaches over and grabs the car keys and throws them out into the night. He can’t believe what she has done. She yells at him that no job is worth his life and she isn’t going to let him do it. He yells at her that she has just put a bullet in his head!

Back at the disco, Roy keeps looking at his watch. Bobbie questions him and he just says he is just wondering where Luke is? She reminds him that he is just taking Laura home. She wants to know if the thing is happening tonight? The thing that Luke thinks might kill him. Roy goes to call Laura to see if she got home okay, no answer. Meanwhile, Bobbie tells Joe & Anne about her upcoming wedding and honeymoon! It feels too good to be true.

Luke walks down to a pay phone and calls Roy at the disco and asks him to come get him as is car is out of order. he tells him where the gun and the red blazer is. Bobbie comes in and begs Roy not to leave, he tells her that he has to. Luke then calls a cab for Laura. He puts her in the cab and tells her to go home to Scotty and live the life she was always meant to have.

Back at the hotel, Tracy greets their supporters. She announces that Mitch is coming down in the elevator. Tracy looks so happy, she is glowing. The Quartermaine’s celebrate Mitch winning the state senate by a landslide.

11/12/79 Laura arrives home and Scotty soon after. Laura is jumpy, Scotty pulls her over to the sofa to sit down and talk. He asks about the disco and she is evasive. He says there is something wrong here, they don’t talk to each other, they talk at each other. Laura blows up at him, does he have to know absolutely everything, what she thinks, where she has been. He apologizes, and she does as well for snapping at him. She claims she is not feeling well and is coming down with something. He tells her that he feels a lot safer knowing that Luke is taking care of her, and brought her home. He tells her how much he worries about her, he worries about her a lot.

Laura has a flashback to Luke telling her he was going away, she drops a glass. She sits down and hears “Rise” in her head and screams. Scotty suggests that she needs help and wants her to go back to the rape center. He tells her he won’t force her to go but he will go as he feels they need help. She seems surprised says he really cares about her? He is shocked that she doesn’t know that. She admits to feeling guilty about the rape. He asks her to go back to just one more counseling session and she agrees to try. He complains that she flinches every time he touches her. He begs her to let him help her. She admits to being afraid of him wanting to sleep with her and the day when he will run out of patience waiting for her.

A desperate Luke calls Bobbie and tells her that if she doesn't come pick him up that Roy will die as he will be taking Luke's place in a suicide mission (the assassination on Mitch). Mitch has arrived at the hotel and gets through wearing a waiter’s jacket. Once Bobbie picks Luke up, he tells her to fasten her seatbelt and pray! He tells her that Roy thinks he is helping Luke, but he isn’t as Luke is already a dead man. He tells her if they don’t get there in time that Roy will be a dead man.

Mitch comes down in the elevator, Roy shoots him wounding him in the shoulder. As Roy exits, he is shot by a sniper. Luke & Bobbie arrive and find him shot, Bobbie cries as she cradles him in her arms. As they hear sirens in the distance, Luke pulls her away from him and gets her out of there before the police arrive. He takes her back to the disco, as she begs to return to Roy’s side. He holds her and tells her that Roy is dead. He wants to get her away from there, to the train station or the airport as she is in danger. She tells him there is nowhere to hide and begs to stay with him, he promised they would always be together. He tells her that she can’t stay with him as he is as good as dead, he didn’t fulfill the contract. When the phone rings, Luke says it is too late, that they have probably have had a tail on him all night. He tells her they will have to come up with a story, a real good story and asks her if she can lie for him.

GH Classic scenes reduced quality. Laura talks to Claudia after their workout class at the disco. Laura tells Claudia that Laura thinks she might be pregnant from the rape as she missed her last period. Claudia can't believe that Laura hasn't been seen by a doctor but Laura can't bear to have anyone touch her, she hopes that the trauma of the rape just threw off her cycle. Claudia points out that Laura can get a legal abortion because of the rape.

Jessie is surprised to see Bobbie show up at GH. Bobbie is shaking; she is worried that they are going to fire her. Jessie tells her that she has returned all of the gifts as Bobbie asked, but she wants Bobbie to keep the vase that Jessie and Dan gave her. She goes on to tell her that the vase is very special and given with great love.    

Luke has a flashback of a conversation he had with Bobbie telling her that they can't run as Smith's goons will hunt them down and kill them. He shows her a wad of cash and tells her that they are going to forget about Roy's death, and keep themselves out of the slum. He tells her he wants a respectable woman to settle down with, that the woman he wants will is with someone else but she will be his and he doesn't care what he has to do to get her (obviously before the rape).    

Laura walks into the disco and interrupts Luke's flashback. Luke is surprised to see her there. She says that she didn't want to draw attention to her by suddenly stopping going to exercise class. He assures her that no one will connect her to Luke just because she stops exercising. They talk about the night Roy died. Laura tells Luke that he shouldn't feel guilty over Roy's death, that it was her fault as she threw out the car keys that preventing him from going to Mitch. He knows that she was trying to save him from being killed, though he doesn't understand it as she has every right to want to see him dead.

She admits that she has every right to hate him but not to see him dead. He tells her that even an act of cruelty can be the result of love. Laura tells him that she is behind in her studies as she has missed a lot of classes and keeps insisting that she is only looking for Claudia to get notes from the lectures she has missed. She is surprised that Luke has dropped his classes as he enjoyed his studies so much. He tells her he doesn't need school for where he is headed. She assures him that she is getting over what happened but does admit that she can't be a real wife to Scotty, that she has tried but just can't.    

Laura tries to take on some of the responsibility for the rape, that she must have said or done something but Luke stops her and won't let her go there. A cute little boy comes into the disco selling newspapers. A kind Luke buys the last six and gives the little boy some extra money so he can buy something nice for his sister. The little urchin says he will buy his sister socks so her feet won't get cold walking across town to school. Laura picks up a paper and reads the headline, "The Nurse and the Mobster!” It's a multiple part series on Bobbie and Roy. They both groan over this further embarrassment for Bobbie.    

One of Smith's goons later suggests to Luke that Bobbie should drop out of sight for a while till the heat cools off. He points out that if her past life as a hooker comes out it will be a big scandal and Mr. Smith won't like it. Scotty comes looking for Laura, he and Luke talk (strange to see them so friendly). Scotty is annoyed at how the newspaper is coming after Bobbie just like they did Laura after the murder.    

Bobbie talks to Steve Hardy and tells him about Roy's service. Steve is disappointed that she didn't have an open service so that her friends could come and pay their respects to her. She felt that under the circumstances that it was better to not have a public funeral. She tells him that she wasn't sure how people are going to feel about her, that she is feeling a bit uncertain. He assures her she has many friends who respect her and her work as a nurse.

Later, Jessie goes in with Bobbie to tell Steve about her past as a prostitute, she is worried that the newspaper will uncover it and that it would be bad for the hospital's reputation. Bobbie tells Luke that she is on her way out of GH, that they will fire her. She tells him that if she gets fired that she won't be able to get a job at any other hospital in Port Charles. Luke chalks this scandal up to not having enough money to silence the paper.  Luke promises her that someday he is going to own this town, just like Smith does.

Dvd #1B Monica goes to see Laura and tells Laura that Monica is pregnant. Monica tells Laura that she asked to come over to talk to Laura, and then Monica tells her own story of being raped as a teen and offers to help. Laura asks if it is all right to talk about how Monica felt afterwards. Bobbie shows up, she is furious at the accusations that Roy raped Laura. Bobbie asks Laura to tell her if Roy was the man who raped her? Laura reassures Bobbie that Roy isn't the one who raped her.    

Luke sadly sits in the park, remembering the happiness of Laura's wedding to Scotty and then he flashes to the night of the rape. Scotty joins Luke and they about how Bobbie is handling the scandal. Scotty says he is sure Laura knows the identity of the man who raped her but she is afraid to tell. He questions Luke if there was any guy that was hawking over Laura, or really after her at the disco? Luke assures him that no there wasn't, that if Luke had seen anything like that he would have put a stop to it.    

Luke heads over to see Laura and tells her that Scotty said some things that bothered him. He tells her that Scotty thinks that she is hiding something from him. Luke asks her if she wants him to tell Scotty the truth? She says absolutely not that she never wants Scotty to know what really happened that night. Laura questions Luke that perhaps why she ran out to the park and lied that the rape occurred in the park is because she is protecting him? That she is maybe also lying to protect herself.

She questions again that perhaps she did something to bring this on. Luke insists that it was not her fault. Laura suddenly clams up and tells him she doesn't want to talk anymore, after he leaves she flashes back to that night and crying, "No, no Luke!" Laura turns on the radio and "Rise" is playing. She cries and throws the radio to the floor, breaking it. She continues to hear the music reverberating even after the radio is silenced. Laura also tells Claudia and then later Leslie about throwing up and her continued fears about being pregnant.    

When Scotty arrives home, she runs into his arms and tells him how happy they are going to be. She just wants to forget about everything, and only think about the two of them. She tells him she wants to be together with him as man and wife the way it used to be. Bobbie has been grieving over Roy's death and blames Luke for Roy's death. She asks if he planned to get stranded that night on purpose? He tells her that he thought he was going to die that night and stopped up at Lookout Mountain to sort things out. He asks if she would rather that Luke died that night instead of Roy? He tells her that Roy didn't just do it for Luke, but to also protect Bobbie and Ruby as if he had failed that Smith would have not just gone after Luke but also his family.    

Smith tells Luke that he has squashed the series in the newspaper and there will not be any future trash written about Bobbie. Smith points out to Luke that he takes care of valuable people in his organization. He tells him that he is having someone come by, an associate of Smith's that Luke will have dealings with in the future. Luke is shocked when Mitch shows up! Mitch is playing a different tune, talking about looking forward to working with Luke. Mitch comments that Luke isn't a hothead like Roy was. Luke tells him there are no hard feelings over Roy's death.

After Frank Smith leaves, Mitch tells Luke he is surprised that he is so willing to get over Roy's death. Luke assures him that Mitch has nothing to worry about from Luke. He tells Mitch that Roy always felt that Mitch was responsible for Roy's cousin's death. Luke agrees to pretend that Roy never happened. Bobbie arrives, ticked off at overhearing this and says, "Isn't that going to be hard given that I was supposed to marry him!"    

Mitch apologizes to Bobbie for Roy's death and tries to explain that he and Luke were just trying to make peace. Bobbie looks tortured as she tells him that her feelings towards Mitch won't change. After Mitch leaves, Bobbie asks Luke what kind of man he has become to be able to pretend to like Mitch. Bobbie asks what will happen when Mitch finds out that Luke was the one who was supposed to kill Mitch? Luke doesn't think it will get out. Bobbie counters that slime always rises to the top and always comes out.

Luke tells Bobbie that Mitch has made some political commitments to the organization, and he was there under the personal invitation of Mr. Smith. Luke warns Bobbie to stay out of this business, that he is now inside the organization. He advises her to remember that Mr. Smith gets what he wants and Bobbie should remember that if she wants to stay safe. Bobbie is disgusted that Luke got promoted within the organization as a result of Roy's death. Luke tells her that Roy was his partner and he really misses him but Roy is dead.    

Laura goes to see Luke and asks Luke for time off to be with Scotty over Christmas. He tells her she can take as much time as she wants, to consider it a vacation. He tells her he can never make up to her what he did. He tells her that Bobbie has been asking questions about the night Roy died, that Bobbie isn't sure Luke did everything he could to stop Roy. Luke tells Laura that he lied to Bobbie and told her that he took Laura home before he went to Look Out Point. He assures her there is no harm, he just is trying to take care of Bobbie. He asks her if Bobbie questions her at all, that she tells her the same story that Luke did. Laura is exasperated by the network of lies that binds them together.

11/29/79 Richard Simmons leads a jazzercise class at the disco. Afterwards, Susan and Laura both encourage Bobbie. Laura gets a message to stop in at Luke’s office before she leaves. Laura feels caught up in all of the lies. Its one thing that she has to lie to Scotty about the rape, she has no choice. But she can't handle now lying to Bobbie. Laura tells Luke that she wants to help Bobbie and she deserves to know the truth about Roy. She wants Bobbie to know that Luke tried to save Roy’s life and it was Laura’s fault that she lost Roy.

She has noticed a coolness between Luke & Bobbie and doesn’t want to be responsible for it, and she wants to help heal that. Luke is adamant that she not tell Bobbie as he already lied to Bobbie and doesn't want Laura telling her the truth. He tells her to forget it, to forget she threw the keys and and yells at her that he isn’t going to talk to her about it any longer and opens the door for her to leave. He opens the door to find Bobbie standing there.

Laura tells Bobbie that she feels responsible for Roy's death as she asked Luke to take her home that night. Bobbie is very sweet to Laura and tells her not to blame herself, that it wasn't her fault and pretends she didn't hear Luke and Laura's conversation.    

After Laura leaves, Bobbie lays into Luke and tells him she wants the truth about that night that she did hear what he said to Laura. She can't believe that he lied to her, and comments that Laura is also a liar and is just as low and common as Luke and Bobbie! Luke defends Laura and just says he doesn't want to see her hurt any longer. Bobbie realizes that Luke is in love with Laura and accuses him of abandoning Roy so he could continue his affair with Laura. As she becomes hysterical, he slaps her.

She calms down and he apologizes, not wanting to hurt her. He then confides in her how special Laura is, how she is like a dream to him, that she is way above him. He also warns her that as much as he loves Bobbie he will hate her if she hurts Laura. He comments that he is poisoning his world. Bobbie says he has it wrong that it is Laura who is poisoning his world. Suddenly, Bobbie asks if he Luke is the man who raped Laura? She begins to remember Laura's description of the rapist, "Tall, blond, slim." Luke hurriedly leaves the room.    

Classic Scenes reduced quality - Bobbie tells Ruby that she can’t trust her brother any longer, that he is responsible for Roy’s death. She believes that Luke faked car trouble so Roy would go in his place. Ruby is shocked that Bobbie would think Luke would put himself over Roy and she is ashamed of Bobbie for thinking that, she reminds Bobbie that Roy was Luke’s best friend. She tells Ruby that she believes that Laura is responsible for Roy’s death. She says Luke would do anything to be able to be with her, that he is in love with her. She tells Ruby that she heard them talk about Laura throwing the car keys up on Look Out Mountain. She promises if she sold Roy out that she will make Laura regret it!

Laura and Scotty are at the disco after her class. She tells Bobbie that she has a doctor's appointment. Scotty asks about the appointment, Laura doesn't want to talk about it there. He insists that she tell him what is going on? She tells him she is a month late and needs to take another pregnancy test. Luke walks in and hears Scotty worrying about her possibly being pregnant by the man who raped her. Luke quickly turns around, unseen, and walks out.

As Laura is changing, Scotty asks Luke to tell Laura that he can't drive her that he has to go to the office. Luke offers to drive her to the appointment. She plays off that she is going Christmas shopping with her mother. He asks her if she might be pregnant with his baby? She tells him he has no rights at all. He tells her that he just wants to help her. She tells him that she should be excited over the possibility of being pregnant with her husband's baby but Luke has taken that away from her, and she will never feel clean again.    

A thrilled Bobbie tells Ruby that she has her job back. Luke overhears this and is annoyed that Bobbie should be so grateful or feel like she had to beg for her job. Luke tells her that he is rolling in the dough and he will take care of Bobbie and she won't need to work. Bobbie tells him she doesn't want any money from him. He asks since when is she turning down money. She retorts since she gave away the $5,000 that Roy left her to charity. He is furious that she would give away that money. He slams out after she insults his source for that money. After he leaves, Ruby questions her and Bobbie tells her that she doesn't want Luke's conscience money (because Luke is alive and Roy is dead).

Luke goes into the Floating Rib, drunk and in a foul mood. Susan calls Bobbie and tells her and Bobbie heads over. Joe Kelly goes over to Luke, and Luke comments on him being with Mitch Williams. Joe says something about Luke being all buddy buddy with Mitch. Luke grabs him, and tells him that Mitch is the scum of the earth. Joe warns Luke that Luke's bosses aren't going to be happy to read all about the brawl that is about to take place if Luke doesn't take his hands off of him!

Bobbie arrives just in time to break it up. She apologizes to Luke. He snarls at her and she tells him she is off to settle the score with Laura. She blames Laura for Roy's death and Luke's current attitude and warns that she is going to make Laura pay. Luke grabs her and warns her to stay away from Laura. Meanwhile, Joe tells Anne that he was on a fishing expedition and got the answers he wanted from Luke.

Next, Jeff shows up and Susan asks for his help in getting Luke out of there before he attacks Mitch. Jeff sits down next to Luke and they toast Roy. Luke tells Jeff that it is his fault that Roy is dead. Jeff tells Luke he can't keep blaming himself. Luke predicts that he is going to belong in Port Charles like the Quartermaines and the Webbers. Luke tells him that he was born in the slums on Elm Street and no matter what he does he isn't in that world. He invites Jeff to join him for another drink at the disco. Once there, Laura asks Jeff if Luke is drunk. He says no (?), and says that Luke is upset about Roy's death. She gets a call from her doctor that she is not pregnant.    

Laura goes to Luke's office. She notices he has been drinking and asks him what is going on? He says he went out on the town and was trying to drown out faces, Roy's face, and her face. She tells him she received good news from her doctor. He stops her; he doesn't want to hear the words. He realizes that she isn't pregnant but admits that on some level he hoped that she was pregnant with his child. He is disappointed; she is relieved that she doesn't have to cope with the idea of having an abortion. She tells him she feels numb too and she doesn't know why. She tells him that she feels like they are in some kind of a trap and where does it end? Bobbie stands in doorway, unseen. After Laura leaves, Bobbie pounds on the door. He tells her to go away and refuses to let her in.    

Laura is working in the disco, Scotty, Claudia and Brian all arrive, then Mitch and Tracy, the place is jumping. Mitch goes back to Luke's office (he is married to Tracy Quartermaine). Mitch suggests to Luke that he shouldn't be in a hurry to move up too fast (sounds like a warning of sorts). Mitch says one day he will probably be the Governor (he is currently a Senator). Laura stops by and asks if she can leave early? Mitch says that Luke should marry a nice girl like Laura. He says the only small problem is that a girl like Laura is usually taken by someone whose life has never touched Elm Street.

Later, after the club is empty Bobbie goes back to see Luke again. Bobbie overheard that Laura isn't pregnant, and she demands to know how long he has been having an affair with Laura? She wants to know why Laura cried rape? Bobbie is furious that Luke almost let Roy take the blame for this supposed rape. Bobbie says she doesn't know who her brother is any longer. She asks what does Luke think Scotty will do to find out that Luke was the man who raped Laura. He tells her about that night, how he came onto Laura, and that he did rape her. Bobbie looks at him in shock and horror. He tells her that it was not a sleazy little affair, it was rape!    

Laura and Scotty go home, Laura tries to avoid Scotty and go to bed. He wants to talk to her first, and asks her to go to rape counseling. She agrees but only once. He holds her and tells her he is desperate as he feels like he is losing contact with her. The next morning, Bobbie shows up to talk to Laura. Bobbie tells her that they have unfinished business between them. Laura assures her that she doesn't hate Bobbie any longer. Bobbie says she thinks that Laura knows who raped her. Bobbie predicts that Laura is headed for trouble, as Scotty won't leave it alone until he finds out who did it.    

Bobbie warns Laura that Bobbie never made it in her world, and Laura will never make it in Bobbie's world. But Bobbie continues, that where she came from a marriage meant you concentrate on one man. Bobbie wants Laura to quit her job at the disco. Laura responds that she can't as she owes Luke money for Scotty's bar books. Bobbie asks Laura if it was really rape? Laura is insulted and insists it was. Laura wants to know why Bobbie is tormenting her? Bobbie says because Laura has been lying to everyone and Laura is only pretending to be happily married. Bobbie tells her that she doesn't belong in the disco world and she should quit her job and stay home concentrating on being a good wife.    

Scotty and Brian come home with a big Christmas tree; they are covered in snow as a big storm has begun. A frozen and heavily bundled Claudia shows up next.

Luke shows up at Ruby's with two sets of snowshoes as a peace offering, so she could get to work and not let down Steve Hardy. He tells her he wants to be her friend again. Bobbie softens and offers him some coffee. He tells her once again that he didn't set Roy up, and that she shouldn't blame Laura as she was only trying to protect Luke. Luke calls Laura and tells her that the disco is closed due to the storm. After Laura hangs up, Claudia admits that she was worried at first about Laura's friendship with Luke but now she knows what a nice guy Luke is.    

Ruby objects as Luke and Bobbie take off to snowshoe over to GH. They arrive at GH in a major blizzard (the crew really has those snow blowers going, good practice for the upcoming Ice Princess storyline) and everyone is thrilled to see her as they are shorthanded. Luke gets a call that Mr. Smith wants to meet with him. Luke tries to make excuses for why he can't get over to the disco (the storm, the disco is closed) but they aren't buying and insist Luke meet with Mr. Smith.

At the meeting, they tell him that there is a situation brewing over at GH because of Roy's death. The hospital is investigating the disco, not sure it is a good environment for the student nurses. Luke insists he runs a clean place, but they tell him that the bartender has been dealing. The mob put him into the disco, and they will remove him. They tell Luke that Dan Rooney is heading up the investigation. Frank also tells Luke that he intends on opening a chain of discos and have Luke in charge of running them all. At the same time, Dan is telling Bobbie that he is investigating the "College Disco" (isn't it called the Campus Disco? LOL).    

12/13/79 Soapnet marathon. Luke comes into GH and wants to talk to Bobbie about Dan Rooney investigating the disco and Frank Smith is concerned about it (the story is since the young nurses hang out there they want to make sure it is reputable with nothing shady or drug related going on!). Bobbie doesn't have time to worry about Frank Smith's concerns as Monica is stranded and they have an emergency on their hands!

When Luke returns, Bobbie tells him not to worry about Dan investigating the disco as he doesn’t think there is anything to find. Why is the hospital investigating the disco? LOL! Bobbie regrets making Roy wait two weeks to get married, and goes on to hope she is pregnant. She throws it in Luke’s face that this baby wouldn’t be a product of rape! Luke storms off.

Classic Scenes reduced quality: Scotty talks Laura into going to a rape-counseling group.  She gets upset and runs out of the group. Scotty is ticked off at Laura for walking about of the group and making a scene. He is tired of feeling guilty when he is trying to help her. He wants to know if she thinks she is the only girl who has ever been raped?

Bobbie and Luke talk at the disco, she thanks him for the snowshoes. Then she goes on to snark about Laura even though she knows that it bothers Luke. Bobbie thinks its a joke that Laura is going to rape counseling given that she wasn't raped and doesn't think Laura is a good enough liar to pull it off. Bobbie refuses to believe that Luke raped Laura, she thinks it was consensual. Bobbie insists that Luke isn't capable of rape and that there had to have been cooperation on Laura's part. Bobbie insists that Laura is trying to protect him because she has feelings for him and he is too blind to see it.     

Laura goes home to see her mother. Amy tries to stop her saying that Leslie is resting. Laura puts her in her place that Amy is a guest in the Webber's house and isn't Leslie's daughter, Laura is and she will talk to her mother if she wants to!  Leslie is wiped out from being up all night while Monica was in labor, and isn't much of a support system (Leslie is still reeling from finding out that Monica slept with Rick). Laura runs out and goes to Luke. She tells him she feels guilty about the rape as though she had done something to encourage it.

They talk; he tells her about his background, about his mother's death and assures her the rape wasn't her fault. Scotty pumps Bobbie for info; he thinks Laura knew her attacker from the club. Laura shows up to work early, further drawing Bobbie's suspicions. After Bobbie leaves, Luke asks Laura what is up as she has never been early for anything in her life? She tells him about running out of the group therapy session. She tells him she panicked, that if she said the wrong thing and admitted that she knew the man who raped her that no one would let up on her until she named Luke.    

Laura brings up Luke's childhood, watching his mother die, and his father drowning his sorrows in a bottle. Luke doesn't understand why it's so easy to talk to her about things he never could with anyone. He tells her how his mother died from a burst appendix. Laura is shocked as that is a routine operation. He agrees, but he was too young to know and but his father did and yet he didn't call for an ambulance until it was too late. Luke doesn't understand why she is still working at the disco having to see him every day? She says that was the problem at first, but she doesn't hate Luke any longer, now the problem is facing her husband.    

Scotty questions Bobbie if she thinks the rapist was someone Laura knows from the disco? Bobbie discourages him from exploring that as Scotty and Laura have had enough problems. The next day is, Laura's 18th birthday. She had completely forgotten! She is so excited to realize that she is finally 18! She looks in the mirror and says she doesn't look or feel any older. Scotty serves her breakfast in bed and later throws her a surprise party; he has also invited Luke and Bobbie. Dan tells Luke that the disco is getting a clean review.     

Richard Simmons has a Christmas party for his workout class. Laura tells Luke that Bobbie asked her to quit her job at the disco. He brushes off Bobbie's hostility and tells her that Bobbie is grieving over Roy's death and seeing Laura happy with Scotty just rubs her wrong. She admits to Luke that she is hoping to recapture the magic that her and Scotty shared last Christmas. Luke's Christmas present to Laura is a poem, to set her free and give her a chance to be happy with Scotty.    

Back at Scotty's, he gives Laura a cheesy gold star for the top of the tree just like the one he proposed to her under the year before at the Webber's, we see a flashback of the proposal. 

Christmas December 25th, 1979 Soapnet: The next morning, Laura brings Scotty breakfast in bed. He tells her last night was like their wedding night all over again. He asks her if he made her really happy last night? She insists that yes he did. He pulls her into a big kiss and insists that breakfast can wait.

Laura and Scotty arrive at the Webber's to spend Christmas with them. She tells Leslie that her and Scotty are really back together, that they made love last night. Leslie senses that everything was quite okay. Laura admits that it wasn't as good for her as it was for him, but while it wasn't the same it was good to be close to him. Laura asks Leslie what is going on with her, as she hasn't seemed the same since the night Leslie helped Monica give birth.    

Luke and Bobbie arrive at Ruby's ladened with presents to spend Christmas Day with Ruby. Ruby gives them each handmade scarves that she has knitted. Bobbie gives Ruby a cocktail dress to wear at an upcoming ball. Luke gives Ruby and Bobbie mink coats! Bobbie doesn't like the idea that Luke is profiting from Roy's death. Luke is insulted as he is making clean money and he is making as much of it as fast as he can and if she can accept that then don't take the coat and don't talk to him anymore! She says she is sorry, she is just bitter, and sometimes she feels hopeless. He tells her the next year will be the best ever and encourages her to be hopeful that someday she will find a man who will make all of her dreams come true (Poor Bobbie she has the abusive DL Brock, the cheating and kidnapping Tony, scheming Stefan in her future!).    

After Bobbie leaves for work, Ruby warns Luke that the Baldwin girl isn't for him and she is worried that he is headed for trouble. Scotty talks to Bobbie at GH and tells her that he and Laura are back together and if he ever finds the man who raped her.

Dvd #1C Luke admits to Ruby that he is in love with Laura. He says that she has a kind of purity, a sweetness that he has never known anyone else with and he can't get her out of his mind. He says he can't go out with other women, he sees Laura's face and thinks of her. Luke admits that Laura loves her husband and it's hopeless for him but as long as he can see her at the disco once in awhile that is good enough. Bobbie returns and is all too happy to share with Luke that Laura and Scotty are back together as man and wife.    

Classic Scenes: Luke has called Laura down to the disco and tells her that he heard that her and Scotty are okay again. Laura wants to know how Luke found out? She isn't too happy to learn that Scotty was talking about their private business to Bobbie! She wants to know why he wanted her to come down there? He makes up a lame excuse and she gets frustrated with him and demands the truth. He tells her he wanted to see her, that he is jealous of her being with Scotty but he knows he can't have her. She tells him not to ever say anything like that to her again.

She tells him that she can't keep working at the disco if he does that again. He tries to apologize but tells her that knowing she is back with Scotty is making him crazy. She tells him that her relationship with her husband is none of his business. She encourages him that he will find another girl. He says that he will be measuring any future girls against a very high standard. They agree to keep their relationship just business.    

Bobbie walks in and makes sure to tell Laura that she had a nice little lunch with Scotty. Bobbie really digs it in. Laura remains polite though with some effort. After she leaves, Luke is furious at Bobbie for constantly needling Laura. He warns her that Laura and Scotty are working out their relationship and for Bobbie to stay out of it and not to try to take advantage of the situation with Scotty. Bobbie notices how defensive Luke is over Laura and says again that she doesn't believe he raped Laura.    

When Laura gets home, she lets Scotty have it for confiding their personal business to Bobbie. Laura confesses that she is afraid that Scotty will get tired of waiting for her to feel passion again and will leave her for someone else. He asks her to trust him, to believe in him. A clueless Scotty invites Luke and Bobbie to join him and Laura and go together to the cocktail party at the Q's and then onto the ball at the Quartermaine's.

While Luke is trying on his tux, Mr. Smith comes in to tell Luke that he is bringing his daughter Jennifer to the party tonight. He tells Luke that Jennifer doesn't know anything about his business dealings as she only knows about his construction and real estate dealings. Luke promises to discreet. Bobbie apologizes to Ruby that she wasn't invite to the Q cocktail party, but Ruby doesn't care, as she is thrilled to be going to the ball and feels like Cinderella.    

Luke arrives to pick up Bobbie and warns her to be discreet as well. Laura, Scotty, Brian, and Claudia all arrive and they take off for the Q party. Frank arrives at the Q's with his daughter Jennifer. Luke and friends arrive just after and he is introduced to Jennifer and immediately begins to flirt with her. He invites her to come by the disco one night. Laura notices Luke's interest in Jennifer. Bobbie also notices and warns Luke to stay away from Frank's daughter. (Note, the ball isn't shown may not have aired given that they had a cocktail party at the Q's with much of the cast).

Scotty goes to the disco and asks Luke about the rape again. Scotty tells him about what happened at the rape session and his suspicions that Laura knows the guy and sees him on a daily basis at the disco. Scotty doesn't understand why Laura isn't telling him the truth but he insists he will find out!    

Leslie tells Laura that her and Rick have separated (he has slept with Monica) though Leslie refuses to tell Laura the reasons. As Leslie leaves, Rick comes in the hospital cafeteria. Laura assumes that they are separating because of Leslie, that it's her fault. Rick admits that Leslie wants the situation but it is his fault. He admits to having an affair, just one night while he wasn't even living with Leslie at the time. Rick tells Laura that he was honest with Leslie about the affair; this persuades Laura that she has been right not to tell Scotty the truth.

Luke comes upon a crying Laura in the park. She tells him about her parents splitting up. She is disappointed that Rick being honest with Leslie caused them to separate. He tells her they more problems with Scotty, and tells her about his earlier encounter and how Scotty is sure she knows the man and he is determined to find out who it is.    

Jan, 1980 Bobbie warns Luke again about his involvement with Frank Smith, how he will be putting pushers in the club, and he will bring in prostitutes. Bobbie begs him to leave town, she will go away with him, anywhere he wants to go. He says he can't, even if he wanted to. Bobbie says that's what scares her, "Do you even want to anymore?" 

Bobbie runs into Scotty, they sit and have coffee. He tells her about Rick and Leslie. Scotty tells Bobbie that Laura was going to tell him the truth about who raped her and now she has pulled away again. He just knows that she is seeing the guy on regular basis. Scotty tells Bobbie he has to find out how it was; finding out has become an obsession. Bobbie discourages him from seeking out the truth, that it can be a very dangerous thing, and can destroy people.    

Jennifer shows up at the disco and flirts with Luke. She tells him that Luke is on the approved list of men who are allowed to date Jennifer. They agree to be friends and shake on it, and Jennifer lets Luke know that she will be waiting for him to take advantage of being on "the list". Laura tells Luke that she is double dating, he suggests that she work a couple of hours on the early shift and can meet her friends at the disco and he will pick up the tab.

Jennifer comes into meet Luke for her lunch date. During lunch, Jennifer tells Luke she isn't going back to college, as she wants to stay in Port Charles and get to know her father. She asks him if he has any special girl in his life, and he says no. That surprises her. He invites her to come by the disco that night and they could have a late supper.    

Laura begins a friendship with Joanne, the girl she met at the rape group. Joanne had been raped by someone she knew and when Laura got upset and ran out, Joanne realized that hit home with Laura. Laura pretty much admits that to Joanne. Joanne's husband mentions it to Scotty that he also noticed Laura's reaction and is very sure that Laura knows the guy, which only increases Scotty's own suspicions.    

Jennifer runs into Laura and recognizes her as being a good friend of Luke's. Jennifer says that she senses a great loneliness in Luke. She asks Laura what her competition is?

Luke is worried about Bobbie when she wants to sit and drink in the middle of the day. She tells him there won't be anyone for her like Roy. She continues to worry about his association with Frank. He tells her he has made an effort to keep her out of his business. He tells her to put on her hottest outfit and come out to the disco tonight. He tells her he is moving forward with his life, and it isn't going to be easy for him to get over Laura but he is going to try. He warns her that she isn't going to move forward by turning to alcohol.    

1/18/80 Studio Episode Counter on, good quality. Jennifer and Luke show up at the disco, Laura tells Luke that Bobbie needs a ride. Jennifer begs to go with him to pick up Bobbie and complains she hasn't even met Ruby yet. Luke realizes that Bobbie set it up for him to bring Jennifer over to Ruby's, Luke informs Bobbie that Jennifer is too classy to look down her nose at Elm Street or Ruby.

Back at the disco, Joanne and her husband, Scotty, Amy, Claudia and Brian all arrive for the evening out. Then Luke, Bobbie, and Jennifer arrive and the place is jumping! Later in the evening, Luke gets jealous when Laura and Scotty slow dance and kiss. He puts on "Rise" (the song playing when he raped her) and heats up the dance floor with Jennifer. Laura runs out crying. Bobbie catches on and confronts Luke about why Laura was crying. Luke plays dumb, but Bobbie has figured out that music was playing when Luke raped her. Seeing how upset Laura was, seems like Bobbie finally believes it.

Classic Scenes - Bobbie tells him that playing that song was a vicious thing to do. He admits he can't stand Scotty Baldwin; he can't stand to see Laura with him. Scotty realizes that the song "Rise" has something to do with Laura's rape, he insists that she quit her job. He talks her into giving her two-week notice.    

A furious Laura confronts Luke in his office. He continues to play dumb and insists it was a coincidence. He apologizes but admits that he couldn't stand seeing her with Scotty and had to put a stop to it. She can't believe he could be that cruel. She tells him that her and Scotty will be happier than ever and there is nothing he can do about it. She then tells Luke she is quitting and gives him her two-week notice. She tells him she has hated every moment of working at the disco, and hates him.

Bobbie comes in and Laura tells her she will be very happy to learn that Laura has quit her job and is surprised that Bobbie doesn't look happier. Laura continues, "You keep telling me that I don't belong her at the Campus Disco, that I don't belong in Luke's world or yours because I haven't had the advantage of being born on Elm Street. Well Bobbie, I finally realized how very very right you are. I know now that I don't belong anywhere near either one of you!" and slams out of Luke's office.

When Laura returns home, she apologizes for ruining the evening. Scotty tells her that one day he hopes that she will tell him the truth that she wasn't raped in the park and it was by someone she knows. She tells him that when she is ready to talk about that night she will. She knows he has questions about that night, and so does she. He picks her up and carries her to bed.

Later that night, Luke takes Jennifer home. She tells him that she especially likes Laura and Scotty. She tells him it is very refreshing to see a brother and sister who are so caring for each other. Jennifer comes onto Luke, kisses him.

The next day, a noisy Bobbie comes in for information on his date with Jennifer. She insists she doesn't care who he dates then admits that yes she does care. She warns him again to stay away from Mr. Smith's daughter as she is going to be trouble for him. He tells her that she is important to him as she can help him get over Laura and perhaps climb the corporate ladder.

Luke wants to move Ruby into a nicer apartment on the other side of town. She tells him she is happy where she is as her friends are there and she wouldn't be happy on the other side of town. Scotty calls Luke and tells him he wants to give him a check for what they owe him (he loaned Laura the money for Scotty's law books). Ruby wants to know why talking to Scotty bothered him so much. He tells her that sometimes its just hard seeing Laura and Scotty together.

Scotty meets with Luke at the disco and pays him back the money Luke loaned them for Scotty's law books. Scotty tells Luke he can't wait to pass the bar as then he will make more money and Laura won't have to work. He says he would rather Laura be home, and maybe start a family. Though he continues that it might be too soon as Laura only recently thought she might have been pregnant from the rape. He says he plans on just waiting till Laura will confide in him more.

Luke takes that moment to ask if Laura has told him anymore about the rape. Scotty says no but he is sure Laura knows more than she is telling. He admits to feeling caveman about someone else touching his wife and is surprised that he feels capable of killing someone!      Some guy named Greg stops by to talk to Laura, he leaves his notebook behind. Scotty returns home and finds his notebook, and Laura doesn't mention that Greg was at their apartment.

Scotty goes to Luke and asks him about Greg, and says he used to date Laura. He then tells Luke he thinks the song "Rise" has something to do with Laura's rape as he also noticed how upset she became that night it was playing when she ran out of the disco. 

Laura and Scotty head to GH when the Quartermaine Baby (AJ), has to have heart surgery. Luke and Jennifer take Bobbie over there and they also wait for word. While there, Luke tells Laura about Scotty suspecting Greg. She is irate over Scotty's continuing suspicions. Laura blames Luke for putting on Rise that night. Luke admits to Laura that he still cares about her and he is trying very hard to not have that hurt Laura. He tells her he is trying to move forward and is dating.

He says he had some crazy idea that night that if he put "Rise" on and danced with Jennifer that Laura would be jealous. He says now that he realizes she will only love her husband. He asks her forgiveness for loving her too much. She says she is trying to forgive him. Luke admits to Laura it was rape and tells her that night he forced himself on her that wasn't Luke Spencer. He comments that she seems happy, she agrees that she is. She continues in two more nights she will be done with the disco and will be home with her husband where she belongs. Laura asks Luke how he could put on that song while she was dancing with Scotty. He admits he freaked when he saw her with Scotty and couldn't control his response. He tells her he still cares about her but he is trying very hard to not hurt her. Jennifer makes an offhand comment to Luke about Roy being in the mob, Bobbie overhears and takes offense and bites her head off.

Later, Luke reams Bobbie and tells her to be more careful as Jennifer does not know what her father, Frank Smith, is into and if Bobbie messes up Luke will not be able to help her. He warns her not to say something stupid to Jennifer about Frank's business. 


Luke and Laura talk about this being her last night at the disco. Luke promises Laura that he will try to stay out of her life. Luke admits to raping her that night, he tells her he doesn't understand how he could have done that. He asks her if she could try to forgive him, that if she could that it might be easier for him to stay away from him. She tells him that she has forgiven him. She tells him that if he is ever in any trouble she will be there for him, as she knows he will be there for her. Luke later tells her he wants her to be happy, and part of him knows that is away from the disco with her at home with her husband. 


Luke is dancing with Jennifer and Laura runs out crying and goes to Luke's office. Luke follows her to the office and asks what is wrong? He tells her that he understands how she is feeling, that there is so much unfinished business between them, still. He touches her face, pulls her into his arms and kisses her and she kisses him back. She then pulls away and slaps him, tells him she is going home to her husband and says she never wants to see him again.  **The End**

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