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(Created on 3/16/03)



My Autobiography

    I was born on March 8, 1955, in a peasant village in Dolores, San Fernando Pampanga, about 40 miles north of Manila. I am the eldest sibling of Natividad Kabigting Aguirre from Victoria,Tarlac and Ricardo Carreon David Sr from San Fernando, Pampanga. My mother was a dressmaker, while my father is a construction painter and agricultural laborer. My parents were industrious and honest and thought me virtue of hard work, honesty and above all fear and love to the Creator. We are Roman Catholic and I was baptized at the San Fernando Cathedral.

    It should have been a completely happy family, but sad event struck us when I was 11 years old. My father passed away at young age while at work. He was big lost and left my mother to strive more in order to provide us a decent living. Together with my brother, Renato, two years younger than me, we performed most of the household chores at those young ages, to assist our mother who turned to be the breadwinner. We fetched water, cooked our food, gathered firewood, and washed our clothes at those young age. There was little time to play with the children in the neighborhood.

    Despite the lost of my father, my mother provided us ample support our education.. With her close guidance and encouragement, I graduated valedictorian in the elementary at the Dolores Elementary School. I remember in those days there was no electricity in our dwelling and I did my homework using crude kerosene lamp. Transportation to and from the barrio is rare and I walked my way to school. Today, that place is entirely different for it is one of the highly urbanized areas in the province. This agricultural and traditional community has turned into a sprawling commercial district.

    After elementary, we transferred to my mother’s hometown in Victoria, Tarlac about 100 miles north of Manila. With the help of my grandfather, I completed High School. That old man was strict and a disciplinarian but I never regretted to be under his authority. His regimented handling bore positive result for I and my brother graduated the high school as salutatorians. He was a man of honor and with high sense of delicadeza.  Many barrio folks talked many good things about him because of his kindness and goodness.

    With that high school scholastic achievement, I entered college as scholar and pursued engineering course, but, my ambition then was to be a lawyer. By twist of event in 1972, I suddenly found myself competing to be one of the cadets of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA), a prestigious government military institution in the country. I saw the outstanding transformation of the Philippine society at the early stage of the Martial law, which motivated me to join me the military organization. I passed the examination and after those extensive medical and physical tests, I finally joined the ranks of other Filipino youth in the fields of Fort Gregorio del Pilar. The PMA ground had transformed me into a new man and a professional soldier.  For four long years the institution prepared me to become a leader of men imbued with the value of honor, loyalty and courage. In March 1, 1977 I graduated and became a second lieutenant in the Philippine Army.

    I was assigned as platoon leader, then as a company commander of the 36th Infantry Battalion, 4th Infantry Division in the Southern Philippines. The battalion operated against the Moro National Liberation Front in the area of Zamboanga and Basilan. My relatives related to me that seventy years ago my grandfather (father side) fought similar war as member of the Philippine Scout under then the United State Army.

    In the later part of my career, I served as a Battalion Commander in Northern part of the country leading the 50th Infantry Battalion against the New People’s Army, a communist armed organization. The communist insurgency movement has been a threat to the Philippine security for about three and half decades. Prior to my schooling at the Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey, California I served as the Operations Officer of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, J3.

    I am married to Merilou Malacay who hails from Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao. We are blessed with two sons. Russel, 20 years old is a cadet at the Philippine Military Academy while Rommel is a 3rd year Electronics Communication Engineering student of De La Salle University.

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